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  1. Fear2Believe

    If there is a problem, there is a solution

    I have the cure for schizophrenia. What is it worth to you people?
  2. Fear2Believe

    Running up that hill

    If I must be like Jesus, then who am I really? What makes me utterly individual, if I become like something else? Is there one snowflake on the earth, or even on any other planet in this universe that is the same as any other flake? I think not. But your Messiah, the creator of snowflakes...
  3. Fear2Believe

    Electric dream's

    I remember my first experience with pornography, I was about 9 year's of age, and I found a few adult magazine's at my father's shipping company. I really liked what was in those magazine's, so I snuck them back to my parents house. For some reason I decided to put the pictures all over my wall...
  4. Fear2Believe

    Love is a battlefield

    I have a question. Is your relationship with your God centred on loving other people? Or needing to be loved by God himself? What does this love actually look like when you have no solid information to offer people other than personal experience, emotional association's, pattern synchronisation...
  5. Fear2Believe

    Love of the common people

    How can 2.2 billion people on this earth believe that Jesus spirit lives among them, that he has given them authority over all thing's, and spiritual gifts to aid humanity. But these believers still live in societies plagued by poverty. I think Jesus closing words to you was "The poor I leave...
  6. Fear2Believe

    Goodbye Stranger

    I've been around on this planet for a very long time, and I know pretty soon that my time will end. I've never stepped outside my own country, and I've never made my mark on the world. But I say I've literally raised hell, especially with my adopted family. Because they just wouldn't let me in...
  7. Fear2Believe
