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  1. G

    Hitting a wall in walk with Jesus.

    Thanks for your reply I will try all them.
  2. G

    Hitting a wall in walk with Jesus.

    What should I do when I hit a wall in my walk with Jesus? I am not growing anymore after being a Christian for over 20 years.
  3. G

    Facebook Fast!

    I am going on a 99 day facebook fast. I wanted to know have you ever fasted from something by not doing it because you wanted to get closer to Jesus?
  4. G

    are you really ready to date?

    To respond to own question I an not ready because their are areas I need to work on.
  5. G

    are you really ready to date?

    To those who have never been a relationship before are you really ready to date?
  6. G

    Introverts and social media

    This means that you don't friend very many people.
  7. G

    Introverts and social media

    I believe that you can tell if you are a introvert by how many friends you have on facebook.
  8. G

    2018 Reading Challenge

    I am planning on reading 100 books
  9. G

    Done with worldly movies!

    Because man is nothing and needs a great savior.
  10. G

    Done with worldly movies!

    That was Jesus you are talking about He could take on the word because He was God and His whole ministry was to reach out to the unsaved in which I am not.
  11. G

    Done with worldly movies!

    Thanks for your replay.
  12. G

    Done with worldly movies!

    After seeing Star Wars, I have decided to end watching worldly movies and entertainment that glorify cussing, worldly ideas, thoughts and lift up and glorify man. For I am called to live a pure life in Jesus name.