
  1. M

    God's City and The Resurrection.

    John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Where is the house of Jesus's Father? What are the mansions? In Revelation 21:2-3 it tells us where the house of the Father is. It is not located on earth, but it is...
  2. G

    Babylon cracks a joke: "Let me repeat, that"

    Har har, Babylon cracks a joke: "Let me repeat, that" The anti-Christ says "who me?" The false prophet says "no, not anyone" The Devil says "why?" And the god of the abyss says "why not now?" (its supposed to sound silly!)
  3. M

    Do you ever just feel like most peoples fruit is bad?

    I mean I do but not in the way I worded the question. We have all this time to do stuff for Jesus but it's like we don't do it and I'm like, bad fruit. So do you ever doubt that people who claim to be Christian are actually on the narrow path to the Father? I was reading some comments on a...