God, Nations, Clergy, Politicians, Legal - connected!


May 24, 2007
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Recently I've changed my belief structure and I thought I would share my story in the hopes that more Christians will see what I see and act appropriately when the time comes.

First of all, I 'll start by telling you that about 9 years ago, I became spiritually awakened. I was born Roman Catholic and became a born again non-denominational Christian in 2005. That was an amazing time for me, as I was completely biblically illiterate for 37 years as a RC, so I prayed for understanding and locked myself in my room for a couple years, literally, and studied, and studied and studied.

A 1611, a Strong's Conc. and a few other resourses quickly taught me that the RC priests do not teach Bible....well, maybe 1%. And the Protestant or other Christian denoms leaders teach things that I just can't find in the bible. It's like they make it up themselves for the most part. But after years of searching, and so many forum posts that I get cramps thinking about it (here and a few other sites) I started to get a handle on what i thought was truth.

I thought I had it figured out basically...not that any of us have it all figured out, but I thought I was at peace with my understanding...

Well, lately, I've been exploring other possibilities. and I am in no way giving up my belief in God, but I think that now my belief is probably very different from yours. Until recently, we most likely had a very similar view of God, whether our end time scenarios included pre, post or other.

NOW however, things have changed...I have become aware of certain facts that have such strong delusion attached to them, that I HAVE to speak about it and hope to help my fellow man overcome when the time comes...and it is coming soon....and you are going to have to act.

1st-The Bible is good. That is completely true IMO.

2nd-The church's main leadership is evil, as are many priests in the lower ranks. (all denom's)

3rd-The church changed the meaning of the Bible, including the return of Christ and what that really means.

While I think most PREACHERS and ALL HIGH RANKING GOVNMNT OFFICIALS are evil, certainly NOT ALL PREACHERS ARE EVIL. My uncle was a military decon for many years and he is easily the most kind person I know. We all probably know preachers like that...good people... But there's something that my uncle was not aware of before, and while he is against many of the same evils I am, I don't think he ever saw what I am attempting to explain to you today. I am drafting this letter to not only post it here, but also to send him a copy and see what his response is.

The letter of the LAW.
In court rooms in the UK (and her children including USA) there is one of the largest scams you've ever heard of going on right now. It's been going on for some time, since the early 1900's...but NOW it is at it's pinnacle.

But I will possibly get into all that in another post. I just wanted to point out to you that in court you are presumed GUILTY until such time as you can prove otherwise, even though they claim otherwise. I AM BEING SERIOUS. I am versed in the Law of the courst, and the Judges and prosecutors and lawyers and clerks are COMPLETELY CONSPIRING against all of their population. They break their own Law each and every time they go to court, which is easily seen/evidenced on youtube. A simple search should start you on your information path. Freeman, Anonymous, Zeigheist, the Venus Project...and more (not that I agree with them all but the info is there).

They even made a ficticious person up with your name, gave you a receipt as a birth cert. (ALL CAPS like all contracts including Driver's licences)) and not only give you a $$ value at birth, but also make it into a trust account/bond and turn you a corporation under their law so they can take your rights away. And they also then trade those "futures" on the open market, (NYSE) for a profit.

They never told you about that account, even though it is legally yours. If you are in your 40's today, your account may have 100's of million dollars in it by now, for real. BUT you can't get at it...prob never. However, you can discharge bills, fines and mortgages etc...all with your signature. LOOK INTO IT ONLINE.

look into it even further and you might find that someone took away your basic God given rights and replaced it with a bill of rights as a corporation. Originally, the system was designed AGAINST such a govnmnt. but the ruling families of the world have weazled their way into all power positions in gov. The top 1% owns th 46% of the wealth in America and they have added so many ammendments to our pervious laws and constitutions that they have literally tricked the people into falling for their scam. They take guns away so you can't fight corruption, and turn us into a bunch of "sheep". We are NOTHING but a commodity to them, a trust account that they can pillage at will., irrespectful of where you live. A well to do slave is still a slave. And you vote to keep them in power? lol, like one side is any better than the other. Don't help fund a system that keeps us all in debt and fear. every $$ you give then helps perpetuate the situation, whether it's paying for a driving fine, getting a marriage licence, getting insurance, Income tax, electric bill and mortgages too, or what ever the case may be. IF U PAY, U HEP THE PROBLEM. Learn how to fight in court, properly.

They also, by virtue of your parents filling out your birth record and sending it to the govmnt, have made you a government employee. 100% true. That is why they can stop you on the highway and tax/ticket/extort money from you. That is what they think gives them the "legal" right to throw you in jail or charge you with an offense.

