Why are most Christians politically right wing?


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Dec 22, 2018
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IME, city folk are more community-oriented than folks in the suburbs and exurbs. Rural farm folk are some sort of weird mix that I don't understand, being both highly communal and highly solitary. But for city folk, it's hard not to be neighborly when you're all up in each others' business all the time.

(bolding mine)
And yet, crime rates are MUCH higher in dense urban centers than in rural areas.

Secular or Christian?

There's no such thing as "Christian socialism", despite some people calling themselves that.
They're either socialists who've made socialism their end and Christianity the means - thereby not being Christians - or Christians who are deluded into thinking that an inherently anti-Christian ideology (socialism) whose very aim is the destruction of Christianity, and which practises mass-murder and other kinds of persecutions of Christians, is somehow compatible with Christianity.
It is literally impossible to be both fully socialist, and a Christian. One cannot serve two masters.

How much did Jesus charge for the loaves and fishes (even at a good reduced Jewish rate)? Were His healings covered by parasitic health insurers? What did The Father charge for the Kingdom to Come. For resurrection? I guarantee you if it was up to man it wouldn't come cheap, Christian institutions have already verified that fact.

And literally NONE of the examples you've just used have anything to do with socialism.

Socialism existed in biblical times.


No such thing as Christian socialism? Wrong.

No. See above.

Socialism is a Christian concept,



Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

giving to others and sharing was taught by Jesus.

And neither has anything to do with socialism.

It's kind of funny how people can think greed is more Christ-like

I agree - which is why I've spent so much time (more time than I care to think about) debunking your strange notions that an ideology which is, at its core, greedy and demoniacal, has anything to do wiht Christianity.

Even in communist Yugoslavia, only 1% of the population were atheist. 99% were religious, and this is fact...

Source? And no, "trust me, bro" isn't a source.

Also: Try taking your religion seriously in any socialist country, including pre-civil war Yugoslavia, and you'll find yourself in a KZ-camp faster than you can say "Hail Stalin". Though, admittedly, Yugoslavia was LESS insane about this than the other socialist countries.
Also, do note the fact that there's such a thing as "cultural religion". It is especially widespread in Europe, and more or less means that while people use "religious" terms to describe themselves, most of them merely mean "I am catholic/protestant/orthodox because that's what we are here in [insert country here]". Not including the forces of the invasion that has occurred over the past few decades, btw, but the actual Europeans.

Socialism actually has nothing to do with religion,


Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

but the concept is a lot more Christ-like than capitalism is.


Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

It was a concept that was around in kingdoms since biblical times..


Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

And there is nothing wrong with it.

There is everything wrong with it.

think socialism is against Christianity and don't support it. It is really odd.

That kinda has to do with the fact that Christians know how we fare under socialist governments.
Sure, if martyrdom is forced upon us, we must accept it.
But there's no reason whatsoever to encourage the process that lands us there, or actively suport the movements that do so.

. But I am for democratic socialism

There's no such thing, just as there is no such thing as "democratic fascism". The terms are contradictory by nature.

But socialism like in Sweden and Norway today would be pretty sweet to have here in Canada.

Neither Sweden, nor Norway, nor Denmark, is socialist ;)

I am centre-left and I am a fundamentalist bible-believing born again Christian. So how do you explain that? They are not mutually exclusive.

They are. See above.

Most countries in Europe are the same. Social democratic principles are simply normal (unlike in America) and usually Christians in those countries elect those governments.

Again: See above. I'm done retyping the same thing over and over again.

Socialism is a good concept

No, it isn't.

and those who disagree with it are usually greedy. .

No, it's usually the socialists who are greedy for other peoples' money they can then decide to give out to whomever they find worthy.....usually their own supporters.

I'm a Christian who doesn't care that my tax money goes to programs that help the poor, because I WANT to help the poor. That should be everyone's mindset.

Take your strawman and shove it back under the couch where you swept it out from.
No one does not want to help the poor.

So much for an “inerrant Bible”!

Nonsense. "So much for deliberate misinterpretations of the Bible", is the correct phrase.

But he preached concepts of socialism like giving back.
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Dec 22, 2018
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(final post)

That's not a concept of socialism.

