Search results

  1. C

    List of banned games

    wow thats interesting to know about the list of games being banned.
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    Ww2 Fps

    i love WW2 FPS games. I have played MOH and Call of Duty! I just love those games! Im so glad to see that there are others out there who love it. Im not a big fan of alien FPS but i like this WW2 types. really awesome games. :thumbsup:
  3. C

    Best free online game

    interesting game. thanks for sharing it here. :)
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    Best free online game

    let me check out the link.
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    The Earthquake In Pakistan and why we aren't helping enough.

    well i see alot of talk about pakistan blaming other nations. but i want to raise one point. when the earth quake happened and when immediate help was needed as in logistics, India offered its helicopters and the pak president rejected it. i feel that the pak govt is just making such a hue and...
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    Your view on birth control?

    i think birth control is fine excluding abortion. well times have changed and our earth is too over populated. its better to give 2 kids the best u can offer rather than 7 kids whom u can't provide the best.
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    Female leadership in the local church

    i belong to the indian orthodox church. our church leadership is totally male. i strongly believe in men being in charge of leadership in the church.
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    Christian/Muslim Debate in 12th Century

    wow thats a really interesting debate to read. thanks alot for sharing it here. :thumbsup:
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    what type of things do you collect?

    i never heard of collecting feathers. thats new to me. :scratch:
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    7 january christmas

    Our Indian Orthodox Church celebrates Xmas on Dec 25th. I'm a bit confused here. the Coptic church celebrates during Dec or Jan? :scratch:
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    Let's play a game.

    CSI......hey leebal, i think we r the only ones playing this game :scratch: standing in prayer or kneeling in prayer?
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    hi shalom im also quite new here. im from Kerala, India but currently in Malaysia. what about you?
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    Any Indian ???

    hi, shalom im also quite new here. its good to see another indian in here. im from kerala but currently in malaysia. i was doing my MBA here and now working. what about u my friend?
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    Let's play a game.

    leathered jacket sleeping on bed or couch?
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    Let's play a game.

    digital cam McD or Burger King?
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    Spartan: Total Warrior

    thanks alot for the link. it was really interesting to go thru the site. i guess i will try to get this game sometime soon.
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    What inspired your screen name?

    well abt my name screen name........i like the sacrifice of early crusaders and how they were so commited to the cause. especially abt how just the sight of 7-8 templer crusaders on the pilgrim road would scare away arab raiders. well towards the end the crusade was a failure and turned away...
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    we can collect anything!

    what do u mean? :scratch:
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    Spartan: Total Warrior

    the games sounds interesting.
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    Adventure Games

    what about the game - Tomb Raider series?