Holy Thursday Gospel reflection PART 2


Dec 28, 2012
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JOHN 15:1[bless and do not curse]I am the true vine, and it is my Father who tends it.[bless and do not curse]2[bless and do not curse]The branch that yields no fruit in me, he cuts away; the branch that does yield fruit, he trims clean, so that it may yield more fruit.[bless and do not curse]3[bless and do not curse]You, through the message I have preached to you, are clean already;[bless and do not curse]4[bless and do not curse]you have only to live on in me, and I will live on in you. The branch that does not live on in the vine can yield no fruit of itself; no more can you, if you do not live on in me.[bless and do not curse]5[bless and do not curse]I am the vine, you are its branches; if a man lives on in me, and I in him, then he will yield abundant fruit; separated from me, you have no power to do anything.[bless and do not curse]6[bless and do not curse]If a man does not live on in me, he can only be like the branch that is cast off and withers away; such a branch is picked up and thrown into the fire, to burn there.[bless and do not curse]7[bless and do not curse]As long as you live on in me, and my words live on in you, you will be able to make what request you will, and have it granted.[bless and do not curse]8[bless and do not curse]My Father’s name has been glorified, if you yield abundant fruit, and prove yourselves my disciples.[bless and do not curse]9[bless and do not curse]I have bestowed my love upon you, just as my Father has bestowed his love upon me; live on, then, in my love.[bless and do not curse]10[bless and do not curse]You will live on in my love, if you keep my commandments, just as it is by keeping my Father’s commandments that I live on in his love.
11[bless and do not curse]All this I have told you, so that my joy may be yours, and the measure of your joy may be filled up.12[bless and do not curse]This is my commandment, that you should love one another, as I have loved you.[bless and do not curse]13[bless and do not curse]This is the greatest love a man can shew, that he should lay down his life for his friends;[bless and do not curse]14[bless and do not curse]and you, if you do all that I command you, are my friends.[bless and do not curse]15[bless and do not curse]I do not speak of you any more as my servants; a servant is one who does not understand what his master is about, whereas I have made known to you all that my Father has told me; and so I have called you my friends.[bless and do not curse]16[bless and do not curse]It was not you that chose me, it was I that chose you. The task I have appointed you is to go out and bear fruit, fruit which will endure; so that every request you make of the Father in my name may be granted you.[bless and do not curse]17[bless and do not curse]These are the directions I give you, that you should love one another.
18[bless and do not curse]If the world hates you, be sure that it hated me before it learned to hate you.19[bless and do not curse]If you belonged to the world, the world would know you for its own and love you; it is because you do not belong to the world, because I have singled you out from the midst of the world, that the world hates you.[bless and do not curse]20[bless and do not curse]Do not forget what I said to you, No servant can be greater than his master. They will persecute you just as they have persecuted me; they will pay the same attention to your words as to mine. [bless and do not curse]21[bless and do not curse]And they will treat you thus because you bear my name; they have no knowledge of him who sent me.[bless and do not curse]22[bless and do not curse]If I had not come and given them my message, they would not have been in fault; as it is, their fault can find no excuse.[bless and do not curse]23[bless and do not curse]To hate me is to hate my Father too.[bless and do not curse]24[bless and do not curse]If I had not done what no one else ever did in their midst they would not have been in fault; as it is, they have hated, with open eyes, both me and my Father.[bless and do not curse]25[bless and do not curse]And all this, in fulfilment of the saying which is written in their law, They hated me without cause. 26[bless and do not curse]Well, when the truth-giving Spirit, who proceeds from the Father, has come to befriend you, he whom I will send to you from the Father’s side, he will bear witness of what I was;[bless and do not curse]27[bless and do not curse]and you too are to be my witnesses, you who from the first have been in my company.
