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  1. J

    Jonathan Loved David

    As a gay teenager I hear it all the time from Christians how I am sinning and will burn in hell for who I am attracted to which I find funny, that God would make me this way and condemn me for it. The Bible has often been used as a weapon to condemn homosexuality as sinful or immoral. It is...
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    Is it Depression..? <-- Read this first, it explains where I am and how I think mentally and emotionally (or in my lack theroff) as I post a question. Is this depression? Recently my therapist or should I say my new therapist has came upon the notion that my "symptoms" are...
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    The Seperation of the Old and New Testament

    Now I am not sure if I have been exposed only to bad Christians or something, but one thing I am tired of hearing about is how many of the Christians I meet will say something written in the Old Testament is not in canon with their beliefs but at the same time use the Old Testament to preach. I...
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    Isn't Prayer Selfish?

    It jsut seems so to me. Accroding to Christianity, God is perfect so what he does is 100% right. So when you pray, whether it be for good health, someone elses health, obtaining something, etc, isn't it asking for God's plan to work for you rather then him?
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    Can You Kill Your Soul?

    I know this may sound like an odd question to ask, and I really don't feel like going into detail why I am asking, but in the Christian ideology, is it possible to eliminate or destroy one's soul?
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    Good = Spirit Bad = Animal

    I know no where in the scriptures is this truly "written" out but everytime I read the bible I cannot help but read and think the same thing. I am a philosopher, I love to make things sounds romantic or putting them in a differant light. Anyway, I have been trying to understand the whole Satan...
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    Sick of This Emptiness

    There was no where else to post this so I guess I just post it here althogh I don't have depression, I have a condition known as Schizoid Personality Disorder...and I am sick of it. I really never thought there was anyone else like me until I was diagnosed but apparently others have what I do...
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    Why Exactly is Satan Bad?

    I know I know, this must sound like the most ignorant and idiotic question but I still need to ask it. Why exactly is Satan (the devil) evil or bad? I have read the bible many times and in differant versions, researched and the lot in my studies but I just don't see how Satan is this supremely...
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    Pretty simple question here. Is Asexuality against bible teachings or sinful? I know it is considered a sin to be homosexual but I was wondering if asexuality is also considered sinful since I (yes I am asexual) have no sexual attraction either way.
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    Heaven & Hell Question

    Okay this is something I have been trying to figure out and it seems many people have differant or conflicting answers. So heaven is God's Kingdom and Hell is Satan's kindgdom. Hell is nothing more then a place where God is not there but my main question is hell suffering. When...
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    A Problem I Have With the Christian God

    Okay, now hear me out on this becuyase I know that when I first try to state my problem, so people won't be able to listen and think about whatever else I say but here goes. Some of you know my mental diorders (Man I hate saying that, since it feels normal for me..) and how I am pretty much a...
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    Swahili Lord's Prayer Song (Incredible)

    I hope this is the right place for this. I am not a Christian but this song is so pretty, it had me loving it, actually I have fallen in love with this song. It's called Baba Yetu which is Swahili for "Our Father" and it's the Lord's Prayer sung in Swahili with abunch of Africans sounding...
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    Bible..How Do You Know?

    One of the biggest reasons I have had a hard time believing in the Bible is how old it is. I am sure you have all heard this questions before, but how do you know the Bible is a true documentation of historical facts. I barely believe what school teaches me in their books let alone the bible...
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    Fallen: Book One - Redemption

    (Before I begin with this story. I love to write however my mental disorders make me lose interest and motivation quickly so I figured I would post my story as I write it on this forum and get advice and encouragment from people so I continue my story..since I have never finished one. I biggest...
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    Inherited Sin?

    This is somethign that has bothered me when it comes to Christianity. According to Christianity, all men are born sinners as it is inherited from Adam and Eve. But why? First of all punishing all the generations thereof for them hardly seems the act of a caring god even if he did give us a way...
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    Inquisition de Jakkaru

    Alright boys...and ladies, feel free to ask away, I pretty much got an open book life and am pretty bored. Before we begin though. I am 16, work at a movie theater, I am also a professional wrestler for local indepedent wrestling feds. Oh and I am an agnostic. Alright, lets see what questions...
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    Wait? What's Wrong With it?

    Not sure if this so much belongs in the question thread or here but who goes. I had a good buddy of mine a few days ago, Christian but nice to me for not being one and what not. Now I always liked the guy becuase evn though he is a Christian, he is not exactly afraid to a...
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    Born with No Holy Spirit?

    This question sprung from a conversation with someone and made me start thinking, is it possible to be born without a holy spirit. For those who don't know already, I "suffer" as the experts call it from schizoid, bipolar, and borderline. For those who haven't read my earlier post, it;s hard for...
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    Am I Cursed?

    Man I post alot of questions, especially for someone who is not a beliver..I need to know this though from the Christian perspective, am I cursed? I am probaly the most damaged kid you will ever meet, I mean I try and have a good personality and don't have too many tramatic moments in my life...
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    Why Does God Kill Babies?

    Alright, here is something I never understood. In the Christian beliefs, humans were created to recieve God's love and serve and worship him. So if this is true, then why do babys die, which defeats the purpose of both reasons as they cannot worship him nor ever experience his love? Also, is...