my views changed September 11, 2001

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Chocolate the "other" food group
Feb 26, 2002
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my views changed September 11, 2001

That day was a day that changed my life forever...It was a wake up call for me from God...I had to take a hard look at my life and where I was going or not going, what I was teaching my children, and what message I was giving to every teenager I met...I thought to myself---if I was to die right now where would I go---HEAVEN OR HELL...I couldn't answer that question with absolute knowledge and peace...that frightened me and for days I was haunted about how much hatered was shown on that day and made the decision to renew my life for the lord and to follow him where ever he takes me....I had a couple of callings on my life and the ministry I was to do...first was my love of music and that I relized God gave me a voice and I was distroying it by smoking so I gave it up and now slowly my voice has returned...second a love for the youth of our great nation....I love teens...I have one and I relate to them with out judgement or condemnation because I have been where they are now...and last a calling to motivate any and all who will listen....I am about truth, love, forgiveness but most of all RESPECT....with me what you see is what you get and I have nothing to hide....I love the lord and I am not afraid to shout it from the mountain tops, so with that said I will close this...thank you for listening...WITH MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT....MAMA

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