Search results

  1. Martin^^

    Pro or anti death penalty?

    Yes it would be tragic for a person unfairly executed. However, that would be a risk we would all have to take equally if capital punishment were reintroduced. We would be weighing up the increased risk of death by being wrongly executed against the possible reduced risk of being murdered. It...
  2. Martin^^

    Pro or anti death penalty?

    Are there circumstances where the taking of another's life is justified? It seems reasonable to allow for acts of self-defence or defence of one's family involving lethal force if needed. Indeed, it might be considered a moral obligation on stronger members of society to defend the weak and...
  3. Martin^^

    What's your ideal church?

    A place where Christians of many denominations and none gather, and manage to worship in relative peace:
  4. Martin^^

    Need some assistance to help answer a word from God

    If God really wanted to intervene in this case, maybe he would have prevented her abduction in the first place, rather than send cryptic clues to somebody who can't even get her name right in spite of having internet access.
  5. Martin^^

    Your honest opinion please

    I would first ask what success you had enjoyed in your own business or career and why you felt qualified to advise others. Secondly, I would ask what are your qualifications to give spiritual counsel to others and how you feel uniquely qualified to help them discover their purpose. Finally, I...
  6. Martin^^


    :hug::hug::hug: Welcome back Buttermilk!
  7. Martin^^

    In need of some guidance.

    If I was your husband, I'd find the guy and duff him up for upsetting you so! I'll never get to heaven , will I... <sigh> ;) Seriously, why not tell your husband about your fears. I'm sure he can give you a :hug: and more reassurance than any of us here.
  8. Martin^^

    Educate me. - Where do babies come from?

    ROFL!!! Thats about as crazy as that idea about us being related to monkeys! C' does it REALLY happen...???
  9. Martin^^

    CF is experiencing time stamp problems. Please be patient

    The OT has had time stamp problems for millenia and look how it took off :)
  10. Martin^^

    CONTEST - The messiest desktop!

    C'mon, just a little one? taken on a cold day??
  11. Martin^^

    Pupils 'to take allegiance oath'

    It is a nonsensical suggestion. We live in an era of modern transport and higher levels of migration than ever before. This means that nation states are no longer comprised of homogeneous groups of people with common cultural backgrounds. Nearly all western nations have become melting pots...
  12. Martin^^

    Hi from your new mod

    Congratulations Dean!
  13. Martin^^

    Success University

    I searched some more links on this thing. It looks like another MLM scheme. You join, then make money by recruiting others. Everybody gets rich. Unfortunately the plan fails when, inevitably, the supply of suckers runs out. Judging by the number of people with websites trying to recruit, it must...
  14. Martin^^

    Success University Would this be it? It has all the hallmarks of an overpriced marketing ploy. It offers: This kind of claim is obvious rubbish. You won't achieve mastery of anything more important than picking your nose...
  15. Martin^^

    Is the Golden Gate a bridge too deadly?

    If you are against the barrier, you might want to alter your perspective a moment. What if someone dear to you, in a state of mental distress and pain, was in SF and knew that famous bridge was just a bus ride away? What if they took that bus and walked to the middle of the bridge? As they stood...
  16. Martin^^

    Adults and their toys (NO Not THAT kind!)

    Swiss Army Knife Always had one since I read a review of them in the Whole Earth Catalog, thirty years ago now... Practicality and beauty combined, what more could you want? (I also bought a pink one for my wife)
  17. Martin^^

    Haut de la Garenne children's home in jersey.

    I share your anger, Judy. It is sickening, disgusting, shameful...words are not adequate to describe this kind of thing. Sadly it was and is not uncommon - there have been many stories to emerge over the last few years of 'care' homes which were Abuse Central for paedophiles and sadists. Some of...
  18. Martin^^

    Good friends desperately needed in SE and Kent

    Hi Margaret, just noticed your post and thought it was a bit unfortunate you had no replies, so just wanted to say hello. There are other CFers in your area I'm sure, hope you found someone to talk to...
  19. Martin^^

    Please help...

    I can imagine it was all a bit much together! Sliced haggis and/or black pudding is sometimes served for breakfast, as you describe with eggs and tomato -but with potato scones instead of chips, though. Sliced black pud or haggis is sometimes served on a roll or breakfast. A roll with black pud...