Search results

  1. P

    Staph Infection (Staphylococcus Aureus)

    Staphylococcus is group of bacteria, familiarly known as Staph, that can cause a multitude of diseases as a result of infection of various tissues of the body. Staph bacteria can cause illness not only directly by infection (such as in the skin), but also indirectly by producing toxins...
  2. P

    Get this questions correct, and earn 500 Blessings.

    Get this question correct, and earn 500 Blessings. (Best Answer WINS) Scripture based for question: Genesis 2:18 (New Living Translation) 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” My question is&#8230...
  3. P

    My lost family members...

    I Thank you all for the support! Please pray for my unsaved family members in Baltimore, MD. I love GOD and Thank GOD for you all. I pray that every prayer made for me, be added back until them and their family as well as mine. In the name of Jesus AMEN:groupray: :groupray: :groupray: :groupray...
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    Prayer for Christains that don't have a Pastor/Church Home!

    Lord, I thank you for Life! I thank you for your Mercy and your Grace. I pray that your people will seek your face and seek you for their Church Family/Home/Pastor. Lord, let your people know that we can’t be solo Christians. And that we all need a Moses in our life, I bind and rebuke witch...
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    Homosexulity - Prayer Chain

    Please join me in prayer, that GOD will remove this from the Body of Christ. "Homosexulity Spirit and the strong hold is Perverse spirit" The world might allow this to go on, but the Body of Christ should pray this out of the men or women of GOD. Lord I love you and I know you can heal! Sin...
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    I need a Blessings Game

    We all know how hard it is to buy items on this site, low paying jobs, and the low interest rate at the bank. ***Post why you would like someone to bless you with Blessings & maybe they will*** 1. Why should someone bless you? 2. Type the number of Blessings you have at the time of posting...
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    Hi... Please pray for me, I'm starting to backslide. In other words, going back to the old me. Please pray that GOD will have Mercy & Grace on me, also pray that I will turn away from my old ways before its to late! Please... Thank you!
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    My two unsaved uncles

    Hello everyone, Please pray for my two uncles. My uncle’s are not in the right directions and I don’t know if they are saved(But I kinda know it's not looking good). I do know that they aren’t walking upright, since I live with them for now. Please pray that they will allow GOD to bring them...
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    Please pray for me ...

    :( I’m in prayer about a new job or promotion. I’ve applied to so many jobs and still no word from anyone. I asked the Lord what I should do and if I should stay at my current job or leave. I really don’t know what to do. Please pray that I will hear from my King. Please…:(
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    I pray that more Christians will pray in their heavenly language as well.

    :wave: I pray that more Christians will pray in their heavenly language as well. This is how I was Baptized with the Holy Spirit. (I’m not talking about being filled when I confessed Jesus) I’m talking about the next step to be empowered. I was saved I asked GOD to give me the...
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    Pray for my Friend EPJ

    He's in the Hospital and need prayer for his brain, back, and blood. Father you can heal anyone and at anytime, so I personally thank you, my sweet king. I love you and I praise you, in Jesus Name AMEN:clap:
  12. P

    Prayer for those with HIV & AIDS

    :prayer: We need to come together in prayer for those who have HIV or AIDS. Please pray in your prayer language as well.:prayer: I'll start it off ... Lord, we thank you for giving us life! In the name of Jesus we come together and we send this spirit of disease back to the pit of hell...