
  1. S

    Genesis Covenant Rainbow - Truth or fable?

    Genesis Covenant Rainbow - Truth or fable? Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Genesis believes it is the first time rainbows appeared - far past Creation and Adam and Eves time; how...
  2. Zoii

    It's raining, It's raining

    I am so excited. Its raining and its soaking bushfires, flowing into creeks and filling dams that havent seen water in four years. I'm laughing :) Our country is smiling. We are not over our bushfires - but this is just amazing.
  3. SpiritSong

    Flooding/ Excess Rains Expected SW NorthCarolina Later this wk

    We have saturated land already from a lot of excess rain in South West North Carolina and now we are expecting a lot more rain! Please pray for us. Cities like Murphy, Andrews, Cherokee, and also Eastern Tenn and eastern GA will probably be affected. They are predicting flooding in the lower...
  4. Greatcloud

    Raindrops on America

    Raindrops on America Splash down upon the earth cities and fields. Feed the flowers nutrition from water we grow. We know we need the rain in all places we live. People birds and flowers. Heavenly showers crisscrossing America Coming down in waves. Feed flowers growing on graves...
  5. Drought of the Heart

    South Texas Prompts Flash Flood Emergencies???

    Heavy rain was falling in Victoria, Corpus Christi and McAllen, where hundreds of migrants seeking entry into the United States await processing at a detention center. There were no immediate reports of problems at the center because of the rain. Flash floods strike coastal south Texas...
  6. Drought of the Heart

    Amos 4

    What great timing God can have . Amos became one of my favorites when putting the book together. Amos did not go to Seminary and so he was rejected and ignored by the system of man, nothing has changed. Amos picked fruit and was a herder God chose him to bring a message no one wanted to hear...
  7. Emli


    I asked God if I could start sharing all the wonderful stories I have about Him and the things He has done for me. But I'm so nervous. I've gotten so attacked in the past for it. Been called a liar, for reasons I understand from a worldly perspective, but not from those who claim to love God...