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  1. wannaberocker

    Is Comedy Dead?

    So, this is a topic that has been rattling in my brain over the past few months. Of course I understand "Comedy" or what is "Funny" is a matter of prospective. So, ill just share some observations iv noticed recently in Comedy or comics. 1. Everything is political. You cannot watch any Netflix...
  2. wannaberocker

    Body Image and Dating

    I came across this article. The article is by a lady who is overweight, single and Christian. It is an interesting read for sure and there are some...
  3. wannaberocker

    Kirk Cameron "Wives should submit"

    So, recently there was trending topic on Facebook about Kirk Cameron stating that "Wives should submit to their husbands". I clicked on the topic to see why it was trending on FB cause to me he didn't say something horrible or bad or outrageous. Well, I was wrong. I read comment after...
  4. wannaberocker

    Workout/ Exercise

    So, I thought that id make a workout/ exercise thread. I use to workout religiously about a year n half ago. Then, I took few weeks off from working out and that turned into 18 months. I went from a moving all the time job, to a job where I sit at a computer all day. So, lack of working out...
  5. wannaberocker

    A synic about Love or Just a realist?

    So, I came across this story about "Love" on yahoo. Before, I even read the story (I saw the picture and title) and thought "This woman is delusional". But, I read the story and my initial feelings about the story were affirmed. But, on the other hand I started to think "maybe, im being too...
  6. wannaberocker

    Is CF Singles an accurate reflection of Real Life singles Scene?

    So I have been thinking. Is CF Singles a good reflection of the dating /singles scene at large, among Christians? What I mean is can we look at CF Singles and say this is how our state or countries dating/singles scene is. These are the sort of people you generally run into, these are the...
  7. wannaberocker

    Examples of Being Hit on but not having a clue

    So I stole the idea for this thread from Yahoo news. Basically, they had an article that gave 10 stories of men who were being hit on, but they had no clue. Only later on they had that moment of "oh dang I was being hit on". Now of course their stories were a little more adult themed, so I cant...
  8. wannaberocker

    The CF Desert Island Game

    Ok guys here is the CF Desert Island Game. Here is the situation. YOu are stuck on a desert Island. - Pick 3 books you will take with you. - Pick 3 movies you take with you. (lets assume you can watch the movies on the island). - Pick 1 CF person you take with you (No celebs sorry). - Pick...
  9. wannaberocker

    Are online People Just talking Screen Names?

    I sometimes wonder how people view their "online" groups. Personally, im sort of a passionate guy by nature. That means if I like or respect people I come across online, Ill let them know. On the other hand if I come across people I don't like online, Ill let them know. On a certain level...
  10. wannaberocker

    The dreaded Friend Zone lol

    So there was picture log on Yahoo news that was kinda funny. It was about the dudes that are stuck in the friend zone. So i figured we would start a Friend Zone thread on CF. So basically here you can -Share your stories about being in the friend zoney - Put people in the friend zone or...
  11. wannaberocker

    Former Lehman Brothers CFO regrets not having kids

    So i saw this article about Erin Callan former CFO for Lehman Brothers. I guess she regrets not having kids and a proper family at age 47. Lots of money but no kids. I dont like the Male vs Female spin they put on this article though. Former CFO Erin Callan Regrets Not Having...
  12. wannaberocker

    Personal Finances/ Money

    As some of you may know. Im really unhappy with my current job. But, with my current job i get paid fairly well (or what seems like fairly well to me). So considering that my job has made me miserable with money to spend. Iv made the decision to start look for a different job . Yet...
  13. wannaberocker

    Has being a Christian made you boring?

    Has being a Christian made you boring? I sometimes get the feel that being a Christian has made me pretty boring. A little background, I wasn’t really a Christian till around age 20/21 (it was a process and not an overnight thing). Before that I was more a Christian in name only. I would go...
  14. wannaberocker

    Gods Best or All the Rest

    Read this article recently and found it to be encouraging. So i figured id share it. Christian Dating: God's Best or All the Rest?
  15. wannaberocker

    Manti's fake online girlfriend.. wow

    I know we talk about online relationships and dating alot here. But this story just bring it all back as to how careful people got to be online. I feel bad for the guy. Notre Dame stands by Manti Te’o, says he was “perfect mark” for a hoax | Dr. Saturday -...
  16. wannaberocker

    Life stuck in neutral

    You know there is so much advice on this forum regarding relationship. We hear a lot about “well God is not magically going to drop the right person into your lap. You have to put yourself out there and make the move”. That is indeed something I agree with, yet I currently feel like...
  17. wannaberocker

    It probably wouldn’t work out…..

    I don’t know what it is but this seems to be the favorite statement of most Christians I meet. No matter what it is in regards to, most self-proclaimed Christian’s jump so fast to the “well it probably wouldn’t work out” that its makes my head spin. I mean even look around CF everyday you get at...
  18. wannaberocker

    Double Standard?

    If you are a man: Imagine you walk past a store and you see a man and a woman arguing about something. Automatically without knowing the situation, where do your sympathies lie? And who do you lay the blame on? 1. The man 2. The woman 3. Or Both. Now if you are a woman...
  19. wannaberocker

    Perusing someone and dealing with Competition

    So I was watching the show “millionaire match maker” and there was this guy on it. He was sort of shy and in a way reminded me of myself. Anyways, the shows set up is that 2 rich guys have a mixer with like 20 women. In a way they are speed dating with 20 women and then they pick the girl, who...
  20. wannaberocker

    The way people dress

    I know, stupid thread. But, it was something I was thinking about today. Does it matter to ya ladies how a man dresses? Guys does it matter to ya how a girl dresses? I dont know about everyone. But it seems to me like men these days don’t know how to dress? I not someone...