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  1. East of Eden

    FEC Fines Hillary Clinton Campaign for Funding False Steele Dossier

    FEC Fines Clinton Campaign, DNC for Funding Steele Dossier At last, this ahem, ethically challenged woman has been held accountable. This ruling will only help Trump's lawsuit against her. Thoughts? I need some more conspiracy theories, all my old ones have been proven true.
  2. East of Eden

    Tara Henley Nails What's Wrong With Modern Journalism

    Speaking Freely This would explain why CNN's cratering ratings. "To work at the CBC in the current climate is to embrace cognitive dissonance and to abandon journalistic integrity." Nice to see a liberal with integrity.
  3. East of Eden

    Baptist View of Communion

    As someone relatively new to the SBC, what is the official view of communion? Just a symbol or remembrance, or as a way where God mysteriously comes to us? Or are there several views?