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    I recently signed up with Twitter, and it's pretty vile, but if I have something important to say I express my opinion on Twitter. I feel like evangelicals are getting trashed on MSNBC, in particular about a Twitter thread saying evangelicals are hypocrites (and worse) because a poll says 68%of...
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    Re: end times

    Just wondered about the end times. Will people of a different faith than Christianity be given a chance to convert before judgement day? And do you believe judgement day is in the near future or a much longer time? I know that no man knows the hour. Maybe I shouldn't speculate about this.
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    Witnessing without alienating

    To be brief, my son (who is now an adult) now says he believes in God. When I asked him if it was the Christian God he asked me not to push it. I suspect he may be sympathetic to Buddhism but I don't know. When he was a toddler I took him to church occasionally, but when he was in grade school...
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    Too hypersensitive I guess

    I was in the grocery store this evening and I can't prove it, but I thought I heard this woman say something insulting that was directed toward me. Generally, I'm pretty laid back and I really try to avoid conflict or hurt anyone's feelings. I wish I was a better Christian because I wanted to go...
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    Question re medical marijuana

    My state is voting on SQ 788 in five days to legalize medical marijuana. Some pastors in the news have the view that it will lead to more drug use and other negative outcomes. One of my close relatives uses marijuana once in a great while. His friend uses it frequently for anxiety in place of...
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    Re: Migrants

    What are your views on immigration? I guess my question is what is the moral view? It seems the Christ like thing to do would be to welcome those who mean no harm and seeking refuge from violent countries. My views have evolved to thinking this is the right thing to do.
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    Church attendence

    Hi, I'm a retired 66 yr old who has panic attacks sometimes. I have a few close family members but I really don't socialize that much. When I worked I enjoyed the company of other people and I used to attend church but not regularly. I am a Christian and want to love and serve Gid. I try to help...