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  1. MorkandMindy

    UBI or not UBI?

    Universal Basic Income is a transfer of money saved by automation to everyone. Unlike the CARIES Act, the HEROES Act, and the Build Back Better Bill, it will not be funded by creating money/expanding the money supply/inflation, but by a transfer of money to rebalance the economy to compensate...
  2. MorkandMindy

    What would you do with 1,000 dollars a month?

    The source for this money is the money saved on labor by automation. At present, the company that automates keeps this money as profit and makes no contribution to the workforce no longer required. The workers released will then compete with others in the workforce. Some may have to retrain...
  3. MorkandMindy

    A Third Party - A Christmas Present?

    Yes, it's a political present. I like it, a lot. The standard-bearer of the Democratic Party, the Washington Post no less, has published an article stating that we need a third party.
  4. MorkandMindy

    Is Universal Basic Income the answer?

    Intent UBI transfers money saved by automation to production workers replaced by automation. Source It is a tax levied on production inside the country and manufactured goods imported into the country, so it can not be avoided by automating outside the country. Beneficiaries It is currently...
  5. MorkandMindy

    How the economy works best

    Money in circulation has to do that; it has to circulate. If it all builds up in the hands of a very small number of people then the economy dies.
  6. MorkandMindy

    Stress, anxiety, depression, worry, Yin or Yang?

    Knowing you and everyone around you would get 1,000 dollars a month unconditionally would reduce my worries a lot and give me the freedom to upgrade my technical skills which have fallen behind while I spent years in a dead-end job that paid the bills and eventually ended. If you had a...
  7. MorkandMindy

    What are Andrew Yang's Prospects?

    It's mainly about the publicity. He could win. The way to stop him in 2024 would be to ensure he got no publicity at all. In 2020 that method allowed the Democratic Party to sideline him entirely and gave him zero delegates. But there are far more independents than there are Democratic or...
  8. MorkandMindy

    The Forward Party

    How many Senate seats would be needed to affect voting outcomes? One. The public has been warned many times about the dangers of third parties, using the Nazi Party in Germany as an example. The media keeps quiet about the hundreds of counterexamples there are Worldwide. Or that for many...
  9. MorkandMindy

    What does Left Wing / Right Wing actually mean?

    In the French National Assembly, the Left-Wing comprised the delegates who sat at the Speaker's left hand. The Right-Wing were conscious of the parable of the sheep and the goats; so to be among the righteous sat at the Speaker's right. The assembly was to draft a constitution, and the initial...
  10. MorkandMindy

    How can we prevent our politicians from starting wars?

    Can we? Should we? The 'should we' is a difficult question. Prior to an invasion or other military operation, the news was full of reasons for taking action. And only later did many of the reasons turn out to have been mistaken. Can we? I think we can and I'll refer to just one example...
  11. MorkandMindy

    The Purpose of the US Economy is to make the rich richer

    That is the core of neoliberalism, the main type of economy the US has followed from Reagan through to the present. The founding document of neoliberalism was openly published for all to see in the NY Times in 1970 and people seemed to like it at the time and have been unwilling to change it...
  12. MorkandMindy

    All we need is a sex change

    Think about how 'Shock and Awe' was supposed to win the hearts and minds of the people of Iraq. Apply a bit of the time-honored do-unto-others. For example, how would you feel if the city you lived in was bombed, your electricity was out for a long time, and your financial system was in ruins...
  13. MorkandMindy

    Can I live my life without worrying the government will throw the nation's money away & start a war?

    Yesterday I walked through the beautiful trees next to the river and then on into town and mixed with Hispanic extended families in a cafe, all of us living our lives as though the disaster being made in Washington didn't exist, as though we were not about to be robbed of five thousand billion...
  14. MorkandMindy

    A route to survival

    1. Stop assuming everyone in the World is our enemy. Look it up in the book: Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition DSM-IV. I'm sure you'll find a code for it. Unless it's true, of course, but that doesn't seem likely... The US is a powerful nation with a history of...
  15. MorkandMindy

    Driving straight into a tree we could easily avoid

    The US has been running up debts for many years. The debts include: a trade deficit (Current Account deficit), a growing National Debt and growing Personal debt. In August 8th 2011 Standard and Poors downgraded US debt from the highest possible rating of AAA to AA+ owing to the rising debt...
  16. MorkandMindy

    Would the US perform better in both economic and military activities if it was a democracy?

    I'm going to the 'yes' camp on both. This is a multifaceted question as there are many predicaments in the many parts of the US and a huge variety of people within the US, and therefore it can only be competently answered by collective intelligence consisting of as many as possible of the...
  17. MorkandMindy

    Thank God for the rest of the world

    While US healthcare spending is continuing to rise ahead of inflation and was 17.7% of GDP through 2019 before COVID arrived, a little more than one dollar in every six is going on what is normally counted as an essential expenditure. Our life expectancy is not improving, inflation is picking...
  18. MorkandMindy

    US - the next 20 years

    Predictions of the future of the US by fairly good thinkers range from 'total disaster' through 'more-of-the-same' all the way to utopia. Each of the possibilities can be evaluated individually to reach conclusions on what the next 20 years will look like.
  19. MorkandMindy

    What is the point in private healthcare?

    1 It provides junk mail, lots of it. 2 It wastes 10% of the entire nation's GDP, on administration and huge profits for pointless billionaires. Beyond that I'm not sure what it does for anyone.
  20. MorkandMindy

    There is hope! Stop all the ways you cheat people (1 Peter 2)

    'So stop all the wrong things you do. Stop all the ways you cheat people. Stop fooling people' (1 Peter 2) At present we are taking 10% and often more, of their earnings off every middle and low earner in the United States through private healthcare insurance and giving it to the billionaires...