My favorite argument for the existence of God

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Oct 31, 2017
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You’re not listening, you’re patronizing.
I had to look up that word:
1. treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority.

Ouch, .. is that what you guys think I was doing? Yeah, I could see that now that you pointed it out, .. I didn't think I was able to do 'big word' like that.

OK, so how would you show someone that they are wrong, and that no evidence that they presented has budged you from your stands?

Would you say our teachers are patronizing their students? Or it's OK for them to do it?
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An infinite thing, is still a thing.

And when you start your argument with "anything had to blabla, except this thing, which is special", then you are breaking your own arbitrarily imposed rule and are engaging in the fallacy of special pleading.

Oh boy, so when I'm not patronizing, I'm "special pleading"?
OK, so let me try to ask this in a none patronizing, non-special pleading way as possible: When did I ever say that "Infinite" is a thing? This is my whole point, hoping to get that out of your head that 'Infinite' is NOT a thing, instead "Infinite IS conscious, as in how He defined himself to Moses: "I Am".
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It seems that there is no difference, then, between this type of "infinite" and the non-existant.

This is why we have to come to "know God", so we would not end up worshipping "things", like wood and stone idols as God.
I mean you know me without ever having seen me right? You know me by the words that appear on your screen. What you add is from what you know, is that since you, .. who are a human typing on a keyboard, you assume that is how I must be too.
What you can't or are unwilling to accept is that who "you" really are, which is NOT the body, but the mind/spirit that possesses, uses that body.

God can use any body to communicate to others with, .. heck, even a wrench, a piece of dung-heap like me.

So just because you cannot "see" my mind, doesn't mean I don't exist.

Don't you guys see that when a person dies, no matter how "loved" that person was, that you burry their body ASAP?
If that's what you think a human is, just that body/brain, then why not take it to a taxidermist and have it stuffed? With the technology we have today we can robotize the passed-on loved one, and even have their voice put inside them, and a widow could communicate with the loved-one like she does to SIRI.
But no, because none of us really believes that, .. that; "this corruptible body made of dust" is who we are, so we burry "it".
But what we don't burry is the real person, that soul which lives on with us till we die.
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Seriously, ew.

You don't know me. You have made it clear that you think of me as a fool. And you speak of love?


Just no.

LOL, "ew", .. I love it, .. that's the "atheist" in you talking. Who but someone who loves you could tell you straight out if you're wrong, .. huh?
You think me taking your side, no matter how misguided I think you are, is love? And, oh yeah, .. to prove my love for you; here (my confused and misguided little friend) is a bouquet of roses.
No, I am your true friend, .. you can ask my wife, .. or my children or anyone who knows me personally!?
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Please show me the border on the surface of a sphere.

OK, define this "sphere" you are talking about? Is it made out of air, floating in air, .. that kind of sphere? An imaginary sphere?
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Oct 31, 2017
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Nope. I didn't edit my post at all (and even if I did, it would have been a few minutes after at most. Your response was nearly a day later).

Oh no, I didn't mean you edited your post, or that you intended to trick me in any way. Here:

20 Examples Of The Mandela Effect That’ll Make You Believe You’re In A Parallel Universe

Then I would recommend you read this book once a year. I mean, you never know when you will see it with new eyes.

Exactly my suggestion for you, since I read it on a daily basis.

In any case, the fact that people read it and believe it does not make it true. And quoting Bible verses (throwing them at me, if you prefer :p ) is not going to make me say, "Hmm, maybe I should read it again." And yes, I have read the Bible all the way through.

No, reading a book and believing in it does not make it true, I agree. It has to be tested, which the Bible has done for me, and others, even those who are in Religion throughout the ages. Why do you think the Christian Religion is the biggest Religion out there? It sure ain't because of their History, their actions throughout its 1,700 year history, right? Or the gods that the Christians made out of reading the Bible, .. this is what I am hoping to point out, that even a Gentile pagan-gods worshipping Emperor can be seen as good and righteous because he took the sacred books, and twisted it to justify his actions.
No Organized-Religion can afford to have our Infinite Creator Bible God in their church, that would be the end of that Religion.

