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  1. T

    Hello Everyone!!!

    Wow- it's been 8 months since I have been on this website! The forum is growing! Yay! I hope I can get involved again! Anyway- Just wanted to say hello for now and welcome to all those who have joined in the past 8 months! :) God Bless! ~Meisha
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    I' m Rejoicing Too See The Amish Here

    Not unless you count me I suppose... and I and my counterpart- amish boy (fiance) are actually conservative Mennonite...
  3. T

    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    lions carpet or tile?
  4. T

    How can a fundamentalist Christian be a Democrat?

    Arunma- I agree with you on several points. While I don't neccesarily see the Republicans as doing nothing ( they have at least tried) I do understand your reasoning for voting Democrat, and in fact, the number of pro-life dems is actually growing at the same rate as pro-choice reps is! So...
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    cross stitch only because i don't know how to quilt- would love to learn though! hamster or guinea pig
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    How can a fundamentalist Christian be a Democrat?

    Pro-life dems are actually growing steadily... depends on what state you are from too. They are prevolent in the south.
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    interesting question... um... octopus go to a movie or see a play
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    How can a fundamentalist Christian be a Democrat?

    We should be careful not to make pro-life the only issue though. Yes it is very important, I'm not saying that it isn't, but when you talk about social platforms, the Republicans have a lot of problems. They are running the welfare system into the ground along with insurance programs, outreach...
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    Christmas blue or red
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    for me- artist... to admire from others- novelist... lake or waterfall
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    Pine cherry koolaid or blueberry koolaid
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    NIV I guess beach or mountains
  13. T

    Theology class

    Heard of it, never read it... I'll check it out. One of my friends said that this particular professor likes to present opposite points of view in order to engage his students in conversation and argument so that they can truly know what they believe and how to present it in such a way as to...
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    Theology class

    I just had a professor denounce and make fun of the ordinance of headcoverings and short hair for men/long hair for women. In my first day of class. This is a Theology course!!!! I sat there for the rest of the class with my jaw dropped. I go to a church of God school, but seriously, they still...
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    Be not conformed to this world--not clothing

    I agree Dan. I have been convicted abou the way I live due to a transformation on the inside caused by my growth as a christian.
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    Be not conformed to this world--not clothing

    I think our entire lifestyle should reflect this "change" within us. If we are still caught up on things such as beauty, material wealth, and money, we aren;t focusing on the right things: God, love, peace, truth, etc.
  17. T

    What are you reading?

    QT- I know and feel your pain! Our text books are rediculous too!
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    drip unsweet or unsweet? (tea)
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    Would you rather? Fellowship thread!

    toddlers carpet or wood flooring