1[bless and do not curse]I have told you this, so that your faith may not be taken unawares.2[bless and do not curse]They will forbid you the synagogue; nay, the time is coming when anyone who puts you to death will claim that he is performing an act of worship to God;[bless and do not curse]3[bless and do not curse]such things they will do to you, because they have no knowledge of the Father, or of me.[bless and do not curse]4[bless and do not curse]And I have told you this, so that when the time comes for it to happen, you may remember that I told you of it.[bless and do not curse]5[bless and do not curse]If I did not tell you of it from the first, it was because I was to be still in your company. Now, I am going back to him who sent me. None of you is asking me, Where is it you are going?[bless and do not curse]6[bless and do not curse]so full are your hearts with sorrow at my telling you this.[bless and do not curse]7[bless and do not curse]And yet I can say truly that it is better for you I should go away; he who is to befriend you will not come to you unless I do go, but if only I make my way there, I will send him to you.[bless and do not curse]8[bless and do not curse]He will come, and it will be for him to prove the world wrong, about sin, and about rightness of heart, and about judging.[bless and do not curse]9[bless and do not curse]About sin; they have not found belief in me.[bless and do not curse]10[bless and do not curse]About rightness of heart; I am going back to my Father, and you are not to see me any more.11[bless and do not curse]About judging; he who rules this world has had sentence passed on him already. [bless and do not curse]12[bless and do not curse]I have still much to say to you, but it is beyond your reach as yet.[bless and do not curse]13[bless and do not curse]It will be for him, the truth-giving Spirit, when he comes, to guide you into all truth. He will not utter a message of his own; he will utter the message that has been given to him; and he will make plain to you what is still to come.[bless and do not curse]14[bless and do not curse]And he will bring honour to me, because it is from me that he will derive what he makes plain to you.15[bless and do not curse]I say that he will derive from me what he makes plain to you, because all that belongs to the Father belongs to me.
16[bless and do not curse]After a little while, you will see me no longer; and again after a little while you will have sight of me, because I am going back to the Father.[bless and do not curse]17[bless and do not curse]Upon this, some of his disciples said to one another, What does this mean, that he is saying to us, After a little while, you will see me no longer, and again after a little while you will have sight of me? And then, Because I am going back to my Father?[bless and do not curse]18[bless and do not curse]What is this little while he speaks of? they asked. We cannot understand what he means by it.[bless and do not curse]19[bless and do not curse]Jesus, knowing that they were eager to question him, said to them, You are wondering among yourselves over what I have been saying, After a little while you will see me no longer, and again after a little while you will have sight of me. [bless and do not curse]20[bless and do not curse]Believe me when I tell you this, you will weep and lament while the world rejoices; you will be distressed, but your distress shall be turned into joy.[bless and do not curse]21[bless and do not curse]A woman in childbirth feels distress, because now her time has come; but when she has borne her child, she does not remember the distress any longer, so glad is she that a man has been born into the world.[bless and do not curse]22[bless and do not curse]So it is with you, you are distressed now; but one day I will see you again, and then your hearts will be glad; and your gladness will be one which nobody can take away from you.23[bless and do not curse]When that day comes, you will not need to ask anything of me. Believe me, you have only to make any request of the Father in my name, and he will grant it to you. 24[bless and do not curse]Until now, you have not been making any requests in my name; make them, and they will be granted, to bring you gladness in full measure.
25[bless and do not curse]I have been telling you this in parables; now comes the hour when I will talk to you in parables no longer, but tell you openly about the Father.[bless and do not curse]26[bless and do not curse]At the time I speak of, you will make your requests in my name; and there is no need for me to tell you that I will ask the Father to grant them to you,[bless and do not curse]27[bless and do not curse]because the Father himself is your friend, since you have become my friends, and have learned to believe that I came from God.28[bless and do not curse]It was from the Father I came out, when I entered the world, and now I am leaving the world, and going on my way to the Father.29[bless and do not curse]Hereupon his disciples said to him, Why, now you are speaking openly enough; this is no parable you are uttering.[bless and do not curse]30[bless and do not curse]Now we can be sure that you knowest all things, not needing to wait till you are asked; this gives us faith that you wast sent by God.[bless and do not curse]31[bless and do not curse]You have faith now? Jesus answered.[bless and do not curse]32[bless and do not curse]Behold, the time is coming, nay, has already come, when you are to be scattered, each of you taking his own path, and to leave me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.33[bless and do not curse]I have said this to you, so that in me you may find peace. In the world, you will only find tribulation; but take courage, I have overcome the world.

