salvation by works

  1. bcbsr

    The Forefathers of the Salvation by Works Christians

    The Forefathers of the Salvation by Works Christians The most serious deviation from a scriptural view of salvation is found in those who make salvation contingent upon one's performance. While today this soteriology can be found in various sects of Christianity, I believe it's origin to be...
  2. bcbsr

    Jesus and Paul on Justification by the Law

    Jesus on Justification by the Law As I stated in a previous thread, salvation by works Christians typically confuse verses which speak of justification by law as if they are speaking of justification by faith. Here Jesus is speaking of justification by the Law. Luke 10:25-28 On one occasion...
  3. bcbsr

    Righteousness by Law versus by Faith

    Righteousness by Law versus by Faith The Bible contrasts the Righteousness which is by one's compliance to the Law versus the Righteousness which is by faith apart from the law. Note for example Romans 10:4-6 Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. For Moses...