Search results

  1. corvus_corax

    Deflection/bending of light

    So we all know that light can be deflected around a gravitational object e.g. the sun. So does this mean that light, in such a situation, "slows down" a bit as it's deflected around the object? I apologize in advance, I'm obviously thinking in "classical physics", much like driving a car around...
  2. corvus_corax

    I shatter your kneecap

    Stolen from HERE "Perhaps it only appears that I broke your kneecap. Certainly, all the evidence points to the hypothesis I broke your kneecap. For example, your kneecap is broken; it appears to be a fresh wound; and I am holding a baseball bat, which is spattered with your blood. However, a...
  3. corvus_corax

    A question about a weird series of memories

    I'm posting this in the science forum due to the fact that I would like some actual explanation from the fields of science. NB- I don't do drugs, except for coffee, two or three cups per day. Two nights ago, I was sitting at my computer, and suddenly I was RUSHED with what felt like a...
  4. corvus_corax

    Wireless routers

    Can anyone give me a brand of a good, STABLE, affordable wireless router? We are looking at hooking up two laptops, and two gaming systems (xbox 360 and PS2 via an adapter) Quite simply, I don't want the connection dropping out every few minutes I've been to consumer reports and every time I...
  5. corvus_corax

    So how difficult is it..... become a Canadian citizen? I know that one must live there legally for 3 years, but is it difficult to get legal immigration status to begin with? Yes, Im a US citizen looking at eventually moving up north, and becoming a citizen.
  6. corvus_corax

    Need some advice from violinists

    I'm seriously thinking about taking up the violin. However, once I start, I might find that I don't like it (hey, it happens). Because of that, I don't want to outright spend $200+ USD on a 4/4 student violin. Additionally, honestly we just don't have that kind of money right now for this...
  7. corvus_corax

    Our very own Nathan Poe

    I don't know if this has been brought up already, but Nathan Poe and Poe's law were mentioned on HERE Long live and widely spread Poe's Law! :clap:
  8. corvus_corax

    Is this factual?

    From another forum (not CF) that I was reading- "Bill Wilson was an agnostic-bordering-on-atheist. Among other reasons, Bill was having trouble staying sober because much of the available help at the time (churches, the Canterbury groups) were religion-based. Bill espoused the idea of a...
  9. corvus_corax

    What is Electricity? (inspired by another thread)

    This was inspired by another thread that quickly fell to bickering, pseudo-science and Bible verses. So, scientifically speaking, I would like to know what it IS. Bible verses need not apply (since this is the Physical and Life Sciences sub-forum), unless said verses (and any other 'holy...
  10. corvus_corax

    Why block the 9/11 health care bill? WHY?!?

    Senate blocking bill From the article- "They [GOP] have said they will not vote for any legislation before they get a vote on the deal between the White House and congressional Republicans to extend Bush-era tax cuts and a number of other tax measures." Why are Bush era tax cuts MORE...
  11. corvus_corax

    The Last Airbender

    Formerly known as Avatar The Last Airbender on Nickelodeon. This is a review and WARNING, POSSIBLE SPOILERS!! Scroll down to continue. First off, don't waste your money purchasing the 3D glasses. Just see it in 2D. Yes, it's that flat in 3D. Quite...
  12. corvus_corax

    For the Jewish among us- Bereshit , Genesis 3

    In the Christian version of Bereshit, (Genesis 3 to be specific) 'the serpent' is mentioned. Specifically, (NIV) "Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman..." Is this meant as a specific serpent, or is it more like how one would...
  13. corvus_corax


    I love spiders I love monotremes But I really really love cephalopods!! So here's a thread (inspired by the "Spiders" thread) dedicated to cephalopods. First up, the "Blanket Octopus" And here (although this one may be a member of the Family...
  14. corvus_corax

    Reality TV

    About as "reality" based as 24 and Battlestar Galactica And Firefly, and Star Wars, etc. The main reason I hate it is because "reality TV" promotes itself as "REALITY TV". Which is about as "real" as the IPU is. Seriously. Not to mention the fact that it's just horrible overall. ETA- Watching...
  15. corvus_corax

    Science and Religion at Creation Museum

    From HERE. "In the singular moment (at the Creationist Museum) of noticeable conflict, Derek Rogers, a computer science major at Dalhouise University in Nova Scotia, Canada, was detained by guards for wearing a shirt with a slogan recently plastered on buses by activist groups that read...
  16. corvus_corax

    General relativity

    General relativity (a theory of gravity). No deity included. Therefore .... ...Discuss. I expect a lot of pigeons on this thread, but that's okay. Pigeons seem to be prevalent on this forum.
  17. corvus_corax

    The Salem Witch Trials

    Posted here because I feel this is more a Ethics/Morality question rather than a life science question So on to the question
  18. corvus_corax

    Non-Christian Marriage via a non Christian

    When I (as a non-Christian), legally marry this the correct moral/ethical thing to do? Yes I can do so (legally marry two people, in case anyone is wondering). For those who want to jump in and say "Jeez, another gay marriage thread", just stop right now. I have never...
  19. corvus_corax

    Coin collecting

    I have a 2006 "d" nickel in my possession. However, it is plated in copper. Even the dark tarnish of early copper oxidation is showing up. Anyone have any sources on this? Was this a regular run? Was this a "Collectors" run? Or is this is a freak of a coin? Sources would be appreciated...
  20. corvus_corax

    Any Atheists who do not accept the ToE?

    Inspired by THIS recently necro'd thread, I thought I would change the wording around a bit. Instead of "Are there any Atheist Creationists?", I would like to ask if there are any atheists who reject the biological Theory of Evolution? The difference in the wording may seem insignificant, but...