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  1. G

    Hitting a wall in walk with Jesus.

    What should I do when I hit a wall in my walk with Jesus? I am not growing anymore after being a Christian for over 20 years.
  2. G

    Facebook Fast!

    I am going on a 99 day facebook fast. I wanted to know have you ever fasted from something by not doing it because you wanted to get closer to Jesus?
  3. G

    are you really ready to date?

    To those who have never been a relationship before are you really ready to date?
  4. G

    Introverts and social media

    I believe that you can tell if you are a introvert by how many friends you have on facebook.
  5. G

    Done with worldly movies!

    After seeing Star Wars, I have decided to end watching worldly movies and entertainment that glorify cussing, worldly ideas, thoughts and lift up and glorify man. For I am called to live a pure life in Jesus name.