. The concept itself is good though.


Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

The concept has its roots in the bible.


Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

It's based around sharing, sharing came from scripture originally.

1: No. It isn't. Repeating a falsehood doesn't make it true. Goebbels was wrong.

2: "Sharing" came from Scripture originally?? :D :D

The original kingdoms of biblical times had socialist policies.

Ah yes. I do remember King David abdicating in order to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat that was to force everyone to give all of their wealth to a "party" which would then "redistribute" everything as it saw fit - most often to its own members and allies


That's why I like democratic socialism the most personally.

And my favorite animal is the unicorn, now that we're on things that don't exist.

Socialism does not have to be forced. Do you have insurance? That is a form of socialism that is completely voluntary and not forced on anyone.


Socialism, by the very nature of its scheme and ends, is forced. It simply will not work without it.
That is, of course, assuming that one thinks that one shouldn't simply try to redefine words to fit whatever narrative one wants.

Socialism is absolutely Biblical. Here is a lesson for you right from the Word of God:

Aaaand no. Again: That isn't socialism, unless you redefine socialims to mean "Literally whatever I need it to mean to suit my narrative"

Can you show me where this passage says it was "forced upon people"? No, you can't. So much for your false assertion that it's forced upon people..

You.....DO know that you're making the exact opposite case to the one you think you're making, right?

You're literaly proving that the early church WAS...NOT....SOCIALIST.

and it sliced and diced and tore asunder your misinformation with just a few verses.

In which alternate dimension did this take place? Because all that happened here was that you decided that a passage meant exactly what you wanted it to mean, and then declared victory based on that.

You complained about judging capitalism by its worst examples and then judged socialism by its worst examples. Classic.

There ARE no good examples of socialism in practise.
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Jul 10, 2018
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Hiya, Marcion! I thought you died in the mid-2nd century. How did you manage to live for this long?

This is biblical truth... We are not under the old Levitical law. Jesus said to love and pray for your enemies. He did not preach to kill people with the death penalty because everyone can come to repentance at any time, and that is God's job, not peoples job. The new covenant law was rooted around love, not the old Levitical law which was a schoolmaster for the things to come.

Open borders, thereby cursing your own people and country to suffer the effects of uncontrolled migration is most definitely NOT a Christian thing to do.
The reason leftists are in favor of this is EXACTLY because of its consequences: The erosion of society, social cohesion and in order to use the illegal immigrants as tools to grab power.
Absolutely wrong. This is the biggest thing I disagree with you on. Having open borders to a Christian country can allow MORE PEOPLE TO COME TO CHRIST! Do you think Muslim refugees will hear the gospel message in their war-torn countries? If they stay in the Islamic countries they will never be converted. I absolutely support open borders and more cultures. They should come and we should preach to them the gospel message as Jesus instructed. Not to mention here in Canada, our country can only survive on immigration. We have an extremely low birth rate so without immigration our country cannot sustain itself. The only reason we are growing is because of immigration. I myself am an immigrant to Canada but I came as a baby.

Most Christians are on the right, because decades of development has shown very clearly that the left despises Christians and seem to harm them socially, economically, politically, and, yes, religiously.
This is not just an American thing, but a general Western thing.
Overlooking the principle of self-reliance if at all possible, which is clearly Biblical, it is a case of
I'm not saying many haven't. I know many have, but it is unintelligent to throw out ideas and principles just because some people bringing them aren't Christian or are hateful. Jesus did not preach self-reliance, he preached about giving back. And the whole right wing culture is very much is an American thing. It's only growing to other western countries now because of the popularity in America.

It very much is. Atheism is at the core of socialist ideology. And that's before we get into.....you know.....the oceans of blood on its hands. And the way socialists persecute Christians every chance they get.
This is wrong. You can argue MARX had atheist principles. But I am talking about wealth distribution and the CONCEPT itself, not the official ideology of Marxism which was made in the 19th century. And what do you mean socialists persecute Christians? That's wrong, do you not realize there is CHRISTIAN SOCIALISM?