The only power govnmnt has to stop people on the road without a crime being committed, actually has to do with other government employees, not we the people. Well, they also have their own language called legalese, and they change normal words to mean other things like travelling to driving or conveyance to vehicle because those words have an IMPLIED MEANING unless you rebut it. This is the same reason they call you MR. or MRS. when addressing you. THEY HAVE TO SAY THOSE WORDS so they can "trick" you into being under their "legal" authority, by u simply answering yes. They have no legal right to stop you without a crime, and speeding or no licence or insurance is simply not a crime...it's a statute that is in violation, and govnmnt can only inforce statutes on other govnmnt employees.

Why the court talk? Well, that is only the very tip of the iceburg when it comes to THEM taking away your God Given Rights. But who is THEM? is it only govmnt? Illuminati? Skull and bones?

Not only do we work with a defacto govnmnt (that's not even legal), they also assume things "legally" in court. IOW, once you cross their BAR (gate) ALL of your GOD GIVEN RIGHTS are taken away from you. ALL OF THEM. The court takes the position that you are the one responsible for the claim or debt before you even get to hear a charge against you. They legally treat you like a corporation, because to them you are lgeally a corporation working for the gov.

It's an assumption...as it is also is when they "assume" you work for the government. And you DO unless you rebut it...well, at least in their "legal" eyes.

And we have not even talked about the evil that exists in all governments...how they start war for profit and supress most of those opposed by any means necc.

and that's not even the main issue with me...well, not today

Now onto what I really wanted to talk about.
The church is the same...and they are, and have been for some time, in league together with the evil rulers of our govnmnt...100's of years.

Call it secret society or what ever you want...
church > crown > army
church > usa > army

The history of the past 1600+ years has been very badly warped, and it is only now because of our ever shrinking info world, that we are being made aware of truths many years later.

We've all been taught by the "church" that Jesus is coming back to save us from the evil world. Whether you think you are removed before His Coming or gathered to Him at His Coming, the fact is that MOST ALL OF US believe He will come to right the wrongs that we see every day. We expect Him. We THINK He will solve our problems for us, take out all evil govmnt and set up a Kingdom that will last 1000 years if not forever.

Today, there are a few conspiracies that are so grand, that they almost defy belief. I have a feeling that many of you will not agree with a lot of them, as I fear that your indoctrination will keep you from seeing the truth about, for example, The Return of Christ.



May 24, 2007
Marital Status
The early church fathers believed very differently than you and I. I know some here will quote an author here or there, but we don't have a lot to really go on. It's not until after Constantine that most Christian beliefs were uniformed. That is because before Constantine, Christianity was most likely followed as a form of Western Hermetic Astrology, which understood the actual story that is told to us in the starts and planets, moon and sun. It is a very long story. The character's names change from civilization to civilization, but the acts and times are the same. Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt and Rome ( and Norse too) all depict the exact same thing as the Bible does in their mythology. And I mean almost exactly...and they are ALL based on the stars.

For a while, I contemplated whether or not the "devil" had "imposters" through the ages, and just kinda "played" the messiah role in those other cultures formentioned...but that JESUS was and would be the realization of that truth.

But as I stated, the problem was that no early Christians thought His return was literal. Books have surfaced claiming that they believed that through out the ages, certain individuals would be able to ascend to the next level of conciousness by maintaining their bodies healthily and fasting and meditation. And the thought in hermetic Astrology is that some of the most renoun people in history were able to attain that level. It was kind of akin to what Buddists Monks claim is possible. It is Western Hermetic Astrology's belief that the earth's inhabitants will go through patters of conciousness every "sign". Jesus was portraying His next level conciousness, which Western Hermetic Astrology calls being One with God. (Big G)

BUT when Rome did their thing in the 4th century, Constantine turned Christ's 2nd Coming into a literal story with a literal figure that will literally return...sure, some prob thought that before the :official" change, but we cannot know how many..and we know that the victors write the history books, so IF we are being honest, we really don't know how many believed what. We can only read what we can find, many years removed.

Rome believed in their gods, which Hermetic Astrology believes are the stars and planets, sun and moon moving through the constellations. There are a few different cycles that our galaxy moves in, but basically no star or planet will be in the same place reletave to us, again for 4 Million years. So, for all proactical purposes, each and every day/night, the Zodiac is different. It tells a story.

I am not an Astrology scholar at all. I do not really believe in eastern Astrology which is only dealing with what most of you have seen in newspapers or online or where ever...trying to see the future of our lives...but western hermetic Astrology really makes the most sense out of any religion I've heard...especially organized Christianity. It teaches about God, the universe, the stars, our plce in them, what we are, what we shall become and why any of it is possible. It's all about ascending in conciousness...and those that do will become the future teachers of our culture as it changes from evil to good, which it is about to do.