JOHN 17:
1[bless and do not curse]Thus Jesus spoke to them, and then, lifting up his eyes to heaven, he said,
Father, the time has come; give glory now to thy Son, that thy Son may give the glory to you.[bless and do not curse]2[bless and do not curse]Thou have put him in authority over all mankind, to bring eternal life to all those you have entrusted to him.[bless and do not curse]3[bless and do not curse]Eternal life is knowing you, who are the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.[bless and do not curse]4[bless and do not curse]I have exalted thy glory on earth, by achieving the task which you gavest me to do;[bless and do not curse]5[bless and do not curse]now, Father, do you exalt me at thy own side, in that glory which I had with you before the world began.6[bless and do not curse]I have made thy name known to the men whom you have entrusted to me, chosen out of the world. They belonged to you, and have become mine through thy gift, and they have kept true to thy word.[bless and do not curse]7[bless and do not curse]Now they have learned to recognize all the gifts you gavest me as coming from you;[bless and do not curse]8[bless and do not curse]I have given them the message which you gavest to me, and they, receiving it, recognized it for truth that I came from you, and found faith to believe that it was you who did send me.[bless and do not curse]9[bless and do not curse]It is for these I pray; I am not praying for the world, but for those whom you have entrusted to me; they belong to you;[bless and do not curse]10[bless and do not curse]as all I have is thine, and all you have is mine; and in them my glory is achieved.
11[bless and do not curse]I am remaining in the world no longer, but they remain in the world, while I am on my way to you. Holy Father, keep them true to thy name, thy gift to me, that they may be one, as we are one.12[bless and do not curse]As long as I was with them, it was for me to keep them true to thy name, thy gift to me; and I have watched over them, so that only one has been lost, he whom perdition claims for its own, in fulfilment of the scripture. [bless and do not curse]13[bless and do not curse]But now I am coming to you; and while I am still in the world I am telling them this, so that my joy may be theirs, and reach its full measure in them.[bless and do not curse]14[bless and do not curse]I have given them thy message, and the world has nothing but hatred for them, because they do not belong to the world, as I, too, do not belong to the world.[bless and do not curse]15[bless and do not curse]I am not asking that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them clear of what is evil.16[bless and do not curse]They do not belong to the world, as I, too, do not belong to the world;17[bless and do not curse]keep them holy, then, through the truth; it is thy word that is truth.18[bless and do not curse]Thou have sent me into the world on thy errand, and I have sent them into the world on my errand;[bless and do not curse]19[bless and do not curse]and I dedicate myself for their sakes, that they too may be dedicated through the truth.
20[bless and do not curse]It is not only for them that I pray; I pray for those who are to find faith in me through their word;[bless and do not curse]21[bless and do not curse]that they may all be one; that they too may be one in us, as thou, Father, are in me, and I in you; so that the world may come to believe that it is you who have sent me.[bless and do not curse]22[bless and do not curse]And I have given them the privilege which you gavest to me, that they should all be one, as we are one;23[bless and do not curse]that while you are in me, I may be in them, and so they may be perfectly made one. So let the world know that it is you who have sent me, and that you have bestowed thy love upon them, as you have bestowed it upon me.24[bless and do not curse]This, Father, is my desire, that all those whom you have entrusted to me may be with me where I am, so as to see my glory, thy gift made to me, in that love which you did bestow upon me before the foundation of the world.[bless and do not curse]25[bless and do not curse]Father, you are just; the world has never acknowledged you, but I have acknowledged you, and these men have acknowledged that you did send me.[bless and do not curse]26[bless and do not curse]I have revealed, and will reveal, thy name to them; so that the love you have bestowed upon me may dwell in them, and I, too, may dwell in them.