Christian socialism - Wikipedia

The ashes of a hundred million people dead (and counting) because of socialism would disagree with you. As would those Cubans and Venezuelans who managed to escape to freedom.
You can't blame a concept for bad corrupt leaders... That is not fair, and a poor argument. Not to mention you are talking about extreme communism. I am talking about social democracy.

But never about making the government force others to give to the poor.
Umm the kingdoms of biblical times when Jesus was on earth had socialism... So that's wrong. It wasn't the government but it was the king who redistributed wealth. So yeah forced giving was a thing, but also voluntary giving. In the corrupt fallen world you NEED forced giving otherwise homeless people would die because not everyone would help as people are fallen and sinful, the majority of people aren't even saved, and most people wouldn't give back so that's why there needs to be government intervention otherwise there would be too much poverty and inequality. A big gap between the rich and the poor... Why do you support that?

False. Go look at every single socialist country that exists now, or has existed in the past, and you'll see the exact opposite of this.
I am looking at Sweden and Norway and they are one of the best countries to live in the world. I am also comparing Canada to the US, and they are not even comparable... Canada is safer and a way better country to live in.

So Jesus thought that religion is the opiate of the masses ( = Enforced atheism), and that the Apostles should instead concern themselves with creating paradise now by working to overthrow the Roman Empire, and confiscate everyone's property so they could then "redistribute" as they saw fit?
No. And anyone who claims this has never actually read the Bible.
YOU ARE QUOTING MARX. Not the general concept of socialism that has existed since the beginning of time... Yes Jesus did preach socialism and giving back. He did not preach greed which capitalism is about. Again I am not talking about the extreme here or communism. I am talking about SOME wealth distribution so there isn't a huge gap.

Then you WILL be surprised when He doesn't.
I think you would be surprised. A lot of Christians are deceived these days by American right wing culture, something Jesus Christ doesn't represent in the slightest. I'm sure God is embarrassed by Trump supporters who at the same time proclaim his name. Anyways, I think the system will absolutely be socialist because it will not be by a corrupt leader, it will be by the perfect ruler God himself so the system of giving that Jesus preached will work.

Please, oh, PLEASE don't tell me you subscribe to the ridiculous idea "If something is tax-funded, that's socialism"?
Socialism is already happening in the US only instead of giving back to the poor the government is giving back to rich corporations as bailouts and military spending. I would rather have the former, don't know why you wouldn't.

Fun fact: Socialists are the most greedy of all
And socialism the most greedy system of all. It demands everyone's wealth, and then claims to "distribute" it back as it sees fit.
Not at all. I don't mind my tax money going to helping other people out. Those who do are greedy. On top of that, I don't mind giving back voluntarily as well. As long as tax money isn't being wasted and there isn't corruption, the system works well on giving back to people who need it. And it is based on biblical principles.

Jesus would rather money go to the people who earned them, than to greedy Party officials.
See? Two can play the "take Jesus hostage in a strawman-argument"-game.
I am talking about giving back to the poor. Jesus came to help the poor, not the rich.

No. No, there's nothing moral or helpful about militant atheism, and the narrative that society should be guided by the Party towards a communist utopia at some point in the future, while in the present running a "dictatorship of the proletariat"
It's not atheism.

You just described leftwingers there. And conveniently ignored that it's been documented that conservatives are vastly more likely to donate to charity than leftists are.
CHRISTIANS are more likely to donate than non-Christian. Not conservatives. Have you seen the conservatives these days? They are opposite of Christian. But we should refrain from making general statements.

"Some" socialism

That's like saying "a little bit pregnant".
And no. Individual liberties are not protected in socialist countries. Again: Look at all past and present socialist countries.

There's no more focus on "giving back" in leftist ideology, than there is on love in sexual assault crimes.
The key difference between the left and Christianity, is that in the latter, wealth redistribution is voluntary, and every....single....example supports this.

This is not true with leftism.

Socialist countries are some of the most polluting societies on the planet
Very general and biased statements. If you read the some policies you will see how it relates to what Jesus preached.

