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    I have a new favorite verse

    I turned 50 last month. Doing my daily reading last night and came across Numbers 8:25. What a beautiful verse! Really speaks to my soul.
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    My 9yo Wants to Know if Judas Iscariot Went to Hell

    My 9yo and I do a nightly Bible study and a couple nights ago she asked me if Judas went to hell. It kind of startled me, because I don't think I personally have ever really considered the question. Kids always bring fresh perspectives. Here is my answer...what do you think? I am coming...
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    "Dad, Jesus isn't in Matthew! He can't be!"

    My 3rd grader is starting to read the Bible. Every night we go over a section and discuss it. Not long ago, she took her Bible to bed to read. A little while later, she came out in tears and said something had scared her. I was momentarily terrified she's strayed into Judges or something but...
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    The Tribute Tax in Matthew 17. Completely over my head.

    Reading Matthew 17:24-27, we find the story of the tribute tax, or the "coin in the fish's mouth". I understand 24-26 as sort of one point, and v27 as another. 24-26 is perhaps a reference to us as children of God, compared to strangers, and perhaps part of the whole story's "render unto...
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    On the Edge of Eagledom

    My 50th birthday is less than a month. Any advice?
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    Looking for Quality, Free Commentaries

    I'm looking for quality, free Bible commentaries. I said "quality" commentaries because I know any Tom/Dick/Harry can jot down his thoughts and print it up as a pdf. I realize there are denominational/doctrinal issues but I like to get many points of view, as long as none of them are too far...
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    Bible Readings for a 9yo

    My daughter goes to Sunday school but I've been augmenting her time there with nightly Bible readings. We get out highlighters, special pens, and stickers and go to this age, you can't make it too formal so we have a lot of fun reading verses, deciding how to mark them, and discussing...
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    Hello from Portland, Oregon

    Hello fellow believers! I'm (just about) 50 and live in Portland, Oregon. I grew up Christian but didn't really put my faith front and center until about a year ago. Now I am in love with the Bible and assiduously working on devouring its truths and learning from its wisdom. I have a 9yo...