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  1. P

    your thoughts?????????

    personally i dont think date nite is a thing. my wife is my best friend and to make sure she stays that way i have to date her. not every monday no matter what but whenever i want to be closer to her. anything that is to structured becomes a hinderance in a marriage but if you are spontanious...
  2. P

    An honest question...

    sometimes people have sex before marriage and they think they are in love.once a couple gets married they are joined as one flesh and God becomes a part of the with a spouse should be different in that it also has a spiritual meaning.
  3. P

    Coolest picture ever....

    thats a cute picture
  4. P

    Deer Hunting

    i am an avid hunter. i start hunting deer in august with a browning .270 in south carolina. my 12 year old just got his first 3 weeks ago with a ruger 308
  5. P

    How do you read the Bible??

    my pastor recommends that new christians read the entire new testament twice before starting on the old. he says he could not tell you the number of times people come up to him and say" pastor ive been reading my Bible" yeah God is killing thats why he says read the new twice, and...