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  1. Muslim-UK

    Ramadan and Lent

    as salamu alaikum to all. All Prophets practised Fasting. How many days did Jesus pbuh fast and are Christians instructed to follow suit? If so what conditions if any need to be met? What does the fast entail? O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those...
  2. Muslim-UK

    Can you be saved without Christ?

    Christians claim everlasting life is ONLY granted to those who accept Jesus pbuh as Lord and Saviour, but is this doctrine the result of the early Church splitting in the First Century and later theological doctrines that emerged over Hundreds of years? Judaism teaches; "All your nation is...
  3. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    I've never known a Muslim to say Qur'an is wrong when it says Jesus pbuh is the word of Allah swt. God said, 'Be' and Jesus pbuh was. Pretty simple really. He was also the 'Spirit' of Allah swt, meaning his soul was personally delivered to Mary's ra womb by Angel Gabriel pbuh.
  4. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Indeed Jesus pbuh called himself “Ben Adam” instead of “Ben Elah” The Hebrew expression “Ben Adam” appears 107 times in the Old Testament and 84 times in the New Testament of the current Bible. Ben meaning “son of” and Adam meaning “human or man”. Ben/Bin is a word which is commonly used even...
  5. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    The Disciples were born and raised Jews, and would have been strict Monotheists. My evidence comes from the Qur'an: Qur'an 3:52 But when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from them, he said, "Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah ?" The disciples said," We are supporters for...
  6. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Great post and informative. As far as differing with Muslims, that is on 2 points: The name of God you say is Yahweh and is pronounced as such: Could you show me where in the NT this name is used? You say Jesus pbuh is the son of God, and Muslims would agree on this if it's meant as a...
  7. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Hi, I was just pointing out there is ample evidence showing Jesus pbuh and his followers subjected their will to God alone. In the Arabic language they would be called Muslims following Islam.
  8. Muslim-UK

    Islam The worth of a woman

    Previously you mentioned 35% of women stating they had been raped in Turkey, but provided no evidence. Please do so as I highly doubt what you are saying. So Jesus pbuh is to you as Hercules and Zeus were to the ancients, or as Krishna is to Hindus. So according to you, majority Muslims...
  9. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    You accept Genesis to Revelation to be the word of God, thus I use all of it in discussions. Non Muslim Scholars have explained many books of the Bible are anonymous, disputed and unreliable. Many Scholarly books have been written on the subject, the vast majority of these Scholars being from...
  10. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Not Judas because he failed to submit his will to God. The others, yes all were believers and accepted Monotheism. 2 Peter is said not to be written by him. Matthew did not write the Gospel according to Matthew, the anonymous Gospel was later ascribed to him. John too did not write the...
  11. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Hope you don't mind my input. All Prophets submitted their will to God, they would have taught their Disciples/Companions to do the same. The Aramaic New Testament uses terms like Mushlam, Slama and Allaha. There are also Gospels not included in the NT which show at least 6 disciples of Jesus...
  12. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Jesus pbuh as 100% God didn't know the hour, didn't know who touched his clothes in Mark's Gospel, didn't know the fig tree was bare. You will respond, yes in his human nature he had limited knowledge, and was making a point using the fig tree, but he's 100% God 100% of the time, so how can...
  13. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Where in the Bible does it say Jesus pbuh is the 'Begotten' Son of God? Let me know, so I can check against the earliest Manuscripts. Judaism teaches anyone who is God fearing and pious is considered a Son/Daughter of God.
  14. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    The greatest Commandment according to Jesus pbuh was 'Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.' Had Jesus pbuh thought himself part of a Trinity, he had the perfect opportunity to tell the man who asked how to obtain salvation. I have discussed the Doctrine of Trinity on this forum and...
  15. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Jesus pbuh had a adopted Earthly Father and a Spiritual Father in Heaven. Adam pbuh had no Earthly Father, something the Qur'an points out to people like you to reflect upon. Muhammad and the majority of Prophets, peace be upon them all had biological Fathers and all had God as their Spiritual...
  16. Muslim-UK

    Islam The worth of a woman

    You can not show this as a teaching from Jesus pbuh himself. The Dead Sea Scrolls show followers of Jesus pbuh had no clue about death on a cross, resurrection or a God incarnate. A study of early Church History and Canonisation of the Bible shows disagreements, anonymous books and clear...
  17. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    Hi, All Prophets were given powers by the permission of GOD. Moses pbuh against the magicians, Jesus pbuh showed signs of wonder to a society making medical advancements, Muhammad pbuh to a people who were in awe of poets and those showing eloquence in public speaking. Acts 2:22 "O you men of...
  18. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    One in 'purpose'. This is confirmed when read in context: Beginning at verse John 10:23 we read about Jesus pbuh talking to the Jews. In verse John 10:28-30, talking about his followers as his sheep, he states: "...Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father who gave them me, is...
  19. Muslim-UK

    Islam Muslims Objection to the Trinity

    as salamu alaikum, The other thing to remember about Matthew 28:16-20 is, these are orders given by Jesus pbuh to his companions before returning to Allah swt. The Great Commission, The Final Sermon. You would think every companion would have gone forth and baptised new converts in the name...
  20. Muslim-UK

    Islam The worth of a woman

    I'm pleased to hear you have an open mind and willingness to hear the other side. Calling someone a dog, which back then was a terrible insult is hardly the way for a Prophet of GOD to speak to someone made in God's image, (likely the anonymous writer was citing hearsay as Prophets are sinless...