
  1. friendofsthomobonus

    Hi, fellow Christians

    I'm a college student who grew up and was baptized in the non-denominational Protestant faith tradition. I'm currently enrolled in RCIA classes at my local Catholic parish and set to be confirmed and take First Holy Eucharist in the Church on Easter Vigil of 2022. I already have a patron Saint...
  2. BrAndreyu


    There was another article on here that I just got finished reading about a woman who started a pro-life women's health ministry and she has a quote This got me thinking about the differences in evangelism between Catholics and the protestants, specifically evangelicals. It strikes me as harder...
  3. mrschavez2124

    Mass & COVID

    Hi! So I'm currently in RCIA, and I've never actually got a chance to attend mass in person. I've watched them online, but our parish is only allowing registered parishioners to attend mass. Is there any way I can still experience the entirety of mass? It just doesn't feel the same because I'm...
  4. G19shooter

    Crossing oneself during RCIA dismissal?

    Wow, I can't believe it's been two years since I was last on this forum. Anyways, in that time, my agnostic wife has actually accepted the fact that I am going to become Catholic--we don't fight about it anymore, and she even asks questions about the faith (in a non-confrontational manner)...
  5. Daniel Keeran


    SHARE FREELY TO START THE CONVERSATION https://www.academia.edu/28209757/Claims_of_Jesus_of_Nazareth_fridge_poster_
  6. G19shooter

    Getting married in the Church required to complete RCIA?

    I'll try to keep this brief. My wife and I got married in city hall when both her and I were not Christian. Some time after we got married I started going to churches. Eventually I got Baptized in the Episcopal Church, but after some time felt like the truth was still out there. I found the...