That's an ideological statement.
Not that I disagree that those things are good (and, also, not socialist in nature. The world's first welfare state was Bismarck's Germany), but let's keep things real here.
Well maybe socialism isn't the right word but the general concept of a welfare state is a good idea and that's what Jesus preached. Like how it is in Norway and Sweden.
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Jul 10, 2018
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Hiya, Marcion! I thought you died in the mid-2nd century. How did you manage to live for this long?
What are you talking about? God was the same in the old testament and the new testament. But we are in a new covenant, and no longer under the old Levitical law (such as the death penalty). So we should not hang onto to those old laws as they were only a schoolmaster for things to come. I am firmly against the death penalty. Everyone should have the time to come to repentance no matter what the crime (Paul himself was a mass murderer) and only God decides who lives and who dies, not man who is sinful as well. That's why I am against abortion and assisted suicide as well. Also, the death penalty has killed many people who were found innocent. It is a horrible system. Prison and some rehab efforts are better. That's why there is less crime in other countries because there are some rehab efforts as well as prison too.

Tommy Douglas who was the founder of universal health care here in Canada was a Christian Baptist. He was part of the NDP which is the left wing more socialist party here in Canada. I don't know a lot of politicians on the right who do good things like that, despite many being Christian on the right such as former prime minister Stephen Harper.
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Dona Quixote
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It's always so interesting to see how critics of progressive democracies with the highest standards of living and best education in the world pick some third world country led by a dictator (whom Trump sees as a rule model) to badmouth "socialism."

The U.S. is at the moment so far from being socialist--and so close to being an oligarchy, which is TERRIFYING, that I find the criticism to be worthless, based on false premises.
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Jesus stood up to the hypocrisy and goading that the pharisees were trying - trying to lure Him into a trap.
Again: Do remember who gave the laws in the first place: Jesus.
Because it was a schoolmaster of things to come. That's why he made the law. But then when Jesus came the law became of the spirit and was rooted around love. Some of the pharisees didn't like this and wanted to hold onto their old laws. Jesus doesn't condemn but they did. We are no longer under the old law.

Which is a point AGAINST leftism, not for it. Anyone who disagrees can go ahead and try telling a leftist in a Western country something they disagree with. Verbal abuse is going to be the very least of the reactions.
Such a generalization. There are crazy people on both the right and the left.

1: Non-sequitur.
2: Yes, criminals SHOULD get a chance to come to repentence.........while waiting for execution.

You're also forgetting that Jesus, who is God, commanded the use of CP for certain crimes. Murder being one of those crimes.
Umm no... Jesus isn't on earth now. Only God decides who lives and who dies, not men. Paul wouldn't be able to preach the gospel if he got killed. People can come to repentance in JAIL when they ar punished and feel bad for their crime. Not waiting for execution... Are you serious? Capital punishment is NOT a good thing. Only God decides who gets to live and who gets to die, not people. Not to mention many innocents may be killed from being wrongly accused. We live in a fallen world. Allowing capital punishment is sick to me. People should serve their sentence in JAIL where they can think about what they did and can come to repentance.

Yeah, no.
Nice rebuttal.


Yeah, sure. That's why you've spent several pages already singing the praise of the one ideology in the history of humankind that has the most blood on its hands: Because you're "just Christian" and "neither left or right"
Well I don't like to label myself but I do like the principles and ideas. And I am opposed to right wing ideas, besides the abortion issue and gay marriage.

Social democrats are decidedly NOT socialists, and any ideologically aware Social Democrat will be the first to tell you.....and be quite offended if you call him/her/attack helicopter a "socialist"
Well fine then I won't use the term "socialist" in that way if you don't know what I am trying to mean. I am really advocating for social democracy and welfare programs, not communism and complete control of the state.
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Dec 8, 2004
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It's always so interesting to see how critics of progressive democracies with the highest standards of living and best education in the world pick some third world country led by a dictator (whom Trump sees as a rule model) to badmouth "socialism."
It really isn't that way. Its just that there aren't any socialist success stories to point to.
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(bolding mine)
Source? And no, "trust me, bro" isn't a source.

