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  1. E

    Episcopal Eucharistic adoration?! 8^O

    I suppose he encourages Morning Prayer.
  2. E

    Episcopal Eucharistic adoration?! 8^O

    I am curious, are you offering the eucharist in complete physical solitude, with no one present to give the responses? I've seen here in Texas that there is at least one person, usually about four, to give responses, in the local Episcopal parish, though everyone stays spaced out. At least the...
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    Episcopal Eucharistic adoration?! 8^O

    Note -- I read you as saying "spiritual communion," but some may nevertheless find the resource useful.
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    Episcopal Eucharistic adoration?! 8^O

    There are resources of this that have grown up in Anglican tradition, this being one example. The Armed Forces Prayer Book
  5. E

    BCP revision?

    My initial reaction is against them, but used in this manner you described, perhaps there is a "via media" here.
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    feelings (covid- and church-related)

    I am not really doing anything that I have not before kept as part of my spiritual discipline. Nothing can really replace the sacraments. But my prayer corner has taken a new feel as it has become my primary source of nourishment. I may be meeting in online services with a friend for...
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    Sunday worship

    I am considering joining a friend in another state via Zoom for morning prayer. As bad as this situation is, there are opportunities for making connections at this time that may not have otherwise arisen.
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    Sunday worship

    Anyone else doing anything in place of Sunday worship? What do you do? I do not actually do anything additional, although I offer prayers and intercessions and psalms daily. I don't really know what to add. But my devotions take on a different feel now that that's all I do. In a way, I am...
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    BCP revision?

    But the parish has lost a priest and having a difficult time finding a conservative priest to take over, especially one who will use the 1928 BCP.
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    BCP revision?

    I do not know, but these sorts of endeavors distress me! I spend the bulk of my prayer life in private devotions (which no hierarchy can take away from me) and as much as possible attend traditional worship or the closest I can find. I doubt all congregations will be required to use whatever...
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    Weekly communion

    Well, I can only say this is my own opinion, and I do not know of a stance on this issue that would officially bind Anglicans, but I would argue the boundaries of the Church are ambiguous. Many who said "Lord, Lord," will be told to depart, "I never knew you," and yet others will be recognized...
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    Official Church position on Islam

    I disagree with the Islamic theological tradition, but who decides the "true" Islamic teaching if there is a more violent and a more peaceful interpretation? How could there be a legitimate authority to decide such a matter in a false religion? As regards Muslims, I believe they ought to be...
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    Any here was anti-traditional who became traditional?

    I do think she meant not with the times because she also loathed to refer to the sacrament as "the Body" or "Blood" even after a "heavenly and spiritual" manner, preferring to refer to it as a "story." Now, I do not wish to presume too much in what this clergy person may have meant or intended...
  14. E

    Any here was anti-traditional who became traditional?

    Though I am likely not as well versed as you in the fathers, I have enough learning to sense the truth in what you say. To put my sense of tradition into words, I'd say a man ought to inform his own opinion about a matter of faith and morals and hold himself before the good Lord responsible for...
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    Any here was anti-traditional who became traditional?

    There are of course distinctive and often conflicting traditions. My sacramental life has been spent among Episcopalians and Catholics as a formal member, and I've spent time in (informal) fellowship with the Orthodox. Over the last several months I decided to once again regularize my status...
  16. E

    Even "mother" Teresa Pushing for Mary to be Considered "co-redemptrix"?

    We are all co-redeemers in that the working out of our salvation is not only an individual endeavor, but a communal one as we aid one another by prayer and charity. Our blessed Mother is preeminent in this cooperation through her assent to become the Theotokos. I am not equipped to say whether...
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    Even "mother" Teresa Pushing for Mary to be Considered "co-redemptrix"?

    My thoughts are that this article does not say that millions of Catholics want our Lady elevated to a Divine status.
  18. E

    A Small Rant

    Yes, I feel called to holiness of life, sanctity, and prayer in my current life circumstances. And I go about as laity teaching people in my life, who would otherwise fall through the cracks, aspects of the faith, and I instruct them in how they might consider praying, and I comfort them. But...
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    A Small Rant

    This is a little rant I've had before. For years now there has been an Episcopal clergy person in my life who will not stop pressuring me to become a monk. I cannot become a monk while in debt, nor do I want to, and having given it quite a lot of thought, I do not feel called. This same...