Which part of the Bible is dedicated to the task of proving that God is real? Can you post the verses for me?

First, what does an atheist consider "real"? This is what I want to establish first, otherwise, I'll just watch the atheist keep walking in a circle doing the old Ouroboros. This is why I keep telling ya-all; theist/atheist, Christian or any other Religionist that you all interpret the Bible from your individual Indoctrinated (theist/atheist) perspective.
Like that believing Infinite as a "thing" and confusing it with 'infinity' will never be able to understand who God is, .. never. The carnal mind can never see/understand the true Spiritual God. And the Bible is clear on that "God is Spirit, and only those IN the Spirit can worship Him" (know Him, understand who He is, communicate with Him etc.)
Nevertheless, here is a few critical places that explains who God is, by revealing the Son Word, .. why we're here, who we are, and how God creates:

John 1:1-, .. Genesis 1:1, .. John 1:18, let me know if you have any questions?

The documentation of how Peter Parker got his powers is quite well known, and has been retold many times. It is remarkably consistent.


Did the above image convince you that getting bitten by a radioactive spider could give you super powers?

This is a perfect example of how we all can be deceived by mixing sci-fi fairytales with reality, like accepting that Peter Parker is real. In this alternate reality, yes radioactive spider bites can give you superpowers. Just as the thousands of artist rendered and cartoon depictions of planets, and manned-rockets visiting those planets that NASA and Disney have given us. It has worked so well, that now we even take our children to Disney World/Land hoping to make-believe, or make them believe it is real.
Or going to see the NASA rocket launches at Cape Canaveral for "human spaceflight", .. LOL.
This is why I'm here, to hopefully reveal the deception in Religions and their half truths and straight out lies.
Yes, in the Spider-Man comics, the radioactive spider really DID give Peter Parker superpowers. Just as these people here:

can say; "they've been on Mars" lol.

and another example how messed up our world really is;

Here is a man with breast implants posing as a woman. But hey, todays reality is what the law says it's not what the silly doctors put on your Birth certificate that defines you as male or female, but YOU decide on that. That's YOUR decision, just as it is now the Mothers decision to take, or preserve the life of her child.

Except it contradicts both reality and even itself. There are also many claims in the Bible which are incorrect.

For example, the Bible says that Mary and Joseph returned to Bethlehem for a census or taxation (which strikes me as odd - I live in Sydney, but I was born in Vienna, and never have I had to return there for a census or to be taxed). This census was conducted by Quirinus:

Luke Chapter 2
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
2:2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
But the thing is that Matthew says that Jesus was born in the reign of King Herod:

Matthew Chapter 2
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,​

Unfortunately, King Herod DIED nearly a DECADE before Quirinus became governor!
So how can Jesus have been born at a time when Herod was king AND Quirinus was governor when the two events never happened at the same time?

Who was the emperor at the time of Jesus's birth?
Tiberius (Latin: Tiberius Caesar Dīvī Augustī Fīlius Augustus; 16 November 42 BC – 16 March 37 AD) was Roman emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD. Born Tiberius Claudius Nero, a Claudian, Tiberius was the son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia Drusilla.

Who was the king at the time of Jesus birth?
the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, The New International Version translates the passage as: After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time. of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem.

This site does a much better job of it than I can.

Not from what I can tell, they openly admit that; no animal of ANY kind has ever evolved/speciated from one species into a completely different species, in other words, "evolution never happens!", .. yet they claim they are Evolutionists, .. lol. So I wouldn't be putting any money on evolutionists on this site.

No, I won't hate you.

I will, however, think that you have lead a very sheltered life, and if your life has been so sheltered, then maybe you ought to learn what evolution actually is before you start campaigning against it.

Sheltered life? LOL
Well, if you call your own mother, including your 6 siblings trying to kill you every day from the day you were born, to the Day we finally arrived in the US sheltered, well I guess I had a sheltered life.

