Search results

  1. T

    Desert Photos

    Excellent pics, thanks for shring.
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    Favorite game of all-time

    Super Mario Brothers-the whole series.
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    cats or dogs?

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    I've alwasy been fast and strong, but I've never been limber. Can anyone recommend any good leg stretches? Does anyone do yoga for stretching?
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    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

    CSi is too much for me what with the content of most shows(sex/death/murder/drugs) theres enough of that on tv for my tastes.
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    Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune

    I prefer Jeopardy as it is more informaive than Wheel.
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    Wut does every1 collect...

    Vynil gospel records.
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    isn't that a happy little fantasy movie?
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    I gorge myself to sleep

    I don't know why. I am not fat though. I just like to eat for several hours before I fall asleep.
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    Name Something good About Yourself!

    I mainly just want to help other people, in any way shape or form.
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    Post the time you woke up today and your mood (3)

    6 a.m. happier than a fish in water.
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    I find watercolour painting to be extremely versatile. what with the amount of water to paint ratio, you know virtualluy any shade of purple , blue, or even pink is easily rendered with a few more drops of water or color.
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    Whats your hobby?

    My main hobbies are: Tandem-bicycling, and beach volleybal, reading, and cooking.
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    Ketchup for Tacos

    have you ever put kecthup on your tacos? It is great, it's all red and sweet. mmmmmm. My favorite taco ketchup I like to use: Ketchup, mix with some crushed red pepper and a pinch of cinnamon and a dash of lime. Mix it up and apply to the hot steamy taco.