
  1. Getting Back in Shape

    When I went into the 7th grade I was picked on, bullied and beaten up repeatedly. One time they held me down and slammed a door on my head and gave me a concussion. One day in PE they took us in a room with a Universal Gym and we started lifting weights. I could bench press more than anyone...
  2. Sydney Hike

    Anyone up for a day hike? And Scripture reading? A small group would be nice for exercise and fellowship. I could do with stretching my legs especially since the air is clean and the smoke haze has passed, hallelujah. Location. Open to suggestions. I know a few bush tracks and sites nearby...
  3. V

    Fitness and diet

    I was at the store wondering whether to buy low fat milk or soy milk. Unfortunately my local stores don't sell fat free milk, which is best for my diet. The low fat milk didn't have added sugar, but it had a lot more saturated fat than the soy milk. Of course the low fat milk would've been a...
  4. M

    I want to do exercise but I don't want to be a stumbling block...

    Hi, I'm a guy and I have always struggled with this concept. It's hard to understand what exactly could prove to be a stumbling block to sisters. As a result I don't know where to draw the line? Is it damaging to exercise and gain some muscle bulk in the process?? Which muscle groups prove to...
  5. D

    eye health

    Hi, my name is Dan and does anyone have any suggestions how simple exercises and relax my eyes??
  6. How do I know if I'm gaining weight from muscle and exercising a lot or system shock..

    ..from eating such low calories in the past 2 or 3 years? How do I know which one it really is? Because, I mean I do exercise a lot now a days. I've walked for 5 and 10 miles at a time too, but I've put on nearly 40 pounds over the past year and even when I ate small I gain weight. It's not my...
  7. My Medicines Cause Weight Gain, What To Do?

    The medicines that my Dr.s prescribe cause significant weight gain. It is not just water weight, but real, especially around my midriff. I am in my mid-60s and just checked in at the Dr.s yesterday weighing 191 pounds. I am 5'6" or so. I exercise for half an hour 5 days per week. It is a...
  8. Workout for Worship:

    A workout based on Psalm 3 with a reading and short talk:
  9. Workout For Worship:

  10. S

    Yoga, Qi Gong, Martial Arts?

    I wanted to ask has anyone here done or do yoga, Qi Gong and/or Martial Arts? If so do you have any resources for learning more about it and your own experiences? I'm not sure how these fit into the Christian Faith and what Christianity thinks of yoga, qi gong or martial arts though.
  11. Healthy Diet and Excercise Tips!

    I give God the Father the thanks, praise and glory, in the name of Jesus, for the following information about diet and exercise! First of all, ask God to give you the help and grace, to eat a healthy diet. He will do it for you, if you ask! God is concerned about not only healing our bodies...
  12. Kickboxing

    Hi y'all! I'm interested in starting kickboxing and was wondering if anyone here knew a thing or two about the type of (not extremely bulky) equipment I need for starters. Any particular brand I should look or stay away from? I would like to get a standing punching bag and gloves first, so...