It's the Ancient Religion that's been stolen from every society that has reveared the stars, and been replaced with the "ruler's" version of story...

In the past, that meant literally pretending to be God from the sky, who's come down to rule on earth...we see that in Egyptian culture. But by Rome's time they had done away with what the story of the gods actually meant, and started worshiping them, literally. They know the events of their stories, but not what they represent.

back then, you had to do things ROME's way or else, so many western hermetic astrology followers disguised themselves and kept their practices as secretive as they could. Since they were writing about the change from one astrology sign (sin) to another, and that sign was Picies, (the fish) hence Christianity's use of the fish symbol. Christ will take away the sin(sign) of the world. We changed zodiac signs from one to the other when Christ was born. On that day, Orion's belt pointed down to the horizon where the sun was rising on it's "birthday" in the new sign. Day 1. THAT was the three wise men.

So, Jesus and the FISH sign was preceeded by Moses killing a BULL (taurus) and blowing the rams horn (that ushere in the sign of Moses' time). And guess what...we just moved into another zodiac sign...so just as major things occured at each of those other points in history, major events will happen at this sign as well...

These western hermetic astrology students and teachers had schools and performed tasks to try to ascend to the next level of conciousness. They would even carry their own cross and be crucified for three days during the spring equinox. It was a trial meant to bring them closer to God, whcih they most assuradly believed in. They did not die on the cross, as it was a ritual...but ROME's use of the cross in general was specifically to teach astrology followers not to study their science/religion.

The cross is the oldest symbol for astrology, as it represents the N.E.S.W. points of the sun at the solstices and equinox'.

I think they believe that God is everything, the universe, or at least the galaxy anyway. And His gift to us humans, is His Son, the sun. He is Light is He not?

Anyway, the Bible seems to be a very clever play on western hermetic astrology. Probably their Masterpiece. So, as more and more Christians were being killed by Rome using crosses, most folks did not even try to learn the Ancient Science. They knew it was not allowed in Rome....so the brave ones that wanted to continue the Ancient Science, hid as best they could...this grew and eventually Constantine came around , and he had an idea...change the story to a literal one about one man, so that the citizens would not all abandon the workforce and do nothing but study for ascension.

The Bible uses the same types over and over again, because they ARE they same figures over and over again. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, earth moon sun

you may also note that "neptune" was well known before, as those old cultures talk about "him" as one of the God's. Just as Zeus dispatches his father Kronos in Greek mythology, Jupiter has the same relationship with Neptune....and we have only rediscovered Neptune a short time ago. many W.H.A. students believe Jesus' name is a combination of Jupiter and Zeus. I think that makes a lot of sence now that I know a little more about the history.

Constantine stole God's role another way. He did not literaly claim it like the egyptian pharos did, because, to him, he was already a god in the eyes of his people. Instead he turned the worlds most beautifully composed science and story and and poem and song, that teaches us that we can ascend (staying here on earth) and live for 1000 years here before moving on.... into literal human events.

So, THAT is what you have adopted as your own belief, unwittingly. A literal event. And if you really study the Old historians like Josephus' records, there is only one mention of Jesus by scholars living at the time, and it is not specific, does not mention "which" Jesus nor does it mention any acts like the Miracles or crucifixion etc.

Infact, most serious scholars seem to think that it was a forgery placed there by Rome to give validity to Constantine's new plan.

So, my short story ends with this; YOU are Jesus's 2nd Coming. YOU are the 144,000, YOU are Abram/Abraham, YOU are Moses....YOU are Jesus...

DON"T wait for Him to Come and fix everything for you. It ain't gonna happen. YOU have to stand up against tiereny and stop it, change it, usher in the new age....because THIS EVIL TIME has ended...we passed the "plane" and have entered new space...

I'd bet that just a ton of people are being spiritually awakened right now. The time has come to make a change by helping to peaceably fight the evil in our gov and churches....BUT DO SO PEACEFULLY

Oh ya, I forgot to mention....the Vatican literally OWNS your soul....lol.
Hospital water ritual...

You might think I'm nuts, but the ones that are nuts are killing people and the planet daily.
And waiting for Christ to come and fix things is their way of controlling you so you DON'T fight them...so you WAIT for Christ to do it for you...and that my friends, is not happening.
Jesus' new name is YOU!

get your body healthy, and follow the example of fasting (which is one of the very best ways to defeat sickness/disease/even the biggies today) . Then maybe you will talk with God like those others mentoined did and become enlightened.

