spiritual sabotage from parents, I need help.


66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
United States
Marital Status
I'm a 36 Y.O. with a couple of mental disorders, and with abusive parents that are constantly fighting. I'm spiritually sound by myself but I'm living in a house of sinners who don't care who else their sins are effecting. I will start by saying I know I have issues in my life with things that I need to change and overcome, but I'm also told that I shouldn't go alone. I know a lot of this belongs in the parenting section; but my parents can not be trusted, I honor them but I can not respect them because of what they have done with me.

There is a homeless man in town that lives in a chair out side of the grocery store, I swore I'd never find myself sitting next to him, but maybe that's too arrogant of me because I heard an old country song in the car last night as I was coming home. It was about a woman and daughter and how she forgave her child's debts to her.

My dad has got his issues, but it's nothing compared to her draconian narcissism she thinks because her parents were abusive to her, that she should hand that down to me.

I make $500.00 a month from ssdi and are on Medicaid and with terrible dental issues but am somewhat regressing in my mental issues, I want a job at the barn builders on the main road. But she refuses to help lift me out and says I don't work enough in the house to get that job.

It's just that, she's never satisfied with anything I or him ever do for her. she constantly brings up people's past and uses it against them, and often these events were mostly her fault. she is so senile she can't even tell a slamming storm door from someone blowing their nose. I know but she has been this way for a long time, and it has gotten worse over time, I'm even lucky enough to say this here because she holds things like the internet hostage. It may be hers, but I got no other communication to the outside world other than forums like this and I bring this issue here because I need to know what to do about it. she brings nothing but rage to this house and I'm turning to the Lord for answers because time is running out and I almost lost my cool on her three times today...