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  1. rainbowpromise

    7 months

    and based on some of the post titles, I may seem strange. My husband passed away just 12 days before what would have been our 41st anniversary. Was he a believer? I don't know. Yes he believed in God, but Bible tells us that even the demons believe. I spoke to him one final time after the pain...
  2. rainbowpromise

    Anyone interested in heart healthy support?

    I was thinking setting personal goals, changing lifestyle, being accountable. My personal changes are: Start with zero fast food during recovery, eventually allow monthly better choices Increasing my daily walk until I can handle what I used to Increasing my vegetable intake Avoiding...
  3. rainbowpromise

    Heart attack one week ago today.

    Following all the doctor’s recommendations, but in the long run, I don’t get it. Cutting salt means that I won’t be having Subway on Sunday after church and I quit eating cheese. We get take out once a month as well, so that won’t happen anymore. Otherwise I lived a nearly salt free...
  4. rainbowpromise

    Pet problem

    With the problems at CF, pets are getting hungry. I cannot remember what number my pet is. Is it possible to access a list and find him to feed him? His name is Leaper and he is a frog. I have also heard from someone else who is also worried about her pet.
  5. rainbowpromise

    200 blessings

    Thank you to the person who sent me 200 anonymous blessings.
  6. rainbowpromise

    Allergy free for over a month

    :clap: :tutu: Everything else is going wrong, but I don't have allergy problems right now. No hives :thumbsup:
  7. rainbowpromise

    Anniversaries (MMFC)

    What would you like to do for your next anniversary? What did you do on your last anniversary? Tell us a romantic or unromantic story of one of your anniversaries.
  8. rainbowpromise

    Pet with 90% hunger

    Should I feed it? The owner was on earlier today, but she is feeling very depressed and unfocused. I know some owners take exception to others feeding there pets. (I kind of do, but get over it. I have Leaper on a schedule that matches my real life pets.) Anyway, I am keeping an eye on this...
  9. rainbowpromise

    Recipes for those with food allergies

    For most of us it is easy to avoid food allergies. In my case, I just avoid nuts and eating what I am not sure of. For my granddaughter it is a different way of life. I thought it might be nice to share recipes. Make sure you title your recipe to tell us what it is free of.
  10. rainbowpromise

    Love and Respect

    I think this might be a topic that we get into for a bit. Bat some ideas back and forth. Just maybe help each other to love and respect our spouses better.
  11. rainbowpromise

    It is a bit of a tough room here!

    I noticed a sister leaving under what seem like bitter circumstances. I certainly have been scarce here because of the bickering. Do you disagree and still get along? I don't feel that! I feel disagreement and name calling here. Many of your posts are so complicated that it is hard to get into...
  12. rainbowpromise

    I feel like screaming (vent)

    I have to take Benadryl again. It has been close to a month that I have been doing daily battle with hives. My allergen is in the air and short of moving to Nunuvit, I don't know what to do. Nut trees! :mad:
  13. rainbowpromise

    Yes or No? Open Forums

    My Mistake I Was Wrong
  14. rainbowpromise

    Thinking about it

    Autumnleaf posed an interesting question out in the Marriage Ministry forum area. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#506aa8] I got thinking about this and and realized that first the answer is yes but more importantly I do more things I don't want to than Richard. I go to dinners with him, with...
  15. rainbowpromise

    Labor Day Fashion Parade

    I have a few armor items to give away. Ask for an item and I will send it to you. Only the items pictured and listed will be given away. Blue Kerchief Trout Modest Swimsuit Red Capri Shorts Taupe Pumps Inside the Pool Small Cutlass Women's White T-shirt Long Khaki Skirt Swim fins Standing...
  16. rainbowpromise

    I forgot to share

    I am just getting used to being a part of this forum, but I realized that if I wanted to be really a part of this group I shoud share. My granddaughter was baptized on Sunday evening. My husband attended with us. He attends baptisms and this was the last one. Pictures are still on my CF...
  17. rainbowpromise

    Fellowship to 500 for 500

    Lets just have a good fellowship.
  18. rainbowpromise

    Family Fellowship Thread

    This weekend holds a special day for my husband and I. It is our anniversary. This is also my first time for hosting a Blessing Game. I am celebrating on CF by holding a fellowship thread to 800. I will post along, except when near a secret number. Blessings are as follows: 50 blessings...
  19. rainbowpromise

    Thank you to the person/s who blessed me today

    Thank you to the person who blessed me with my dream helmet. I was going to get it to wear with my grandma outfit, but my daughter cautioned me on the size. Someone out there knows me better than my own daughter. :wave: Thank you also to the person who bleesed me with the mountain...
  20. rainbowpromise

    A few more free armor items

    Yard give away is closed now. Thank you all for helping me clean out my closet. Enjoy!