final judgment

  1. keras

    John 3:16....Eternal life - When?

    The teaching that some will receive spiritual bodies, immortality; at or even before Jesus Returns, is not scriptural. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:54-56....when this perishable body has been clothed with immortality; THEN this prophecy will come true: Death where is your victory, where is...
  2. Choir Loft


    All Christians agree that God is love, but how can a loving God condone eternal torture even for people who deserve it? The Holy See recently published a statement denying the existence of hell. This statement became immediately controversial because it seemed to deny divine justice...
  3. seeking633

    Potential error in interpretation of Sheep and Goats parable

    I've been encountering what I believe is the most popular interpretation of the Sheep and Goats parable. This states that the Sheep are the believers and the Goats, the non-believers. I am convinced that this interpretation is incorrect. Here's my reasoning. In the parable, Christ has gathered...