LUKE 22:39-46
39[bless and do not curse]And now he went out, as his custom was, to mount Olivet, his disciples following him.40[bless and do not curse]When he reached the place, he said to them, Pray that you may not enter into temptation.41[bless and do not curse]Then he parted from them, going a stone’s throw off, and knelt down to pray;[bless and do not curse]42[bless and do not curse]Father, he said, if it pleases you, take away this chalice from before me; only as thy will is, not as mine is.[bless and do not curse]43[bless and do not curse]And he had sight of an angel from heaven, encouraging him. And now he was in an agony, and prayed still more earnestly;[bless and do not curse]44[bless and do not curse]his sweat fell to the ground like thick drops of blood.[bless and do not curse]45[bless and do not curse]When he rose from his prayer, he went back to his disciples, and found that they were sleeping, overwrought with sorrow.[bless and do not curse]46[bless and do not curse]How can you sleep? he asked. Rise up and pray, so that you may not enter into temptation.

2[bless and do not curse]Judas, his betrayer, knew the place well; Jesus and his disciples had often forgathered in it.[bless and do not curse]3[bless and do not curse]There, then, Judas came, accompanied by the guard, and officers sent by the chief priests and Pharisees, with lanterns and torches and weapons.[bless and do not curse]

LUKE 22:47-48
47[bless and do not curse]Even as he spoke, a multitude came near; their guide was the man called Judas, one of the twelve, who came close to Jesus, to kiss him.48[bless and do not curse]Jesus said to him,
Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?[bless and do not curse]

JOHN 18:4-11
4[bless and do not curse]So Jesus, knowing well what was to befall him, went out to meet them;
Who is it, he asked, you are looking for?[bless and do not curse]
5[bless and do not curse]Jesus of Nazareth, they answered; and he told them,
I am Jesus of Nazareth.
And there was Judas, his betrayer, standing in their company.[bless and do not curse]6[bless and do not curse]When he said to them,
I am Jesus of Nazareth, they all shrank back, and fell to the ground.[bless and do not curse]7[bless and do not curse]So, once more, Jesus asked them,
Who is it you are looking for?
and when they said, Jesus of Nazareth,[bless and do not curse]8[bless and do not curse]he answered,
I have told you already that I am Jesus. If I am the man you are looking for, let these others go free.
9[bless and do not curse]Thus he would make good the words he had spoken to them, I have not lost any of those whom you have entrusted to me.10[bless and do not curse]Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it, and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear; Malchus was the name of the servant.
LUKE 22:51
51[bless and do not curse]Jesus answered,
Let them have their way in this.
And he touched his ear, and healed him.
JOHN 18:11
11[bless and do not curse]Whereupon Jesus said to Peter,
Put thy sword back into its sheath. Am I not to drink that cup which my Father himself has appointed for me?

MARK 14:48-52
48[bless and do not curse]Then Jesus said to them aloud,
You have come out to my arrest with swords and clubs, as if I were a robber;49[bless and do not curse]and yet I used to teach in the temple close to you, day after day, and you never laid hands on me. But the scriptures must be fulfilled.[bless and do not curse]
50[bless and do not curse]And now all his disciples abandoned him, and fled. 51[bless and do not curse]There was a young man there following him, who was wearing only a linen shirt on his bare body; and he, when they laid hold of him,52[bless and do not curse]left the shirt in their hands, and ran away from them naked.

JOHN 18:12-27
12[bless and do not curse]And now the guard, with their captain, and the Jewish officers arrested Jesus and pinioned him.