
  1. MorkandMindy

    How has our version of neoliberalism worked out?

    Elements of both parties have to bear the shame of this, or was that share the blame? The liberalism term comes from laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism rather than from classical liberalism. The result of applying neoliberalism in the US has been to open low income...
  2. MorkandMindy

    How not to be stupid about politics

    Everyone could understand politics if everyone - especially the 'Think Tanks' - would stop lying. For example Neoliberalism was sold to the public on the basis that it would reduce prices. That it would do so by moving production out of the country and we would therefore be sending a lot of...
  3. MorkandMindy

    What is the right balance?

    It is laziness that allows people not to see both sides of an argument, that and arrogance, wanting to continue to hold the stand you took, perhaps many years ago, when you started voicing an opinion in politics, having entered from either the right or the left. I would suggest the right...
  4. MorkandMindy

    One must tear off one's own head

    Way back in the early 1980s with Ronald Reagan Neoliberalism came on the scene in the US, with Margaret Thatcher in England and a multitude of different leaders in different countries. As it was explained to me it is the economic underpinnings of globalization, that a large part of every type...
  5. MorkandMindy

    Why the (almost) World-wide shift to the right?

    We have been told that when the Berlin Wall fell on November 9 1989 and then the Soviet Union began to dissolve in Dec 1991, it was the proof that Communism doesn't work and therefore that the right wing was right. It could conversely be said that Yeltsin's adoption of the free market in Russia...
  6. MorkandMindy

    What is the right concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere?

    A big Democrat / Republican dividing issue - is anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission going to end or severely harm the human race? And that because it is, therefore we must cut our carbon emissions by moving our factories to other countries.