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  1. searle29678

    When it just can't get any worse....

    Ok, so I have a thought. I have had troubles lately regarding, car notes, power bills, etc.. I just can't seem to get to the point where my ends even wave at each other much less actually meet. LOL When I talk to other Christians about the issues they always say 'Pray about...
  2. searle29678

    Praise Report....Thanks for Prayers

    Hello everyone! Some of you may remember a thread from me several weeks ago regarding my husband and myself. He wasn't working and there were issues with drugs and friends that we were struggling with. His mother is a very devout Christian and could be a great influence on his life and he...
  3. searle29678

    Is it OK to leave your spouse home alone to hang out with your friends?

    Hey everyone! That question sounds simple enough, but I'm not talking about a 'guys night' or a 'girls night' where you plan to do something without your hubby or wife. Let me explain.... My husband is currently unemployed and he is at home all day while I am at work. Needless to say he...
  4. searle29678

    Hello everyone, it's been a while. I come seeking prayer. Much appreciated prayer!!

    Hello everyone! I have stumbled in my Christian walk but I really desperately seek to get back on the right track. I guess those that know me have realized I haven't been here in a loooonnng while. I have been with my husband for almost ten years and like most of you we have had our ups and...
  5. searle29678

    Long time no see....

    How is everyone doing? It's been so long I'm out of the may not even remember me!!!!!!!!
  6. searle29678

    For anyone who cares....HELLO!!!!

    :wave: :wave: Long time no thread! It has been a while since my last visit. Everything is going great and I have thought about ya'll quite a bit! Hope all of you are doing well...I'll try to stop in more often now that I'm back at work!
  7. searle29678

    Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace

    Ok...I was working at a mfg. plant until my job was sent to China. My boss's husband owned a cabinet shop and needed someone to help with designing and pricing, so here I am. When I first started I noticed a lot of inappropriate content searches and inappropriate content sites saved on the computer. At first I didn't do...
  8. searle29678

    If you could teach how to be married...

    I am thinking really strongly about developing a program with a local church or something (haven't thought out all of the details) on how to be married. I'm not talking about a gushy mushy get in touch with your feelings kind of class, but a real down to earth how to do it right kind of class...
  9. searle29678

    How Important is Self-Esteem?

    Looking at your own marriage, how important is each spouse's level of self-esteem? How much of a toll would it/does it take on you to constantly have to reassure your spouse that everything is ok? For example, constantly having to tell them how pretty/handsome they are, or that you are not...
  10. searle29678

    Book Recommendation

    I recently got a book from the library titled Marriage: Just A Piece of Paper? It talks about the statistics of marriage, divorce, and how it affects children and adults along with the consequences of cohabitation without a state license and many other issues. I know we talk a lot here...
  11. searle29678

    Getting married after you divorce...

    This is also in the women's forum, but I want some male opinions as well. I know that we all have our own views on divorce and what not. This thread is not an attempt to get anyone upset or hurt anyone's feelings. I know that most of us interpret scripture differently, especially when it...
  12. searle29678

    Secular Music...I'm on a roll...

    4jacks....I give the credit to you for bringing this up. Does secular music contribute to young people's views on marriage and sex and relationships or does it just reflect it? or maybe both? Do you think that listening to particular songs or types of music affects your attitudes? Do you...
  13. searle29678

    Redguard's thread got me to thinkin...

    about a conversation my husband and I had a few months ago. We were talking about cheating and the fact that we believe there are different degrees and which ones are more easily forgiven. The first type is the one night stand. You are away from your spouse on business, out with friends for a...
  14. searle29678

    Considering what you know now....

    Now that you are married and have some experience in the field what would you do if: 1. Your child came to you and wanted to get married at 18. The guy/girl is great and they really want your blessing, but you know in your heart of hearts that your little boy/girl just isn't ready. 2. Your...
  15. searle29678

    My best friend's wedding....

    My best friend is getting married and it is just kind of understood that I will be a bridesmaid. I'm excited, my husband however is not. I thought I would put this out there to see if he is being unreasonable or if I should go ahead and tell her that I can't be a part of her wedding. He has...
  16. searle29678

    Ever wonder what it takes to make your husband happy?

    I found this on and thought it might make for a good thread. What are your thoughts and do you agree or disagree? Is this a good 'map' for being a wife? I know that we cover submission and wifely duties over and over here, but I thought this was a good column on...
  17. searle29678

    One more from me....Mainly for the fellas, but ladies feel free to share

    In the almost two years that I have been married I have encountered quite a few problems with my hubby. He isn't a bad guy but he struggles with drugs, inappropriate content, and abuse towards me. Things were getting better, in fact they had never been so great in all of our seven years total together...
  18. searle29678

    Question for you guys and gals....

    I am posting this here because I can get a good mix of advice from both sexes and I trust that you guys put thought into what you will say. My parents recently went through a really nasty divorce after twenty five years of marriage. My dad was really hurt by it all and didn't expect it and...
  19. searle29678

    Here we go with the holidays.....How do I handle Christmas without hubby?

    Ladies and gents...HELP!!! We got the thanksgiving thing worked out but now we are dealing with Christmas. My family always does the big dinner and gifts on Christmas Eve, hubby's family does it Christmas day. We decided that I would go see my family on Christmas Eve and then drive up to see...
  20. searle29678

    Merry 'X' Mas....

    I personally always found offense in this because my Grandmother always said that we were taking Christ out of Christmas by being too lazy to spell his name out for the holiday that celebrates his birth....thoughts?