
  1. C

    Prayer for job

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for Dwayne St George to get a new job and everything associated with the job he has asked the Lord for. Thank you for all your prayer.
  2. C

    Prayer for job

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for Dwayne St George to get a new job and everything associated with the job he has asked the Lord for. Thank you for all your prayer.
  3. C

    Prayer for job

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for Dwayne St George to get a new job with all that He has asked the Lord for associated with this job. Thank you for all your prayer.
  4. C

    Work and Deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne .
  5. C

    Work and deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne .
  6. C

    Job and deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne .
  7. C

    Job and Deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne .
  8. C

    Job and Deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne .
  9. C

    Job and deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne .
  10. C

    Job and deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne St George.
  11. C

    Prayer for new job and deliverance

    Good day ,can you pray for me to get a new job, the Lord knows the job I'm asking for and deliverance in my mind please, for Dwayne St George.
  12. linux.poet

    1 Timothy 5:8 and my messed-up life

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  13. YahuahSaves

    Do you believe God can use satan as a tool to test our faith?

    I do.
  14. linux.poet

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    Is there a link between Genesis 3:14 & Job 1:7?

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  16. Through the Shadow

    Please Pray for my Sick Brother

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  17. Canada90

    How do I prayer for job?

    How should I prayer for job? Ifeel on my own i end up not in best jobs. In the past I used to prayer and God used to provide me with a job to small details, but not all things used to be perfect like not all people at work were very good. Should I prayer not on specific details, but prayer...
  18. Alistair_Wonderland

    Finding artistic work with social anxiety?

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  19. pantingdeer

    Fed up of being me

    I’m really fed up of being me. Everyone else out there seems to have likes and interests but I never really have any. I went to college not really knowing what major to do and I just thought everything would work itself out and I’d eventually find something that I enjoy. Well, that never...
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    Possible pyramid scheme/ponzi scheme?

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