Also: Try taking your religion seriously in any socialist country, including pre-civil war Yugoslavia, and you'll find yourself in a KZ-camp faster than you can say "Hail Stalin". Though, admittedly, Yugoslavia was LESS insane about this than the other socialist countries.
Also, do note the fact that there's such a thing as "cultural religion". It is especially widespread in Europe, and more or less means that while people use "religious" terms to describe themselves, most of them merely mean "I am catholic/protestant/orthodox because that's what we are here in [insert country here]". Not including the forces of the invasion that has occurred over the past few decades, btw, but the actual Europeans.
Are you kidding me right now? Don't you dare try to mock me on this, my family is former Yugoslavia so I know this more than you.
Demographics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia

Churches were getting built during Tito's reign and it was a big part of the country... There were minimal atheists, majority of people were Christian.
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Jul 10, 2018
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There's no such thing as "Christian socialism", despite some people calling themselves that.
They're either socialists who've made socialism their end and Christianity the means - thereby not being Christians - or Christians who are deluded into thinking that an inherently anti-Christian ideology (socialism) whose very aim is the destruction of Christianity, and which practises mass-murder and other kinds of persecutions of Christians, is somehow compatible with Christianity.
It is literally impossible to be both fully socialist, and a Christian. One cannot serve two masters.

Christian socialism - Wikipedia

There absolutely is such thing as Christian socialism, read it. Socialism is not satanic, you are a conspiracy theorist. Socialism has roots from the bible. Who are you to tell someone whether they are allowed to believe in a different political opinion than you and still be Christian? Christianity and politics are a separate issue and we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, not a political opinion. Many good Christians believe in socialism, and there was Christian Socialism in countries. You are absolutely wrong. Stop saying you can't be socialist and be Christian, such a incorrect statement.

Only those conspiracy theorists who think the anti-Christ will be a communist and think socialism is a bad word think the way you do when in fact the concept comes right out of the bible. Being against it is very much an American thing. I'm more inclined to think the anti-Christ will be fascist, not socialist. But I am not saying there aren't evil communist rulers, there are of course. But my parents lived in Yugoslavia and they had an amazing life there and they miss it. Of course I know the system is still not right because people who went against it would go to jail and that's not right if you don't have freedom to speak against the government. But my parents did not have any issues with it because it worked for them. There are some conspiracy theories that Tito was a Freemason, no idea. But you had the freedom of religion and religion was really strong in former Yugoslavia, traditional conservative values applied to everyone in Yugoslavia. Almost everyone was against homosexuality and knew abortion was wrong and went to church and were Christian. So stop saying that it is anti-Christian. It is not, socialism in general has its roots from the bible. And again, I believe in democracy. I don't support communism. I support social democracy.
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Dec 8, 2004
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Christian socialism - Wikipedia

There absolutely is such thing as Christian socialism, read it.
Actually no. There isn't. Except in the world of theory.

A couple of centuries ago, when Socialism was a new concept, there was all manner of speculation about how such an idea might be put to work, what variations on that theme might there be, and so on. A couple of them even were tried out in model communities, but no, they never stuck--except for Marxism which became the model that Lenin and Trotsky and some others worked from later on. Christian Socialism, so called, is one of the "never was" ideas that are part of the past.

We can talk about how wonderful it might be IF everybody were cooperative and followed Christ, etc. etc., and we can even give it the name Christian Socialism, but Christian Socialism as anything other than a dream, something that never existed in the real world...is just a talking point.
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Actually no. There isn't. Except in the world of theory.

A couple of centuries ago, when Socialism was a new concept, there was all manner of speculation about how such an idea might be put to work, what variations on that theme might there be, and so on. A couple of them even were tried out in model communities, but no, they never stuck--except for Marxism which became the model that Lenin and Trotsky and some others worked from later on. Christian Socialism, so called, is one of the "never was" ideas that are part of the past.
Well the concept of wealth distribution existed before the term socialism was even coined.
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Dec 8, 2004
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Well the concept of wealth distribution existed before the term socialism was even coined.
Yes, but that's not Socialism. Operating businesses also existed before. So did government.

You cannot make "Socialism" out of one or two characteristics any more than Communist societies which allow old ladies to sell flowers from their gardens makes those societies officially Free Enterprise zones!
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Yes, but that's not Socialism. Operating businesses also existed before. So did government.