Yes, I have studied this falsely claimed "Evolution Theory" very carefully, and to sum it up, it's like I just said above:
Evolution claims we evolved over millions and billions of years from amoeba to lizards, to rats, to gorillas and finally to human. But, never has any Evolutionary scientist witnessed a gorilla evolve/speciate into a human. What is even more ignorant, is that they believe that no species of ANY KIND has ever evolved/speciated into another species. How crazy is that?
They also deny Intelligent Design, yet they Intelligently Design and turn boys into girls, .. go figure!?

Again, do you think that I have had such a sheltered life that you are the first person ever who has done this?

Also, it's rather arrogant to think that your point of view is the only correct one and everyone else must be shown it.

You can always prove me wrong.
Yes, arrogant, .. I know, it comes from our parents and teachers. That's why our NWO G.G. (German-Government) has stepped in and said "No More!", so from now on, we are no longer allowed to label our children by their physical traits, but wait for the child to come up with their own gender, or not!? (They now have a choice of "no gender".)
But here is what's really confusing, .. while infant's are allowed to evolve and when they're ready to make up their own genders, I don't have a choice to consider being labeled an "ape", and being called "an animal" discriminatory, .. go figure!?

I do have some weird views don't I? On the grocery store, and on Government building doors the sign clearly notes: "No animals of any kind allowed in building" and I just walk right in. I guess I lost my place in this world, I no longer know what gender to refer to people by, here is a song they commemorated this "mixed up world" by:

(noticed the "Pizzagate" opening scene here?)
or if I should call them an ape!? Can you help me out since they are telling me that I'm an animals and an ape, and I can be any gender I want. An ape in the morning, a human at work and when they want me to pay my taxes, and a female animal in the evening.
What do I choose??

Regardless of that, when you come up and start talking to me in a way that shows that you find works for you must also work for me BECAUSE it works for you, that is arrogant.

So just because I found that loving can be shown by helping people, even if I risk my life in doing it, doesn't mean I should expect the same result from you? Hmm, .. OK!?

I mean, I am a Star Trek fan, but I know there are lots of people out there who really don't like it. Let's say I got one of those people, sat them down and told them I was going to show them Star Trek. "No," they'd say, "I've watched it, and I don't like it."

"Oh, but you're wrong, aren't you?" I'd reply. "Here, let me show you why you are wrong."

Wouldn't that make me a jerk? Of course it would.

And yet you are doing that sort of thing with your religious beliefs. You've decided that since they work for you, they must be the best thing ever, and you must share it with me, a poor little atheist. So you quote Bible verses at me and tell me how much you groove about God. And that's fine if you do. But if I wanted to be a part of that, I would have done it already. I don't want to be a part of it, and if you decide that you have any entitlement whatsoever to try to push it onto me, then that makes you arrogant.

Especially me posting this "ideas" in the "My favorite argument for the existence of God" O.P. (Original Post). How presumptuous of me!

I will have to ASK you for it? Oh no! Please, don't do that!


Nope, .. you can talk all you want, .. only a simple "please" will get me to explain now.

Wow, this is exactly what I meant when I spoke of arrogance. You are now telling me that I will have to ask for something from you that I never wanted in the first place! You can keep it! I'm not interested in hearing about how warm and fuzzy it makes you feel, I'm not interested in your religion sales pitch or your proselytizing. And if that kind of thing is the best evidence that you can present for the existence of your god, then it's little better than those dubious testimonials you see on the infomercials at 3am.

The Bible is full of testimonials, .. but yes, I agree that the Christian Religion has just about ruined everything written in the Bible, including changing our One and Only Possible Infinite and Eternal Creator into just another evolving deity, .. animal of the ape family, or some idol made out of wood or stone.

Again, may I remind you that we are debating: "My favorite argument for the existence of God" and you are trying to derail me from the O.P. by calling me "arrogant" for trying to stay on topic.

But that's OK, since I am accustomed to this kind of childish diversion tactics from atheists. I mean what else could you use to explain you Worldviews, what, .. BB-Evolution? You know what I mean?
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Defeater of Illogic
Nov 23, 2013
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I had to look up that word:
1. treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority.

Ouch, .. is that what you guys think I was doing? Yeah, I could see that now that you pointed it out, .. I didn't think I was able to do 'big word' like that.

