Recent content by wannaberocker

  1. wannaberocker

    I thought I've heard it all, kissing?

    I think making everything so legalistic is a mistake. Its not a matter of "Right or wrong" its more about the two people involved being comfortable enough to do those things. Rather it be holding hands or kissing. When the two people feel ready then they should hold hand or even kiss. I guess...
  2. wannaberocker


    Pantera hasn't existed since Dime died. Vinnie had his own band n also died recently. Rex and Phil may play together but Pantera dosnt exist anymore.
  3. wannaberocker


    Last concert I went to was Avenged Sevenfold (it was a decent show). Im going to the Metallica show in October.
  4. wannaberocker

    Has being a Christian made you boring?

    And I think the older I get the more I realize that some people are just boring period. I'm around non Christian ppl n some of them are super dull and boring. So, I guess its not about them being a Christian or non Christian its just that what they find interesting, I don't.
  5. wannaberocker


  6. wannaberocker

    Is Comedy Dead?

    So, this is a topic that has been rattling in my brain over the past few months. Of course I understand "Comedy" or what is "Funny" is a matter of prospective. So, ill just share some observations iv noticed recently in Comedy or comics. 1. Everything is political. You cannot watch any Netflix...
  7. wannaberocker

    Has being a Christian made you boring?

    Since I made this thread. I decided to share some updates. I obviously don't feel the same way I did 4 years ago. Its important to remember that the way we feel today might not last past next month let alone years. a few points to remember is that often early on in our walk we have the...
  8. wannaberocker


    Monterey, CA. This is one of my fav pics.
  9. wannaberocker

    Top 5 websites you visit daily.

    1. Drudge Report 2. Yahoo Finance 3. Facebook 4. google 5. youtube
  10. wannaberocker

    The CF Desert Island Game

    wow I made this thread 5 years ago lol.
  11. wannaberocker

    Root Beer

    You r the only person I know who loves root beer :)
  12. wannaberocker

    2017 CF Singles Awards *Updated Category

    Do u guys have these every year? I remember last time i was here few yrs ago they were gonna have um and then the plan just flew through.
  13. wannaberocker


    Bigsby Bridge between Big Sur and Monterey.
  14. wannaberocker

    Does the type of woman I'm looking for exist?

    Im sure such a woman exists. But, the thing is you are 18. You should live and learn and grow as a man before setting up strict boundaries like "I want a woman who will sit at home n raise my kids". I would not get to hung up on things like "Will she want to work after marriage". I would...