salvation by faith

  1. Justification/Righteousness/Salvation thru Faith Alone

    Justification/Righteousness/Salvation by Faith Alone Rom 4: 1 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather [a]humanly speaking, has found? [Has he obtained a favored standing?] 2 For if Abraham was justified [that is, acquitted from the guilt of his sins] by works [those things he did...
  2. W

    Recent experience with OCD, maybe this could help.

    Convert from the past year or so here, I suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder and what might be described as intrusive thoughts. Recently I had kind of a crisis of faith; I perceived a thought that was something like, this is your last chance. By not doing something, you've rejected Jesus...
  3. S


    My conversion started in Poland in 1983. At that time I had a girlfriend but because I drank alcohol too often, smoked etc., she finally left me. So to be able to have a chance to be with her again I decided to change my life. But, after some hopeless attempts I finally realized that in my case...
  4. Saying my first "Hello" after 5 months...

    :hi: Hello, all. I am a member on Worthy Christian Forums. A friend of mine on WCF mentioned this place (CF) to me back in June of this year. I immediately became a member. I was extremely excited to see that there was another forum for believers; it seems this type of forum (a "christian"...

    Romans 11:25–27 (NASB95) 25 "For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; 26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is...

    Hi all wanted to update this one to show that faith in God's Word alone is the sole source of eternal life. Those who seek to tear it down do so at their own peril. In it is the light of life and without it there is only darnkess. Those who do not come to the light (the Word) do not come lest...