OK, so how would you show someone that they are wrong, and that no evidence that they presented has budged you from your stands?

Would you say our teachers are patronizing their students? Or it's OK for them to do it?

To avoid patronizing someone, speak to them as equals, don't talk down to them.
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Defeater of Illogic
Nov 23, 2013
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LOL, "ew", .. I love it, .. that's the "atheist" in you talking.

No, that's not the atheist part of me.

It's the part of me that finds it incredibly disturbing that someone who knows nothing of me and has never met me could love me.

Seriously, that's what stalkers do. And I'm telling you: STOP IT.

Who but someone who loves you could tell you straight out if you're wrong, .. huh?

Lots of people.

I mean, I don't love you, and I'm telling you you're wrong right now.

You think me taking your side, no matter how misguided I think you are, is love?

How in the world did you get these ideas? I never said anything about this.

And, oh yeah, .. to prove my love for you; here (my confused and misguided little friend) is a bouquet of roses.

Remember earlier you were talking about how you didn't realise that you came across as patronizing? THIS IS IT. YOU ARE BEING PATRONIZING.

No, I am your true friend, .. you can ask my wife, .. or my children or anyone who knows me personally!?

My true friend? What's my favorite colour? What's my daughter's name? Tell me ONE SINGLE THING that a only friend would know about me.

You can't.

So STOP IT. You are being a creep and if you do it again I will report you.
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Defeater of Illogic
Nov 23, 2013
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OK, define this "sphere" you are talking about? Is it made out of air, floating in air, .. that kind of sphere? An imaginary sphere?

A series of points in space that are all an equal distance from an arbitrary point defined as "centre".
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Defeater of Illogic
Nov 23, 2013
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Exactly my suggestion for you, since I read it on a daily basis.

You read "The God Delusion" on a daily basis, do you?

No, reading a book and believing in it does not make it true, I agree. It has to be tested, which the Bible has done for me, and others, even those who are in Religion throughout the ages.

Please, describe these tests.

I hope you have more than, "I read it and I felt it was true."

Why do you think the Christian Religion is the biggest Religion out there?

Let's see, there are 2.1 billion Christians. That's about 31.5% of the world's population.

By my count, that makes 68.5% of the world NON-Christian.

You wanna play by the numbers? Christianity loses. The people who think Christianity is wrong FAR OUTWEIGH the people who think it is right.

It sure ain't because of their History, their actions throughout its 1,700 year history, right? Or the gods that the Christians made out of reading the Bible, .. this is what I am hoping to point out, that even a Gentile pagan-gods worshipping Emperor can be seen as good and righteous because he took the sacred books, and twisted it to justify his actions.
No Organized-Religion can afford to have our Infinite Creator Bible God in their church, that would be the end of that Religion.

Yeah yeah, people of every religion claim that their god is special. I've heard it all countless times before. It wasn't convincing then, and it sure isn't convincing coming from you.

First, what does an atheist consider "real"? This is what I want to establish first, otherwise, I'll just watch the atheist keep walking in a circle doing the old Ouroboros. This is why I keep telling ya-all; theist/atheist, Christian or any other Religionist that you all interpret the Bible from your individual Indoctrinated (theist/atheist) perspective.

Real. Actually exists, rather than being a part of the imagination.

But how do YOU define real? You're the one who brought up the subject.

Like that believing Infinite as a "thing" and confusing it with 'infinity' will never be able to understand who God is, .. never.

Is not infinity infinite? If not, please define the difference.

The carnal mind can never see/understand the true Spiritual God. And the Bible is clear on that "God is Spirit, and only those IN the Spirit can worship Him" (know Him, understand who He is, communicate with Him etc.)

Yeah yeah, always excuses for why we can't objectively detect God.

Nevertheless, here is a few critical places that explains who God is, by revealing the Son Word, .. why we're here, who we are, and how God creates:

John 1:1-, .. Genesis 1:1, .. John 1:18, let me know if you have any questions?

Well, for a start, I once again ask you what you think you'll get by posting bible verses. If I post passages from Harry Potter that explain why muggles never see wizards or magic, would that do anything to convince you that Harry Potter is real?

