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  1. R

    I have a lost a loved one....Please Pray...

    April 9, 2006, Sunday. My papaw Gibson passed away from a heart-attack. Dear Christian Forum Members, I would really appreciate it if you could pray for me and my family. We are going through a very hard time.:cry: :angel: Thank God I will see him again in heaven.:angel: Thank you all...
  2. R

    Why Didnt the Chicken Cross the Road?

    Why Didnt the Chicken Cross the Road? BECAUSE THERES CARS ON THE ROAD!!! DUH! LOL...
  3. R


    Anybody from GOoD oL' Virginia!?!?
  4. R

    Remember the Titans

    Has anyone seen the AWESOME movie called Remember the Titans?!?!? If so, feel free to discus and tell if you liked it or not!!!! God Bless You All, Runner_for_jc
  5. R

    :Pray For The Lost:

    It comes to my understanding that less than 45 percent of people in the world are Christians. So, that means there is over 50 percent that are not. To me, that is just sad...I really think that we(all the christians all around the world) need to pray together as a group in order to help this...
  6. R

    Pray for Me

    I have an injury that ive had for the past week and i am hoping it will be healed enough to let me run this Friday...Pray for me...
  7. R

    {Pray for Me!}

    Always pray for me because my hip flexor is hurting me very badly and i dont know how to heal it. And plus, i have a track meet comming up... So really, pray for me... Thanx a bunch!
  8. R

    50blessings for the person who can figure out what my favorite verse of the Bible is

    NO JOKE!!! If you can figure out my favorite verse of the Bible, then I will give you 50 bessings! Now go on now, try try try....:thumbsup: Jordan Gibson*24
  9. R

    All My Prayer Requests

    I would like everyone to pray for these things or these people. Im gonna try to list them all so sorry if they are long!And remember, you can never pray TOO much. Pray for/that: my family, me, my friends, my track team, my teachers, pray that everyone will try hard in all of the track meets...
  10. R

    Me A Newby!!!

    Hello Everyone! This Is The First Time Ive Ever Had This, I Think Its Really Neat! So Bye, Jordan Gibson*24