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  1. T

    Trying to understand theologically liberal Christians

    So if Jesus explicitly instructed something in scripture to his body of believers, that includes you, then if it does not gel with your modern context of culture and situation, then do you regard the historic Jesus as your final authority in this regard? When you start coughing up with frank...
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    Trying to understand theologically liberal Christians

    Or should I say whose authority are you protecting. Much of what has been said about historical Liberal Theology is factual and referenced from different sources. The accusation of flaming is dismissed. You need to convince why Liberal Theology authority's factual history should be protected...
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    Trying to understand theologically liberal Christians

    This type of religiosity leads to the New Age agenda. The New Age collective consciousness is a Liberal Theological cause and effect in play, in undermining Christ's authority by a collective conscious mind that subjectively promotes its truth as absolute over and above the Word of God...
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    Trying to understand theologically liberal Christians

    We need to abide in Christ's truth and not in modernity's culturally accepted truths. The friend of the world is an enemy of God and his Christ. The answer is always Yes in Christ. The OP is around and will appreciate my reply.
  5. T

    Trying to understand theologically liberal Christians

    I believe that Liberalism is a flagrant attack on the authority of Jesus Christ, attack on the authority of the disciples and the credal fathers, with the premeditation intent to white wash biblical inerrancy with anthology. If Jesus said certain lifestyles are sinful, then the Liberal would...
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    Trying to understand theologically liberal Christians

    In the 80s we had an emergent threat that Dr Walter Martin coined "the Cult of Liberal Theology". Walter Martin in his research identiifed that Liberals speak like Jesus and appear to be clothed like Jesus with their lightly sprayed with Jesus religion, but what they failed to meet within the...
  7. T

    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    When we consider the term homoousian within the Trinitarian Nicene Creed doctrine, we know that we worship the one being, who is one in essence and one in substance. The three persons within the Godhead, who is the one God being, who exist coequally and coeternally. The One Being has One Holy...
  8. T

    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    Seal of guarantee, who guarantees what is to come and who guarantees our salvation is through the Devine providence and person of the Holy Spirit, who signs off on our salvation as mission accomplished. We are coming to the fullness of the knowledge of the Father and the Son and in the fullness...
  9. T

    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    @Revelation 22:10-12 Post Pentecost works are ALL Holy Spirit authored, arbitrared and signed off on. You cannot dismiss and/or to deny that all post Pentecost salvation works are authored, arbitrated and signed off on by the Holy Spirit of Grace, are you?
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    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    The term homoouisian is not foreign to the words of Jesus. The term applies to the one triune being who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus would say "Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may...
  11. T

    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    You are not understanding the term homoousian. Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit are the one being. Yet you cannot worship one person and not the other, otherwise it would not be Trinitarian. Jesus claimed that his works were by the Holy Spirit persona. Jesus as a person was not operating...
  12. T

    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    Very good points. Warning Against Unbelief Hebrews 3:7-11 7So, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you hear his voice, 8do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness, 9where your ancestors tested and tried me, though for forty years they...
  13. T

    Worshiping the Holy Spirit Is Unbiblical

    Nicene Creed I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one...
  14. T

    Fallacies of Preterism

    Thankyou @BABerean2 for your input. Could I kindly get you to read the following in the link below and respond in the other thread? I really appreciate it, thanks. 2 Timothy 2:18 "SOME SAYING RESURRECTION ALREADY BECAME"