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Brain Damage

Generally Medicated
Nov 14, 2002
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And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

And they'll turn that around too and tell me that he's talking about a multitude of people claiming to be Jesus and then point me to the Mexican phone book....lol

They also exchanged the meaning of the holidays of Jesus birth death and resurrection with fictitious figures like santa and the easter bunny.

Nothing you have to say Zeke37 would surprise me..:thumbsup:
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May 24, 2007
Marital Status
Thanks Brain...

The major holidays of the world fall around the solstices and equinoxes.
That is because at one time the world was united, shared language,
and they thought those 4 times of year were important.

The characters change over the cultures,
but originally they would all have to do with the stars and planets
moving through the constellations, in our sky (the visible heavens).

But of course times change,
rulers destroy libraries and schools
and the truth is lost to true history
which has been covered up or changed
to suite the needs of the ruling class.

So, when we see Santa in the winter
and the Easter Bunny in the spring,
celebrate independence day in the summer
and what ever fall festival your culture celebrates then...
there is no connection at all to the Astrological significance of the celestial events....
but rather only to a fleeting and vague, warped memory
of something long forgotten by the masses.

and even that which we had when I grew up
has become watered down and commercialized so much that it is sad.
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May 24, 2007
Marital Status
So, the Vatican had all the control
UK broke free but sold their soul to do it
USA broke free of UK but bankers creeped in
slowly took over again and started rumors
that caused them to bankrupted the country,
and ruined the economy (Great Depression)

those crooked bankers that started it,
bought up all the banks that failed
and had a complete monopoly.

Being the only source of money, they then loaned the govmnt money at interest
and we've been their debt slaves ever since.
The govmnt does not even own the money in circulation
and it is not backed by a single thing at all,
except for the fictitious fraudulent character's trust
that they created at each of our births.

The money in circulation is not backed by anything

Hitler tried to likewise break free, but obv went about it the wrong way.
While MOST bankers were indeed Jewish,
he declared a slow war on ALL JEWS regardless of what they did for a living.
His plan was to take over Europe and go for Rome,
and start his own NWO

He failed because the USA got involved.
By then, there were many supporters of an American STYLE NWO who were in power.
They were already in league with or owned the banks behind it all.
And they could not allow Hitler to win and ruin their long laid out plans.
So they didn't.

They created a situation, MADE Japan strike,
and had their reason to enter the war

Their power has grown since then, but their control has not.
Weird but true...they have more money and power than ever before,
but more people are awakening to the truth of the matter,
and are opposing these forces on multiple levels

So, anytime you hear of a war or military action,
it's because someone is not playing ball with them, and they are getting spanked.
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zeke37 said in post 2:

Constantine turned Christ's 2nd Coming into a literal story with a literal figure that will literally return...

Note that it is the Bible which shows that Jesus will return "in like manner" as he ascended (Acts 1:11b), meaning that just as at the end of his first coming he was seen by literal eyes to ascend physically from the Mount of Olives into a literal cloud and on into heaven (Acts 1:9,12, cf. Luke 24:39), so at his 2nd coming he will be seen in literal clouds by literal eyes (Revelation 1:7, Matthew 24:30) to physically descend from heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:16) and set his feet on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:3-21).

When Jesus returns, immediately after the future tribulation of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24 (Revelation 19:7-21, Matthew 24:29-31), he will descend physically from heaven on a white horse (Revelation 19:7-21; 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Zechariah 14:3-4, Acts 1:11-12) with all the holy angels (Matthew 25:31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7) for all the world to see (Matthew 24:27,30, Revelation 1:7). Then the church will be physically resurrected (if dead) or changed (if alive) into immortality (1 Corinthians 15:21-23,51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 20:4-6) and caught up together/gathered together (raptured) (Matthew 24:31; 2 Thessalonians 2:1) as high as the clouds of the sky to hold a meeting in the air with Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

At that meeting, Jesus will judge the church (Psalms 50:3-5, cf. Mark 13:27; 2 Corinthians 5:10, Luke 12:45-48) and marry its obedient part (Revelation 19:7-8, Matthew 25:1-12) in the clouds, before it mounts white horses and comes back down from sky (the 1st heaven) with Jesus (Revelation 19:14) as he defeats the world's armies (Revelation 19:19,21), and the Antichrist and False Prophet (Revelation 19:20), and has Lucifer (Satan) bound in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-3).

