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  1. Coffey

    Does eternal life devalue the life you are living?

    Well, I guess the way I see it is because we haven't experienced eternity yet, it's really easy for us to juxtapose our assumptions of what eternity would be like with our current lives, and assume what we're going through has much more substance (or not, if you have a negative general outlook)...
  2. Coffey

    I have had enough

    This happens to me all the time. Totally understand your frustration... I get mad about it too, and that's okay. Just don't let the actions of those around you morph this characteristic you have. Kindness is frankly a rarity (as this is typically what happens to the kind ones!), and it's...
  3. Coffey

    Me on Finals

    Ah yes, finals... Good luck to all of us~
  4. Coffey

    Is Minecraft a sin to play?

    Years ago (back when Minecraft was still in alpha) I used to play it quite a bit. I would actually incorporate Christian elements into it. Brings back memories. My church was pretty dope!
  5. Coffey

    A gray sexual area

    I'm probably the least qualified to respond to this due to my lack of knowledge of the contents in the bible, but I definitely don't think he should be removed from pastoral leadership. I know that leaders are held to a much higher standard than others, but they're still subject to the same...
  6. Coffey

    Christian couple badly beaten after wife's baptism.

    It busts my heart up bad at the idea that people are physically in danger every day for simply having faith in Jesus... Prayers out for these people :(
  7. Coffey

    I want to get into the word; where should I start?

    I agree with the idea of not being too strict and praying and pushing more for understanding. I'm really trying to grasp what it is I'm reading--that's why I'm not entirely looking for a "finish by *this* date!" solution. I'm more just wanting to learn where to begin and getting the ball rolling...
  8. Coffey

    I want to get into the word; where should I start?

    Thanks for the suggestions guys! I found this one kind of funny, and a good idea. Sometimes I need things just broken down for me a bit more like I'm a little guy again!
  9. Coffey

    I want to get into the word; where should I start?

    Wow I never really thought of the idea of looking for a separate book compiling portions of the bible to help me with this. Definitely will look into it, thank you.
  10. Coffey

    I want to get into the word; where should I start?

    I'm sure I'll get all sorts of fun answers on this one :P I've been a Christian for as long as I can remember, and I'm nuts for Jesus, but I realize that I'm going to be at a Spiritual wall until I dive into the bible. Yet, every time I begin at Genesis and try to run it sequentially, I find...
  11. Coffey


    Thanks everyone! :)
  12. Coffey


    Thank you!
  13. Coffey


    Hello everyone! I'm Christian (actually my name, not just my faith). Sort of set this account up with my online alias prior to realizing that people use their actual names on here, but oh well! I hope everything is well with you all! :)