Anyway, your passage is wrong. No man has seen God?

Exodus 33:11
So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. And he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.​

This is a perfect example of how we all can be deceived by mixing sci-fi fairytales with reality, like accepting that Peter Parker is real. In this alternate reality, yes radioactive spider bites can give you superpowers. Just as the thousands of artist rendered and cartoon depictions of planets, and manned-rockets visiting those planets that NASA and Disney have given us. It has worked so well, that now we even take our children to Disney World/Land hoping to make-believe, or make them believe it is real.
Or going to see the NASA rocket launches at Cape Canaveral for "human spaceflight", .. LOL.
This is why I'm here, to hopefully reveal the deception in Religions and their half truths and straight out lies.
Yes, in the Spider-Man comics, the radioactive spider really DID give Peter Parker superpowers. Just as these people here:

can say; "they've been on Mars" lol.

So how do you tell the difference between reality and fiction?

Who was the emperor at the time of Jesus's birth?
Tiberius (Latin: Tiberius Caesar Dīvī Augustī Fīlius Augustus; 16 November 42 BC – 16 March 37 AD) was Roman emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD. Born Tiberius Claudius Nero, a Claudian, Tiberius was the son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia Drusilla.

Who was the king at the time of Jesus birth?
the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, The New International Version translates the passage as: After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time. of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem.

This doesn't address my point at all.

Not from what I can tell, they openly admit that; no animal of ANY kind has ever evolved/speciated from one species into a completely different species, in other words, "evolution never happens!", .. yet they claim they are Evolutionists, .. lol. So I wouldn't be putting any money on evolutionists on this site.

You have no understanding of what they are saying then?

First, could you give a direct link or a direct quote?

Secondly, it is likely they are claiming something like cat's don't give birth to mice. Once you provide an exact quote I'll be able to say firs sure.

Sheltered life? LOL
Well, if you call your own mother, including your 6 siblings trying to kill you every day from the day you were born, to the Day we finally arrived in the US sheltered, well I guess I had a sheltered life.

So because of that you reached the conclusion that no one ever quoted that Bible verse to me?

Yes, I have studied this falsely claimed "Evolution Theory" very carefully

And what qualifications do you have?

, and to sum it up, it's like I just said above:
Evolution claims we evolved over millions and billions of years from amoeba to lizards, to rats, to gorillas and finally to human. But, never has any Evolutionary scientist witnessed a gorilla evolve/speciate into a human. What is even more ignorant, is that they believe that no species of ANY KIND has ever evolved/speciated into another species. How crazy is that?

You really have no idea what evolution actually is.

I would attempt to explain it to you, but you haven't shown that you are willing to change your mind about things.

They also deny Intelligent Design, yet they Intelligently Design and turn boys into girls, .. go figure!?

Wow. Your ignorance of how human sexuality works is astonishing.

You can always prove me wrong.

What wouyld you accept as evidence that would prove you wrong about evolution?

Yes, arrogant, .. I know, it comes from our parents and teachers. That's why our NWO G.G. (German-Government) has stepped in and said "No More!", so from now on, we are no longer allowed to label our children by their physical traits, but wait for the child to come up with their own gender, or not!? (They now have a choice of "no gender".)
But here is what's really confusing, .. while infant's are allowed to evolve and when they're ready to make up their own genders, I don't have a choice to consider being labeled an "ape", and being called "an animal" discriminatory, .. go figure!?

I do have some weird views don't I? On the grocery store, and on Government building doors the sign clearly notes: "No animals of any kind allowed in building" and I just walk right in. I guess I lost my place in this world, I no longer know what gender to refer to people by, here is a song they commemorated this "mixed up world" by:

(noticed the "Pizzagate" opening scene here?)
or if I should call them an ape!? Can you help me out since they are telling me that I'm an animals and an ape, and I can be any gender I want. An ape in the morning, a human at work and when they want me to pay my taxes, and a female animal in the evening.
What do I choose??

Wow. That is really quite incomprehensible. You honestly have no idea what you are trying to talk about here.

