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  1. C

    Bible verses I should know

    Just remember that "Christian" means you follow Christ, so the most important verses to remember are the words of Christ himself. Personally I think the most important things Christ taught were: 1. Parable of the sheep and the goats in Mathew 25 (whatever you did for the least of these...
  2. C

    Requesting Political Compass scores from CF members to be placed on graph

    Economic Left/Right: -4.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.69
  3. C

    What really happened to Ken Lay?

    Personally I think any of the 3 theories are equally plausible.
  4. C

    Colorado Lawmakers Pass Strict Illegal Immigration Laws

    That's the toughest there is? Oh brother...
  5. C

    9/11 Truth

    Here are some good links for those who are interested in supporting or would be open to learning about the 9/11 Truth Movement: God Bless
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    The Center for Progressive Christianity

    A community for those who, in obedience to Christ, care about social causes:
  7. C

    Rivers of Revelation Forum

    A good discussion forum for the true Christians who follow Christ instead of Paul:
  8. C

    Silly Question

    If they happened, they wouldn't be parables. Jesus himself said they are parables. Also most of the stories are very unrealistic. For example, a farmer would have to be pretty darn wasted to scatter seed in thornbushes, on a path, and on dry dirt, and only land a few where he was trying to...
  9. C

    Is Capitalism and Christianity Compatible?

    Like everything else, capitalism is a tool, it is a system, a way of doing things. Whether it is used for good or evil is a function of the heart. Unfortunately, it is used for evil much more often than it is used for good.
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    Silly Question

    Jesus told stories (parables) about things that never actually happened, does that make him a liar? Seriously, it's what's in your heart that matters. If your intent is to deceive someone and make them believe something that isn't true, then that is lying. But if you tell a story to...
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    Republicans assert dominance in the bedroom

    I predict this thread will be locked :D
  12. C

    Dave Hunt says RCC is Babylon

    Revelation 18 describes attributes of the end-times Babylon that could not possibly be that of the Catholic Church. For example, a very high wealth and trade capacity. It's obviously refering to a very wealthy and very powerful nation that values wealth more than anything else. That said, I do...
  13. C

    America is Babalyon

    Any honest look at Revelation 18 makes it seem pretty clear it is talking about the United States. It's the only thing that fits the description. Everything it describes fits America perfectly. Also I noticed on verse that says this superpower was "clothed in fine linen, scarlet, and...
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    V for Vendetta

    I enjoyed it very much, it was probably one of the best films I've ever seen, an instant classic.
  15. C

    Interesting website..

    The AC will not claim to be Jesus, he won't even acknowledge Jesus.
  16. C

    My Heart is crying and crying and crying for the bad I see in the world.

    "The End" is not one single point in time, it is a period of time. It begins with the birth pains, which have been occuring throughout this generation, and is followed by the tribulation, which is followed by the return of Christ.
  17. C

    An interesting paper, "I want to be left behind!"

    Good article. I'm a futurist but I don't believe in the pre-trib rapture bs. I believe God will test all those who claim to be his to see who will stand firm til the end.
  18. C

    An interesting paper, "I want to be left behind!"

    The link isn't working for me, do you have a copy of the page saved?
  19. C

    Hal Lindsey taken off TBN

    Nope. By the way, I would figure out a way to get an Ambien prescription if I were you, since none of the "three beliefs that help you sleep at night" are true. Sorry, just a reality check.
  20. C

    Hal Lindsey taken off TBN

    Where does it say anything about muslims in the Bible??? Islam wasn't started until like the 6th century A.D.!