
  1. Q

    Can a Christian relationship last long and happy when the couple has little to nothing in common with each other ?

    If the only thing they share in common is political views and Faith views can the relationship work good and well in the long run ?
  2. Q

    Is it hard to find Christian close friends?

    I go to church on a regular basis and I stay after the service to socialize but I find it hard to connect with many of my church members. They are my friends but I don’t have a real close bond with none of them because we don’t have too much in common. Is this issue common?
  3. Q

    What is a woman role in a Godly marriage these days ?

    Besides caring for children what are they supposed to provide for the man they are with ? Companionship can only go so far with them since we cannot be vulnerable So honestly what is the role Biblical Scripture are appreciated
  4. Q

    How much should you have in common with a significant other to make the relationship work besides our faith ?

    Can the relationship just work from shared values and beliefs or is interests and hobbies really important too ?
  5. Q

    Should a man in a Godly relationship compliment how beautiful his girlfriend is daily ?

    I know looks starts the initiation of the relationship but should a man compliment his girlfriend or WIFE looks daily in a Christian relationship? Or is that vain and sign of insecurities and being carnal from the women she’s in need of compliments or the man being desperate
  6. Q

    What does it mean when a Christian woman tells a Christian man he isn’t physically loving her enough in the relationship ?

    What does this mean for a non-married couple ? Does this mean more hugs or kisses ? ?
  7. Q

    What are signs your in a relationship with a carnal Minded Christian ?

    What signs would show he or she got their minds all on themselves?
  8. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian couple to cuddle close to each other ?

    Is cuddling on each in the couch acceptable in Christian relationships or is that opening the door for Fornication ?
  9. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian to have a few close friends who aren’t Christians ?

    Is it wrong for a Christian to have a few close friends who are good friends but aren’t Christian and don’t lead the Christian believer into sin ?
  10. Q

    What are signs of an Emotionally immature Christian women ?

    I know we as Christians will never be perfect as much as we try to be Christ-like but are some signs a Godly woman has some ways to go in being mature in her emotions especially in her mid-twenties to late-twenties.
  11. A

    Should I pray for my lukewarm babies father?

    So I met my babies daddy when I was living in the world very lukewarm we ended up having relations and I got pregnant on my way to abort the child my sister had a dream that I was about to abort my child and warned my family so they prayed against the abortion and I kept the child me and the...
  12. What's Up!

    I've been looking for Christian groups to post to and have good discussions on faith and life in general. Hopefully this forum will serve that end.
  13. E

    Clarity on my situation

    I’m coming to this post with a very open mind because I’m starting to feel tremendous heartache. I feel like giving up. Last year I met a woman who not only changed my life but who renewed my relationship with god and helped me become a better man. I recently had a overnight transformation...
  14. J

    My partner cheated on me

    Hello, so I have been seeing this guy for about 7 months, previously we used to be really big players and he was a really big player before we started seeing each other, but i asked for 3 conformations from God to show me if this guy was the man he wanted me to marry and yes I did see the 3...
  15. How Does God Want Relationships to be?

    My boyfriend and I decided to take a break for awhile, as we have been having a lot of problems with our relationship. We're not sure if wwe'll get back together, but if we do, I would like to feel ready. I think our problem when we were together was that we did things our way, not God's way...