
  1. How the Moon pinpoints the Date of the Cross?

    In times past, scholars realized the answer lay in finding the phases of the moon. Inquiries were made to national observatories and astronomical societies, but information had to be eked out, a question at a time. Today however, highly accurate lunar software is available to layman and...
  2. T

    Did Men Really Walk On The Moon?

    Please stay on topic. No talk of flat earth, aliens, Donald Trump, covid, or other unrelated topics. Please, DO NOT DOUBLE POST.
  3. 'Forgotten Astronaut' Michael Collins Dies

    'Forgotten Astronaut' Michael Collins Dies
  4. Moon Hoax of 1835 posted for amusement

    " In late August of 1835, readers of the New-York Sun encountered an incredible story in its pages. The newspaper was among the inexpensive “penny press” that began publication during the 1830s and drew a large new readership with lower prices and a more narrative style of journalism than...
  5. Sheep among Lunar Wolves

    This is interesting...I have the beginning & the ending of the story written, but nothing in the middle! ^_^ In any case, what I'm interested in hearing feedback on is the ending. The story is about being sent as sheep among wolves; missionaries! I've always had a deep appreciation for...
  6. Indian Scientists Make Space Bricks With Urine For Buildings On Moon

    "The process uses urea, sourced from urine and lunar soil as raw materials for construction on moon." Indian Scientists Make Space Bricks With Urine For Buildings On Moon
  7. Making air from Moon dust: Scientists create a prototype oxygen plant

    Making air from Moon dust: Scientists create a prototype oxygen plant Not only does this technique release/create oxygen, it also produces metal alloys.
  8. Nasa unveils new spacesuit for next Moon landing

    Nasa unveils new spacesuit for next Moon landing
  9. Lunacy

    Bipolar mood cycles and lunar tidal cycles So lunar cycles have been conclusively connected to Mood changes and manic phases in certain subset of Bipolar Mood Disorder. The old ideas of Lunacy and being Moonstruck seem to have been vindicated. Astrology finally got on the board after the...
  10. Did Joshua Stop the Sun?

    According to Joshua 10: 9-15, Joshua asked God to stop the sun in the sky. Both the sun and the moon stopped for some hours, during a battle. God assured that the Israelite army would have enough light to pursue the enemy. The story is a bit puzzling. According to the Book of Joshua, the enemy...
  11. The Moon

    These photo's were taken about a month ago. Believe it or not they were all taken through a window. The last one isn't as clear as the first two because the moon was moving fast.
  12. Lunar Lava Tubes as Shelters on the Moon

    When we thought about lunar colonization back in the 1960s we imagined the construction of translucent domes or perhaps installations similar to the ones depicted in the TV series Space 1999 with rectangular buildings spread out on the lunar surface. But as the dangers of radiation were...
  13. Our Seemingly Nearby Moon

    This is a thread posted with the purpose of discussing the moon and its relationship to our Earth. Please strive to keep feedback in harmony with its purpose. Otherwise the thread will be derailed. If indeed you wish to discuss another totally unrelated subject, please post a thread for it in...
  14. Trump Wants NASA to Visit Jupiter's Moon Europa!

    Now we are cooking with gasoline! Man! This is a great time to be alive! I mean, why the moon when we can reach for the stars! Go for it Donald! Heh! Heh! FORGET MARS, TRUMP WANTS NASA TO VISIT JUPITER’S MOON EUROPA AND EXPLORE THE SOLAR SYSTEM The Inquisitr
  15. Beautiful Moon Dream

    I had this dream last night that really stood out. I'm pretty sure it meant something since it was a double dream. Dream 1: I was laying in my bed alone wishing that I could snuggle with my bf but he was nowhere to be found. I was laying in the dark sad and alone. All of a sudden I noticed a...