So just because I found that loving can be shown by helping people, even if I risk my life in doing it, doesn't mean I should expect the same result from you? Hmm, .. OK!?

Again, you are completely off track here.

Arrogant is thinking that just because something helped you that it must help everyone, and thus trying to get everyone to have one.

Especially me posting this "ideas" in the "My favorite argument for the existence of God" O.P. (Original Post). How presumptuous of me!


Nope, .. you can talk all you want, .. only a simple "please" will get me to explain now.

Why would I want you to explain to me something that I don't believe in?

Do you have any desire to ask me how Harry Potter proves wizards are real?

The Bible is full of testimonials, .. but yes, I agree that the Christian Religion has just about ruined everything written in the Bible, including changing our One and Only Possible Infinite and Eternal Creator into just another evolving deity, .. animal of the ape family, or some idol made out of wood or stone.

Again, may I remind you that we are debating: "My favorite argument for the existence of God" and you are trying to derail me from the O.P. by calling me "arrogant" for trying to stay on topic.

But that's OK, since I am accustomed to this kind of childish diversion tactics from atheists. I mean what else could you use to explain you Worldviews, what, .. BB-Evolution? You know what I mean?

So your favorite argument for the existence of God is quoting Bible passages and assuming that since they convince you, they should convince others?

That's not a very good argument. But if it's the best you've got, you can feel free to go with that.
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Feb 5, 2002
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You wanna play by the numbers? Christianity loses. The people who think Christianity is wrong FAR OUTWEIGH the people who think it is right.

Religions might "lose", but not Jesus. Islam also honors and respects his teachings, and between Islam and Christianity they account for more than half of the planet. Christ as a recognized "expert" on the topic of God wins the numbers game. :)
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Mar 6, 2011
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Religions might "lose", but not Jesus. Islam also honors and respects his teachings, and between Islam and Christianity they account for more than half of the planet. Christ as a recognized "expert" on the topic of God wins the numbers game. :)
World population = 7.6 billion. So 50% would be 3.8 billion.

Christianity = 2.1 billion, Islam = 1.3 billion for a total of 3.4 billion.

You and Jesus both lose :oldthumbsup:
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Feb 5, 2002
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World population = 7.6 billion. So 50% would be 3.8 billion.

Christianity = 2.1 billion, Islam = 1.3 billion for a total of 3.3 billion.

You and Jesus both lose :oldthumbsup:

Citation please. I suspect that your figures for religion are a bit dated whereas your figures for world population are not.
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I'll think about it.
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LOL, "ew", .. I love it, .. that's the "atheist" in you talking. Who but someone who loves you could tell you straight out if you're wrong, .. huh?
You think me taking your side, no matter how misguided I think you are, is love? And, oh yeah, .. to prove my love for you; here (my confused and misguided little friend) is a bouquet of roses.
No, I am your true friend, .. you can ask my wife, .. or my children or anyone who knows me personally!?
She said no.

What part of "no" don't you understand?
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Code Monkey
Jan 26, 2014
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Oh boy, so when I'm not patronizing, I'm "special pleading"?

You're engaging in special pleading, when you use special pleading in your argument. Regardless of how you present that argument.

OK, so let me try to ask this in a none patronizing, non-special pleading way as possible: When did I ever say that "Infinite" is a thing?

*I* said that. An infinite thing, is still a thing.
A thing that isn't a thing, isn't worth discussing because there would be nothing to discuss...

This is my whole point, hoping to get that out of your head that 'Infinite' is NOT a thing, instead "Infinite IS conscious, as in how He defined himself to Moses: "I Am".

A non-thing is conscious and refered to as a "he" and it can do things like defining itself?

Now, you've stopped making sense entirely.
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Code Monkey
Jan 26, 2014
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This is why we have to come to "know God",

How do you get to know that which is:
- not a thing
- has no manifestation
- invisible
- undetectable
- in short: indistinguishable from the non-existant?

It seems you are going out of your way to define this god of yours in such a way that he could never be demonstrated and in the process are effectively defining him out of existance. Making him non-existant.

See how such nonsense backfires?

