
  1. How can universalists read these passages and yet still believe everyone goes to heaven?

    Please read the following passages. They clearly state not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 8 34 When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 35...
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    The remnant of God, will be preserved

    Hi there, Frequently we talk about the remnant being saved, in the Old Testament - but few realise that the remnant being saved, extends to the remnant of God. The just shall live by faith, this extends even to God - He must endure destruction, that is the destruction of His Power, to secure...
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    What It Means To Fear God

    This is what it means to fear God... Judgement day is today; the eyes of the judge are on you at this very moment, so prove your case to him while it is time. A blind faith that Jesus came so that God's eyes have been made blind to a corrupted life is an ignorant hope. Jesus came to show each...
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    What it means to fear God

    This is what it means to fear God... Judgment day is today; the eyes of the judge are on you at this very moment, so prove your case to him while it is time. A blind faith that Jesus came so that God's eyes have been made blind to a corrupted life is an ignorant hope. Jesus came to show each...
  5. Unjustified Imputed Guilt

    Unjustified Imputed Guilt Many hold to a version of imputed guilt whereby God reckons people guilty of crimes they haven't actually committed. That itself would seem to be a definition of injustice. In fact some such people I have spoken to will end up saying in defense, "God is not just in...
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    If Jesus took the punishment for all sinners, why doesn't he go to Hell?

    Hi. This is a serious question. Im questioning everything at the moment, maybe its just a crisis, maybe the Holy Spirit is guiding me, because i pray to be led in all truth and to see all lies... If Jesus took my punishment - hell for eternity - why then got he resurrected to sit on the...
  7. The God Series. - Just !

    Just. No matter how good or bad your life may seem; everyone at some point in their life is unjustified by those opposed to them, often from their closest associates and even family. Those who seek to accuse you and destroy all that you may hold in principle, especially as it pertains to your...
  8. Those That Reject God

    Those that don't believe in hell are not christian because they do not believe in the idea of salvation or the consequence of sin. nor the reality that we need saving. This stems from the idea that a person wants to be partial for the sake of comfortability and is luke warm in their faith, if...