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  1. C

    Your opinion on "The Friends Zone".

    A man can absolutely control his entrance into the friend zone. Once he's expressed his interest in a woman, if she is reluctant or unwilling to reciprocate then he moves on and dismisses her from his notice. The friend zone is voluntary. Also, I'm sure that virtually no man ever approaches...
  2. C

    Your opinion on "The Friends Zone".

    It all boils down to approach. Will you be direct in expressing your intentions toward a potential love interest, or will you make the mistake that many men make in our feminized culture: sell yourself as a "buddy" or non-sexual companion hoping that one day she will magically see your worth as...
  3. C

    Would you be offended by a prenup?

    It's not fair for me to ask you guys without reciprocating, so here are my two cents. The prenup, for me, is a necessary precaution against the growing sentiment of fickleness in my generation and the horribly slanted divorce laws that arise out of no fault divorce states. Very few men and...
  4. C

    Would you be offended by a prenup?

    I'm all for random inquiries tonight, and I thought I would ask the singles forum its opinion on the merits of the prenuptial agreement. Would you sign one? Are they communicative of distrust or reasonable preparation? How much of a dealbreaker is a prenup for those of you that despise them...
  5. C

    what are your "deal breakers?"

    I agree. We have foreshadowing of that already in the form of the new MMORPG Old Republic. Many of the cutscenes are of a greater cinematic quality than the bulk of the whole Prequel Trilogy. Imagine what a talented filmmaker could do with the green light for a full length motion picture and a...
  6. C

    where are all the nice guys?

    I feel foolish for overlooking this point in my earlier posts. Of course, God is able to mold you into the very best man that you can be. Instead of: "How else will you learn to assume your God-given role save for years and years of trial and error?" I should have said: The balanced...
  7. C

    where are all the nice guys?

    You're most welcome! Indeed, I can trace many of my life's unnecessary struggles to a fatherless home. It goes without saying, but I'll state it anyway: the guidance that young men receive from their fathers (or lacking that, male elders) is priceless. It's formative. How else will you learn to...
  8. C

    where are all the nice guys?

    If I might draw a few generalizations from personal experience, the frustrations of the "nice guy" are rooted in flawed acculturation. In my younger years I was the quintessential nice guy. Having been raised almost exclusively by women, my only framework for interacting with the opposite sex...
  9. C

    Does God want us to get ourselves in order before marriage?

    The secularist in me would stress the need to have undergone as much personal restructuring as possible before trying to tie myself to another person. A marriage is only as good, so the typical reasoning goes, as its constituents, and to that end both parties must be fairly accomplished in the...
  10. C

    Are you weird?

    Yeah, I'll admit to being a little bit of a weirdo. My friends say that I was almost destined to be weird because of my status as an only child :D.
  11. C

    Do Christian men fail at masculinity?

    I'm impressed by the depth of her introspection. Most of us have no clue what really attracts us to a potential mate or spouse. More often than not, we have a list of wants and preferences that we intellectually subscribe to while the inner machinery is busy chugging away and making decisions of...
  12. C

    A Simple Premarital Checklist: Making Your Needs Known

    I'm aware that this is quite a bit of text, so for the too long, didn't read crowd feel free to skip down to the heart of the post which is the paragraph labeled with an H. As I mentioned in another thread, I am actually looking forward to married life despite my deeply held reservations on...
  13. C

    WoF verses Non-WoF

    So, if I'm reading you correctly, the motivation behind following the specific implementations of the law (like the dietary restrictions) would be to obtain blessing. Eating as biblically described for instance is in and of itself insufficient for salvation, but it can bring us blessing/favor...
  14. C

    WoF verses Non-WoF

    So, in a nutshell, we are required in a sense to follow the law just as the Israelites were. The difference between then and now is that, because God provided us with the Holy Spirit, we can condense the 613 Mosaic laws into the two commandments that Christ himself mentioned: to love God with...
  15. C

    Is it acceptable for a Christian to practice meditation?

    It comes down to worldview. Zen Buddhism, like any other school of Buddhism, has as its highest ideal a state of consciousness that seekers can only reach through lifetimes of dedicated effort or accelerated tantric practices. None of that accords with the Christian ideal of spending eternity...
  16. C

    Is it acceptable for a Christian to practice meditation?

    I can't see how it would be an obstacle in your Christian walk. Meditation is just choosing a focus and disciplining the mind to remain on it. If you've ever participated in an activity with sustained concentration, then you (like everyone else on the planet) have already partially engaged the...
  17. C

    Is it acceptable for a Christian to practice meditation?

    How can sinking our attention into something as innocuous as the breath be bad? Functionally, it's no different than a musician's focus being absorbed into his instrument or a runner's mind fusing with the exercise itself. Mantra recitation on the other hand deals directly with powers that a...