Jesus will then make the marriage supper of Revelation 19:9 for the obedient part of the church in the earthly Jerusalem (Isaiah 25:6-9; 1 Corinthians 15:54), while the birds will feast on the corpses of the world's defeated armies (Revelation 19:17-18). Then Jesus and the obedient part of the church will rule the surviving nations with a rod of iron for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4-6, Revelation 5:10, Revelation 2:26-29, Psalms 2). After the 1,000 years, Lucifer will be released from the bottomless pit and bring about the Gog/Magog rebellion, only to be defeated for the last time (Revelation 20:7-10, Ezekiel chapters 38-39).

At least 7 years after that defeat (Ezekiel 39:9b), the great white throne judgment will occur, in which all those who hadn't been resurrected and judged at Jesus' return will be resurrected and judged (Revelation 20:11-15). Then God will create a new heaven (a new 1st heaven: a new sky/atmosphere for the earth) and a new earth (a new surface for the earth) (Revelation 21:1; 2 Peter 3:10b,13). Then God the Father will descend from the 3rd heaven in the literal city of New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2), the Father's house (John 14:2, Revelation 21:3), and he will dwell on the earth with Jesus and the church (Revelation 21:3).

In one area outside the walls of New Jerusalem on the new earth will be the lake of fire (Revelation 22:15, Revelation 21:8), in which all of unsaved humanity will be punished forever in fire and brimstone with Lucifer and his fallen angels (Revelation 20:10,15, Matthew 25:41,46).
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zeke37 said in post 2:

YOU are the 144,000...

The 144,000 will all be Christians (Revelation 14:1,4), and so they will all be part of the church (cf. Ephesians 4:4-6). They will be the firstfruits of the church (Revelation 14:4), in the sense of its best part (cf. Numbers 18:12). They will be male virgins (Revelation 14:4), who could all have been born in the 20th or 21st century, and who could all already be part of the church. For they will all be alive on the earth, and will all already be God's servants (Revelation 7:3; cf. Romans 6:22, Philippians 1:1), by the time of Revelation 7:3-8, during the first stage of the future tribulation of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24. They will have entered the tribulation along with the rest of the church alive at that time, for there will be no pre-tribulation rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Matthew 24:29-31, Revelation 19:7 to 20:6).

Also, the 144,000, who are of the 12 tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:4-8), can include both Jews and Gentiles in the church. For all genetic Jews in the church remain members of whichever tribe of Israel they were born into (Romans 11:1, Acts 4:36). And all genetic Gentiles in the church have been grafted into Israel (Romans 11:17,24, Ephesians 2:12,19, Galatians 3:29), and so have been grafted into its various tribes (cf. Ezekiel 47:21-23). So the entire church is the 12 tribes of Israel (Revelation 21:9,12; 1 Peter 2:9-10). This is necessary, for all those in the church are saved only by the New Covenant (Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 11:25; 2 Corinthians 3:6, Hebrews 9:15), which is made only with Israel (Jeremiah 31:31-34, John 4:22b). John 10:16 refers to the "other sheep" of believers who are Gentiles being brought into "this fold" of Israel, which is the "one fold" of the church (1 Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 4:4-6, Revelation 21:9,12). A genetic Gentile believer can pray and ask which tribe of Israel he has been grafted into, and he will receive an answer from God, if he asks in faith (cf. Matthew 21:22), without any wavering (cf. James 1:6-7).

The tribe of Dan is missing from the list of the 144,000's twelve tribes (Revelation 7:4-8; there, "Joseph" stands for Ephraim: Numbers 1:32, Psalms 78:67, Ezekiel 37:16b,19) because the Israel they are from isn't genetic Israel with its 12 genetic tribes which include Dan (Genesis 49:28,17), but rather spiritual Israel (Romans 9:6-8), which consists of all the elect (Romans 9:11-13), both elect Jews and elect Gentiles (Romans 9:24).
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God loves your words, may men love them also
Site Supporter
Aug 3, 2006
OP: You started out really well, but you never fundamentally questioned at what point you would simply have had enough (then it seemed like you got lost in seeing how much you could tie together).

I would say that's a delusion (not that I object to you having it)

The point is, you said it best yourself when you said "have peace with your own understanding" - I think I will learn from that myself.

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Pre-Tribulation Pre- False Messianic Age
Nov 16, 2011
Dallas/Ft Worth
United States
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Hi Zeke....I believe in some conspiracy theories....not every thing is as it seems....only God knows what's really going on in the world and behind closed doors...

One thing for sure...Jesus is coming back. ...Yay!!!

He was good to people when he was here...fair and just ...full of righteousness ....he will be a loved messiah by many when he returns....for Many who have already passed away will have been risen to worship him...and many will yet be saved because of him...
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