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  1. Hatfield

    Help Build Water Wells for Africa...Its Free...Just Post :)

    Pity I missed this discussion... but life goes on and I haven't been on these boards in a LONG while... (like sometime in 2008! )
  2. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    Didn't (its now Tuesday). (going on the assumption that there's a Christian radio station in most areas) Is your local Christian station part of the Moody Broadcasting Network?
  3. Hatfield

    Its called Boticelli

    Final bump. I've tried. I've participated in other games, I've "Faced the Board" in the men's area. Respectfully, for a Christian forum, you guys are a hard group to get involved with. Would it have hurt to respond?
  4. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    I feel you are being educated whether you are trying to be or not. I find times I'll remember stuff I learned out of just about anything and everything, even superhero comic books! (one of the Xmen books when I was a young lad mentioned some bits of mythology ... and I stored it in my trivia...
  5. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    I prefer to think that my dw and I co-own it with the bank/mortgage company. Have you flown by means other than a commercial airliner? (hot air balloon, private plane, hang glider ... wings?!? ;) )
  6. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    Just the time we were having Thanksgiving dinner with my extended family. I offered to bring my Mom's pumpkin pie (ok, its the one on the can, but anyway) and of all the ingredients I could forget, I forgot the sugar!! Might have made an interesting entree pie for a vegan, but if you're...
  7. Hatfield

    Greetings from Indiana

    I still consider myself a newbie poster here. (Less than 100 posts, though I'm working on it slowly but surely) I'm sure there's someplace I can find this info, so you can simply link me there. I get a general idea of the blessings and the reps, but could someone explain for me the...
  8. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    I've not driven a snow plow, but I've driven vehicles which can have a plow blade attached to them! (Four wheel drive trucks, even smaller lawn mower type garden tractors) So that almost counts. Think it would be nice however to clear my driveway in one swipe. ;) Living in Indiana, it is not...
  9. Hatfield

    Its called Boticelli

  10. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    Working as a cashier at a grocery store, I certainly have plenty of opportunities:( . But about the only time I actually DID, the guy that was working as a bagger on my lane (bagged the purchase, put it in the cart) said during a lull, "Gee, I wish I could cashier, that's all you have to do!"...
  11. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    Does having multiple windows open on my pc count? (bill pay, CF, online game and checking email) (checked the cookie time and temp, those were ok, think its my pans -- insulated, but fairly old. Were wedding present from dw's family) Being a guy who cooks (alot!), do ladies appreciate their...
  12. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    My family, wierd? Nahhhh ... OK, maybe a little ;), but who's isn't? Why is it that even with an insulated baking sheet, I burn snickerdoodles?? (and yes, I'm a guy asking.)
  13. Hatfield

    Its called Boticelli

    Ok, I know this can be a fun game if someone will just get started! Please, if you read this but don't think you'd be interested, could you post a note and explain why? If you might be interested, what would it hurt? Challenge me!! Post a question and see if I can get it right! Just...
  14. Hatfield

    Its called Boticelli

  15. Hatfield

    Its called Boticelli

  16. Hatfield

    Game: Answer with a question game... (23)

    (comes in on the middle of the conversation) Huh??
  17. Hatfield

    Showers of Blessings Raffle Game... (2)

    I'm in for the next round!
  18. Hatfield

    Yum or Yuck? (2)

    Summer rain? If its a recipe I've never heard of it ;) If you mean a sprinkle on a muggy summer day, I'll take it any day over a winter blizzard! Rice and Raisins?
  19. Hatfield

    Its called Boticelli

    Bump note... Again, if the rules seeem confusing, let me know! Once you're in the game, it really isn't all that hard. If anything could I have some feedback? What do you think of this game?
  20. Hatfield

    YES or NO are NOT allowed! :) (5)

    Not since I was about 12! Do you still have your Christmas tree up? (I do! :X)