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  1. C

    The Antichrist goes to heaven?

    THis shows that God has a plan, and his ways, thoughts and perceptions of things are FAR BEYOND ours.
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    What goes around comes around?

    "vengence is mine, i will repay"(says the Lord) - i read that in the OT, and in Romans somewhere.
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    What if the Temple were rebuilt??

    the temple will not be rebuilt untill the the anti-christ comes to power and signs a treaty with isrial and the world
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    Struggling with being single

    im about your age dude...and ive been single all my life. So i understand what you feeling. I went to campus crusade tonight, 3 of some of my best friends got engaged over the summer....ugh...i cried inside. Youll get there though....prayin for ya man! SS PS, pm me if you wanna talk some
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    Am I cynical to not expect to find a virgin?

    Its a good thing, but not a thing to worry about. God has a plan for you, he'll send you the girl he wants you to be with (virgin or not) just trust God!
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    Anti Calvinists

    right! that is not a popular idea among most churches. When i first started to look at what scripture says instead or traditions i met alot of oposition. my own pastor blew me off when i started talking about it. we calvinists have a bad name....
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    Why is there so much RC posting allowed in Semper Reformanda?

    id realy like to talk to you about it though...catch me on PM or MSN anytime SS
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    Grr. Stupid college!

    Update: i met alot of people today...campus crusade meets ill meet more people that way. I would suggest you get involved with organizations...your bound to meet a ton of people
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    Grr. Stupid college!

    hey, im in the same situation that you are. I just got moved in augest im a little nerviouse too good luck
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    Persistence in Prayer for a mate.... OK or Not??

    does not the bible say to be constantly patitioning prayer?
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    What about this?

    ummm....well i would suggest you go with what the bible more no less
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    CHRISTMAS!, Should Christains Celebrate? Is It A Pagan Holiday or Christain?

    one should not look at the date of the holiday (so what if its around a pagan holiday) one should look at the meaning of what we are celebrating. We celebrate the birth of christ. The other stuff is just fun (presents, santa, bla bla)
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    How many points of TULIP must you believe to be considered Reformed?

    i went 5+ as well. Im a calvinist...but i also follow alot of the baptist doctrin...basically i beleive the bible cover to more is needed.
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    Would Calvin be banned from CF

    well...its tough to say...if calvinists are not being banned...i doubt he himself would be
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    Getting to know you.

    Allthough my name has a tulip next to it (calvinist) i consider myself to be a reformed baptist (calvinist baptist) I beleive that only beleivers are to be baptised (not babys..just gets them wet) And i also follow reformational teaching (augistine, calvin...etc) basically i beleive what the...
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    Questioning Christianity

    Well, God promised never to destroy the earth with water again. He did do something how-ever. HE sent CHrist to pay for sinners. as for christian beleifes coming from pagan is true that easter and christmas are dates that are close to pagan festivels...but that doesnt mean that...
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    Thinking of Catholicism

    well, I would sugest to you that you go straight from the bible. If you have a question aobut something, dont go with what this bishop said, or this church fater said, go with what Gods Word says. The bible will never steer you wrong my friend. God Bless SS
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    Romans 2; refuting a popular belief

    Where does it say that God wants all to be saved? and what context is that all in? God is God. THere is nothing he can not do. If God wants everyone to be saved then everyone would be saved. GOd does not try, attept of fail. He accomplishes. WHat he says happens. THere is no resisting the...
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    Is it ok to lie sometimes.

    yes, abraham lied..that was before the law of moses was handed cant do something wrong untill there is a law agenst it. Just like there was imbreeding untill the law of moses said it was wrong. What other stories are you refereing to? read about what Jesus did on the sabath..he...