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  1. Artorius Lacomus

    Created to Glorify God-Isaiah 43:7

    Ᾰ Created to Glorify God-Isaiah 43:7 If I created a painting or new type of technology and then publicly stated that I made this new creation so I would be glorified, I'd be scoffed at because of my vanity. In truth, none of us would say that because we know what the reaction would be. We'd...
  2. Artorius Lacomus

    Controlling God

    Ᾰ Controlling God It seems blasphemous to imagine ourselves having control over the presence or power of God but Scripture seems to allude otherwise. In Psalm 70 David prays that God be magnified and in The Magnificat our Blessed Mother unabashedly proclaims claims her soul to be magnifying...
  3. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    Ᾰ Sacrificing Isaac Abraham's demonstration of faith in his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac is curious because we know God didn't need a demonstration. God is omniscient, and foreknowing that Abraham would comply with his sacrificial command. Since God already knew Abraham would...
  4. Artorius Lacomus

    Temporal Delusions

    Ᾰ Temporal Delusions Our God is of Spirit, not subject to infirmities of flesh or age, and simultaneously alive in the infinite past, the eternal future and the ever changing present. And though God speaks to us in Scripture from a temporal perspective this doesn't mean he exists in a...
  5. Artorius Lacomus

    God, the All Present Spirit

    Ᾰ God, the All Present Spirit God is the omnipresent Spirit, equally alive in all parts of the cosmos simultaneously. Such presence is not comprehensible to we mortal creatures though for we do not yet know all parts of the cosmos, much less how to be present in even two such places at...
  6. Artorius Lacomus

    Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Salvation... God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:6 We all know that omnipresence applies to God and we vaguely, in an abstract sort of way know what the word means. We know it means God is in all places simultaneously but our simple minds don't comprehend...
  7. Artorius Lacomus

    The Eternal Disposition

    The Eternal Disposition The disposition of a man at the moment of death shall be his disposition forever in the eternity of the afterlife. We are saved by the work of Christ and destined for the Kingdom of God but within that Eternal Kingdom not all souls are the same. There are those...
  8. Artorius Lacomus

    How would you explain this verse

    Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed
  9. Artorius Lacomus

    Channeling the Kingdom

    Thy Kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Christ ordered us to pray those words so it seems clear that by prayer, we are allowed some small effect on the inevitable return of God’s Kingdom to this fallen realm. Many Christians would say there is nothing we can do to...