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  1. K

    The Glory of the Gospel

    Gospel Challenge - Tree of Life Church I have started a new series on the gospels. Today I preached through Mark, last week through Matthew. You should listen to them, they will bless you!
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    Watch Night Service

    Watch Night Service 9pm-12midnight, December 31st 2010 Venue: Harmony House, Dagenham, RM9 6XN Do not miss tout on our Watch Night Service! It is going to be awesome. Pastor Benjamin has a very special and timely message entitled "You Will Not Recognize Who You Are Going to Be!". This...
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    New Sermons Freeeee Of Charge On The Power Of Words

    The Power of Words - Tree of Life Church A powerful message on faith from a powerful couple of God: John and Abi Elshaw came and preached a powerful and clear message on the fact that we can take the land. This message starts with John and ends with Abi and is one of the clearest and...
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    The Father and His Family

    God is Your FATHER! The Father and His Family - Tree of Life Church London God loves you. It doesn't matter what you have done, it doesn't matter what you do, God loves you. It is a lie that God's love for you depends on your performance. In this bold, uncompromising sermon Benjamin...
  5. K

    Imagine a Church...

    YouTube - Tree of Life Church
  6. K

    Rivers and Wells

    The Lord told me this morning as I was praying to make my book RIVERS AND WELLS free for one week exactly. If you want a copy of the book, please email me at and I will email you the PDF file. This book explains how you can move in the same anointing that Jesus...
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    Online Sermons About Destiny

    Destiny and Destination - Tree of Life Church London Just uploaded 3 1/2 sermons to the internet. 2. It's A Good Destiny! God is a good God. His destiny for you is GOOD! You will love doing what God has called you to do! So many Christians think doing God's will is a chore or a...
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    Radio Gaga

    Just come back from my three month holiday. Won't be on here much as real life is just very busy. But wanted to up date you on a major move forward for our church and for myself: Just to let you guys know I am going on Premier Radio starting at the end of this year. I am doing a 15 minute...
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    Redeemed From the Curse of the Law

    Redemption - Tree of Life Church London Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law. But what is a curse? What is the curse of the law? How can we be free from the curse Jesus redeemed us from? How can we enjoy the blessings which Jesus redeemed us for? How can we get out of the...
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    Mercy and Redemption

    bloodcovenant - Tree of Life Church London Final message in the series on Blood Covenant: This practical and powerful message will train you how to develop your faith in the love of God. It is important to learn how to believe God for healing and for prosperity, but the most important...
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    One reason we should be like little children

    Yesterday I went to pick up my son from school as I am on school holiday (I teach in a different authority from where my son's go into school so the holiday dates don't quite match so I had first day of Easter Holidays when they were having their last day at school). I took my daughter out of...
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    Thought of the Day

    This is from Brian Kim. It really spoke to me so I thought I would share it: You read an article or a book one day. You come back and read it again, you would expect to learn nothing new. But you do. Why? You're not the same person anymore. You've experienced more things...
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    Insights From Greek and Hebrew

    Something Dids said was that a good use of time is sharing insights from the Greek and Hebrew. I agree. This thread is for you to share your ideas of Greek and Hebrew words and things that you have learned over time. I will start with a revelation from the beginning: In the...
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    1 John Study

    This thread is given for us to study the book of 1 John. Start with the first few verses, read them, post any insights you have whether revealed during meditation or study or through listening to a teacher of the Word. When it feels like we have looked at the first verses enough, we will...
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    Blood Covenant

    bloodcovenant - Tree of Life Church London I have placed two sermons on the Blood Covenant on our church website. I am going to preach the third in about three hours time. These messages have had some of the most powerful results of anything I have ever preached to anyone. The church has...
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    Bible anyone?

    If some tattooed creep is Word of Faith, I am not Word of Faith. If Word of Faith sounds a little like a magic spell I once heard, I am not Word of Faith. These are just some of the comments given in the non-Word of Faith forum as to why people are not Word of Faith. Well, I just wanted...
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    Is satan in the will of God?

    If satan hassles someone is this the will of God? If satan makes someone sick is this the will of God? If satan is one of God's tools for perfecting us, if satan had stayed in heaven, not exalted himself up against God, not tried to usurp the place of God and just worshipped God and magnified...
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    Non-WoF tell us what you DO Believe...

    Just for parity, seen as there is a thread telling Word of Faith Christians to explain what they do not believe, and point out maybe things that Word of Faith (or so-called Word of Faith in the case of couple of ministers who might have read a Hagin book once and say it was a good book)...
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    Two Anointed Messages from two anointed preachers

    New sermon on prayer available: February 2010 - Tree of Life Church London Jesus is the only way to heaven - but He is also the only way to success on earth and to answered prayer. So much of the prayer life of many charismatic Christians is based on the Old Covenant and ignores what Jesus...
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    Kenyon on Giving and Tithing

    TITHING God is the original giver. He so loved that He gave. All giving is a love affair. When people love the Master they will give to His cause. When they love the message they will bear the burden of its Broadcasting. No one has close fellowship with the Father who is not a giver. The...