I mean you know me without ever having seen me right?

I don't know you, but I am aware of at least 1 person that exists who posts under your name. Because I understand how internet forums work.

Your posts essentially are your manifestation.
Your posts don't appear out of nowhere, do they?
You could be a bot... but I'm a software engineer and know for a fact that AI bots aren't nearly at the level of being able to have a conversation on a forum like we are doing here. So I can safely rule that out.

Only one option is left then: an actual living human is posting these posts.

You know me by the words that appear on your screen. What you add is from what you know, is that since you, .. who are a human typing on a keyboard, you assume that is how I must be too.

Nope. As said above... that's only a small part of it. It's primarily thanks to my knowledge on how the internet works. Which, fyi, is demonstrable. Not by "faith", but by actual evidence that I can share freely with others.

What you can't or are unwilling to accept is that who "you" really are, which is NOT the body, but the mind/spirit that possesses, uses that body.

Prove it.

God can use any body to communicate to others with, .. heck, even a wrench, a piece of dung-heap like me.

Prove it.

So just because you cannot "see" my mind, doesn't mean I don't exist.

Just because you cannot "see" the undetectable dragon that is about to eat you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Conversly, we can't "see" gravitation or magnetic fields. But we shure as heck can demonstrate that they exist.

Don't you guys see that when a person dies, no matter how "loved" that person was, that you burry their body ASAP?

Seriously? This is your "evidence" for souls?

ps: what happens to the dead is culture based. Some burry after a week. Muslims burry within 24 hours. Others cremate. I just saw a documentary about a tribe where they feed the dead to scavanger birds. Some tribes in the Amazone grind the bones of the dead and mix it with a drink and then drink it up, thinking it will supply them with the "life force" and wisdom of their ancestors.

If that's what you think a human is, just that body/brain, then why not take it to a taxidermist and have it stuffed?
With the technology we have today we can robotize the passed-on loved one, and even have their voice put inside them, and a widow could communicate with the loved-one like she does to SIRI.

And for some reason, that couldn't be done if you believe in souls?
It's actually funny because I could easily make a case to turn that completely around.
Why don't YOU do that? If the person is actually the soul and not the body, the body being a mere vessel, then shouldn't the body mean less to YOU then it does to me?
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Aug 6, 2012
United States
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I had to look up that word:
It's always cool to learn new things. It's one of the reasons I'm no longer a Christian.
Ouch, .. is that what you guys think I was doing?
Along with being creepy and telling a complete stranger you "love" them, yep.
Yeah, I could see that now that you pointed it out, ..
Great! This means you're not a sociopath and are capable of correcting your behavior to reflect newly learned insights. It's a good quality to have.
I didn't think I was able to do 'big word' like that.
Well, now you know.
OK, so how would you show someone that they are wrong,
Most of us here on CF accept facts.
and that no evidence that they presented has budged you from your stands?
Maybe you've assumed your opinions to be on the same level as facts?
Would you say our teachers are patronizing their students? Or it's OK for them to do it?
It's not OK for teachers to patronize students, although we've all had teachers who do. A good teacher will inspire their students to seek information and hopefully ignite a passion for learning and respect the work and opinions of those more knowledgeable than themselves. Knowing how to think, rather than what to think is a hallmark of intelligence.
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Defeater of Illogic
Nov 23, 2013
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Religions might "lose", but not Jesus. Islam also honors and respects his teachings, and between Islam and Christianity they account for more than half of the planet. Christ as a recognized "expert" on the topic of God wins the numbers game. :)

lol, and Thor is an expert on the ancient Norse religion too, is he?

Jesus is not counted as an expert on the claims of Christianity WHEN HE IS ONE OF THE CLAIMS. Thaty is called circular reasoning and it's a logical fallacy. Naughty naughty.
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Ms Snarky
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Oct 31, 2012
Western Sydney
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Islam also honours and respects his teachings
You are not quite right, the Qur'an recognises Jesus as one of the holy Prophets just as the Qur'an also mentions Jonah and Mary. There is nothing said in the Qur'an about what Jesus taught although his miracles were mentioned.
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