evolutionary ethics

  1. Establishing Secular Morality

    I'm not trying to re-hash my old thread so I thought I would try and do it more directly through questions and get your guys actual opinions & reasoning rather than writing a bunch of posts that amount to epistemological essays. Don't get me wrong, I'll still object and expect you guys to do the...
  2. Can Theory of Probability be applied to Biology?

    many people ask, ``if a man is descended from monkeys, then why aren't today's monkeys turning into humans?'' I heard the official answer like in a fairy tale: ``a long time ago a small group (separated from a herd of monkeys) found hallucinogenic mushrooms (or fermented berries) in the forest...
  3. Non-respect is Disrespect? Non-love is Hatred?

    In the attached article is proven: 1. Charles Darwin's book must be rethinking, 2. The current state of Darwin research led to divorces and DisLove. 3. Is War of Genders the real war? Quote: Do you respect nobody until you make friends with them? Therefore, you dis-respect people of Estonia...
  4. Where do you get your morals from?

    As an atheist, I don't think that humans get a top down morality imposed on them from an outside source. Instead, human morality has been developed from the bottom up. Just like every other physical and mental trait that humans possess, our conscience has evolved because it has helped our...
  5. Pearl Jam’s Evaluation of “Evolutionary Ethics”

    In 1998, the hard rock group, Pearl Jam, released an animated music video that, for right or wrong, is somewhat profound in its scope and its envisagement of the negative outcomes and possibilities of Social/Technological Evolution in history, particularly that which may be seen as it is...