You cannot make "Socialism" out of one or two characteristics any more than Communist societies which allow old ladies to sell flowers from their gardens makes those societies officially Free Enterprise zones!
Ok, but even in communist countries, Christianity was still going on... So you are wrong there. In Yugoslavia, religion was around more than ever. My grandmother is living proof. She lived and thrived through communist Yugoslavia (she lived on the farm) and she is the most religious person I know. She is an Orthodox Christian. I don't agree with her denomination, but that's a different story. She has been very religious her whole life all throughout even during communist Yugoslavia. Many people were and there were dozens of churches getting built. Christianity and Christian values were a big thing in the culture in Yugoslavia. So that absolutely was a Christian country even under communist rule... So how do you explain that? Atheism was a former concept in communist Yugoslavia... 99% of people were religious.

Yugoslavia - Wikipedia

So how do you explain this if you think socialism isn't Christian and you think it's atheist? The majority of people were Christian... Tiny, tiny amount of people were atheist...
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Op try making a little sense...ok
First we are not against gays! If they vote for what is best for our country then who cares who they sleep with?
We are against abortion because it has been used as birth control.
We are against open borders because we believe our country should be kept secure... Just like your home. The country is our home.

We are totally against global takeover! America first! That does not mean America only.

Contrary o democrat lies... We are straight.. We are gay. We are white. We are black. We are every color in between. We are Americans!
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Jul 10, 2018
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Op try making a little sense...ok
First we are not against gays! If they vote for what is best for our country then who cares who they sleep with?
We are against abortion because it has been used as birth control.
We are against open borders because we believe our country should be kept secure... Just like your home. The country is our home.
Well I am against gay marriage and abortion. I am for open borders because Canada can only survive on immigration due to our low birth rate. We need immigration to survive, and I am happy to preach the gospel to newcomers. I don't put myself in a box.
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Jul 10, 2018
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Don't you know, Albion? Words mean whatever is convenient for the narrative that they mean! Otherwise you're a conspiracy theorist! ^_^
So if you think socialism is not Christian and only atheist, how do you explain all my family members who are religious, and were always religious throughout communist Yugoslavia? I have Catholic friends from Croatia and Orthodox Christian friends from Serbia and Montenegro. They have always been religious, all throughout communist Yugoslavia...

Everything went downhill when Tito died, nationalism started rising, and the Balkan war happened, which NATO helped fuel by bombing Serbia... If Yugoslavia still existed today, it would be a world power like the UK. Of course the US doesn't want that so they helped separate the country. They also increased poverty in Cuba by bringing sanctions. So Cuba is really poor partly because of the US and their sanctions but America will only blame communism for it. I love Americans, lovely people, but I do not like your government. They are insane.

(On a side note, I am actually related to the last president of Yugoslavia. I wasn't even born when he died but he was my grandfather's cousin.)
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Dec 8, 2004
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Don't you know, Albion? Words mean whatever is convenient for the narrative that they mean! Otherwise you're a conspiracy theorist! ^_^
This may be an example. Congressman Adam Schiff, one of the President's most determined critics, said this Thursday that Trump’s decision to declassify information related to the Russia probe was “un-American.” When it was President Obama, Schiff had called on him to declassify some of the same material. ;)
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Jul 10, 2018
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This may be an example. Congressman Adam Schiff, one of the President's most determined critics, said this Thursday that Trump’s decision to declassify information related to the Russia probe was “un-American.” When it was President Obama, Schiff had called on him to declassify some of the same material. ;)
Dodged my question, nice. I can see you guys lost the argument now. Completely ignoring the religious stats on communist Yugoslavia, the fact Cuba was majority Catholic, and my grandma and family who are all religious, living and thriving throughout communist Yugoslavia.

Socialism IS NOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY as I have proven. It has its roots from Christianity and the bible. Yes it is against those who are against the system, but that's another story, I am not saying that part is right. But you have to stop saying it is an atheist system, I proved it isn't. Like I said before I am pro-freedom and democracy. The idea of socialism is Christian and has been implemented in Christian societies.
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