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    HELP! I need prayer

    Try reading Isaiah 58. God puts an interesting perspective on fasting in that chapter.
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    Need advice please

    Twice in my life, I was fed the same line by two different women. Both of them started dating someone else within, well, weeks... But, as your tagline says: quote Scripture or your argument is invalid: I'll give you Ecclesiastes 11:1, cast your bread on water, for thou shalt find it after many...
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    A near death experiencer prays for those feeling suicidal...

    I was once told by someone who studied the Scriptures that suicide isn't really addressed in the Bible. I was like, um... what? "The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. But Paul...
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    Bible Characters Who Felt Abandoned by God: What Did They Do?

    Learn something new, everyday. Thank you Bling. To paraphrase Daniel, lock these words up and they will be revealed in the last days. It'd take a 2019 audience that know what Internet trolling is to understand Jesus' words on the cross. He was trolling the Pharisees, or better, its kinda like a...
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    Bible Characters Who Felt Abandoned by God: What Did They Do?

    A huge note/disclaimer here is that there is a difference between forsaking and abandoning. There are countless verses where God says He will never forsake His people (Psalms 94:14; Hebrews 13:5; Duet 31:6). Forsaking implies leaving with resentment. But, as Isaiah 54:7 shows, God will there are...
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    Bible Characters Who Felt Abandoned by God: What Did They Do?

    Truly, most of them must have felt that way at some point. You could probably make a case for just about any one in the Bible: Joshua at the battle of AI, Paul in prison, even John the Baptist. He was the first to proclaim Jesus Christ was the Messiah, but after spending some time in prison...
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    Hello I am a student of Jesus Christ

    "Enemy" relationships can be... a LOT of fun. Just look at Mordecai and Haman in the book of Esther. King asks Haman how would you reward someone who has gained favor with king? Haman (thinking the king meant him), put him on your horse and have a noble go around with them calling out: "this is...
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    Can God reverse time?

    2 Kings 20: 9-10 "Isaiah answered, this is the Lord's sign to you that the Lord will do what he promised: shall the shadow for forward 10 steps, or shall it go back 10? It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward 10 steps, said Hezekiah. Rather, have it go back 10.
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    Pray that I let my walls down and develop real friendships

    Friend, this is one of those places where the Bible is counter-intuitive. Phillipians 4:7 says "and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." All too often, we build walls around our hearts and minds (especially if we've been hurt...
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    The nature of prophecy

    Oh, where to begin? Many people are confused about what prophecy is, and more importantly, how it works. So, I do thank topher694 for their teaching, but as Reborn1977 points out, this conversation can go much deeper. The first rule of prophecy is that even if we can prophecy, if we have not...
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    Personally, I've met people who have interpreted Revelation on both ends of the Spiritual spectrum. I have met someone on the "so spiritually minded they are no Earthly good" side claim that Revelation has absolutely nothing to do with future events at all, and I've met many that take it...
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    I feel like getting to Heaven is impossible.

    Um... It is none of our business how God judges others. Jesus even said "ye judge after the flesh; I judge no one. (John 8:15). To paraphrase Him here and in other places in John, He is basically saying only the Father can judge another. I could, but I leave it up to Him. He speaks about...
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    Can you explain what you mean a little better? Revelation as in the last book of the Bible?
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    When it comes to feminism, I'm surprised no one ever mentions the success of Zelophehad's daughters (Numbers 27). God would say something like, only a man can inherit the land, then they would petition Moses, who would bring their case before God, and get Him to include women.
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    Why are the 7 Churches in Revelation each greeted differently...

    So if we go for a literal translation: a meteorite, bright and burning, is going to land on 1/3 of the Earth's approximate 300,000 square miles of rivers? I'm sure when that happens, we'll finally all be able to agree, indisputably, that this is the 3rd trumpet. There is already a forum on this...
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    Why are the 7 Churches in Revelation each greeted differently...

    The biggest obstacle people who believe this face is that Bible clearly says the star fell from heaven, indicating comet, meteor, asteroid, etc. But, if you look at everything else in that verse, it simply lines up. Chernobyl is Russian for Wormwood, the name of the star is Worm wood (Rev 8:11)...
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    Why are the 7 Churches in Revelation each greeted differently...

    Any time. Revelation is a fascinating read. The third trumpet is almost universally regarded as the catastrophic disaster that was the Chernoble melt down, in case you want to look closer into the trumpets.
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    Why are the 7 Churches in Revelation each greeted differently...

    Why did He address them differently? He didn't??? These letters outline what true prophecy is. A lot of people think prophecy is simply the foretelling of future events. It isn't. 1. Each of these letters start out with a revelation of who Christ is: the one who has the key of David or that...
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    The holy spirit and the power of God

    What's His name? You're kind of asking the wrong question there. The Holy Spirit is not very widely discussed, so I can understand you're confusion. The Holy Spirit is the One who presents us to the Father and Jesus. He'll take you to new depths.
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    Spiritual Warfare

    I can tell you with certainty, that Christ/God does not hate you. God is love. You are beautiful to him. Don't worry about that which comes to steal kill and destroy, for He has given you life, and life more abundantly.